OS-ijakings wrote:Although I remember cloud saying to me that it was Neo that had the BIP. Im not sure on this as Im just incharge of all the Wild Speculation and putting 16 and 7 together and making 14.Its only been theorized that Neo was then given the BIP but nothing official has been said to confirm that.
Although I remember cloud saying to me that it was Neo that had the BIP. Im not sure on this as Im just incharge of all the Wild Speculation and putting 16 and 7 together and making 14.
Also, from the latest Sentinal, regarding the Oracle's death, "Don't worry about your friend, dear, because the dead are never truly gone forever. They say that when we go to that final resting place, we're reunited with all of our lost loved ones. I'd like to believe that to be true. "If that doesn't fit in all too well with the theory shes working with Neo and Morpheus from within the Colony I must be blind.Also, from EPN's secret message, "but interesting elements seem to be working in our favor lately. Some are inexplicable, as if Neo himself were behind them. He guides us still as he guides many of you, even those who never knew him"Neo behind recent inexplicable events, eh?Annnnndd this, ding ding ding, we have a hatrick of hints to theory confirmation ^_^
Aren't we simply looking for a "saviour" with all this talk of Neo et al? We might have too many loose threads here, which are trying to be tied-in to one strory-line. I half expect to see mention of The Reverse Vampires in the style of that Simpsons episode.
All speculation is valid regardless. Good theories: let's keep them coming!
Not to mention Mauser brought Override codes back into the Matrix with him, where'd he get a hold of that tech if not directly from someone inside the Colony? It could explain his ability to jack in as well, i mean, Halborn and Carlyne used wireless tech didn't they? Although thats kinda been tried into Wright's research before she "died", as well as the fact he isn't incompatible and wireframey.
Aren't we simply looking for a "saviour" with all this talk of Neo et al? We might have too many loose threads here, which are trying to be tied-in to one strory-line. I half expect to see mention of The Reverse Vampires in the style of that Simpsons episode. All speculation is valid regardless. Good theories: let's keep them coming!/bump
I have some questions for you all to think about. It may go towards the connection between the Oligarchy and the Machines.
Question one. When robots were destroyed and exiled after b1gg3r's trial, How did they form 01?
Question two. If the economy of the time of b1gg3r's trail heavily relied on a robotic workforce, who would stand to loose the most when robots were no longer part of that workforce?
Question three. Who Created the Darkstorm cloud over the earth, not used it but created it?
Question four. Where does the power for the machines come from?
Here are my theories Of these questions.
Question one and two together. I believe that corporations not wanting to loose the capability of a robotic workforce created 01 from the remnants of the destroyed and exiled robots.
Question three. We humans used the darkstorm cloud but a military contractor most likely created it. who better than than the very corporations that backed 01?
Questions four. If the above is true then the creators of the darkstorm cloud also know how to stop it or circumvent it. What if they have in a limit area? They could use solar power or other sources to provide more power to the matrix. thus ensuring their hold over the machines.
What do you all think?
Coro wrote:Aren't we simply looking for a "saviour" with all this talk of Neo et al? We might have too many loose threads here, which are trying to be tied-in to one strory-line. I half expect to see mention of The Reverse Vampires in the style of that Simpsons episode. All speculation is valid regardless. Good theories: let's keep them coming!/bumpI'm agreeing with Coro here. This is way to neat of a package being wrapped for so much info but it is also leaving out a few other things too. How the Oracle and the Morpheus sim fit into all this for instance. I think cloud you and Ijak are now reading in what you want to read in and may want to take a step back to get a view of the larger picture.
I think its the severe lack of any real answers for the last... I don't know, 2 chapters. Its got to the point where I have to start making up my own just to keep me sane and following the storyline with any real feeling of connection.But yeah, the main reason I've started tying a lot of stuff together is from some initial conversation with Ija, while he was doing some archive missions no less, where we talked about Rare being clever enough to drop hints to greater story archs sometimes even chapters before anything really relavant to them comes to light. So i thought hey, what if he's pulled a Hideo and found a way to tie absolutely everything together in the most convoluted but nethertheless entertaining way imaginable?Regardless, I think we can all pretty much agree we're just looking forward to getting some good concrete answers. Maybe come Chapter 12?
I get what you are doing cloud, and all power to your elbow. I also agree that it is human nature to look for nice tidy solutions, and that a Hideo-style finale would be great... But a finale also comes at an end; so may be not so good.
Theories prompt others to come up with their own. I have myself previously offered theories on these pages, which I have little belief in personally, nevermind trying to convince others! Hopefully, we can collectively come up with a variety of ideas and might jointly stumble on the truth.
All opinions should be respected and I apologise if my words were interpreted as any form of rebuff. We must be supportive of any theories offered here, as they will encourage others to provide more.
(/bump again)
More crazyness from Cloudja (me and ija fused xD)!So Danielle Wright is back despite her physical body being destroyed (if Gray is to be believed) and not only that but shes using the Oligarch's crazy wireframe tech. Yet shes apparently not an Oligarch either. And I don't really think the Beirn theory of being purely code works well in her situation, where would she have been all this time? So lets say, for arguements sake, she was the one who invented the wireless human connection technology. The Oligarchs (having always been free-born, since they were never enslaved, due to their alliegence during the war) found out somehow (possibly through their dummy corporation, Ouroboros, which they used to keep an eye on things from inside the Matrix.) and go round her real world lab for a chat regarding them using it in return for them sharing their own knowledge of crazy stuff (Oligarchs are proven bargainers and DW is hardly one to turn down scientific knowledge). This is where she learns the Matrix is more than she'd assumed, not just a simulation for a power source but the very symbol of the "peace" agreement between the Oligarchs and the Machines. Her idea of a human controlled Matrix is flipped on it's head and she starts helping the Oligarchs. She then provides them with the wireless tech which later provided Halborn the ability to come looking for the BIP, but we'll get to that in a sec.So is too far fetched to assume that with some sort of combination between the BIP, Wright's tech and the Oligarch tech (remember they were able to use human minds as data storage, maintaining the link to their eyes and ears in Ouroboros.) they could have created some way to transfer a person's being between physical bodies, much in the same way programs could swap shells? I mean, machine overwriting uses the same basic principle. Think about it, we already know there was another BIP floating around that had "already left the matrix" that Halborn apparently knew about. He saw what the other Oligarchs and Wright achieved using this BIP (possibly the "slave" Seraph was talking about and wanted to use it to transfer himself to a new body (remember he was super old and crippled or something or other), but they wouldn't let him. Hence his going a bit rogue and tearing the Matrix up. And when it came to Wright's assassination, she used the body transfer before the sentinels killed her (explaining the confirmed body). Only problem is she must've transferred to a freeborn body, hence her using the wireframe tech.So whats the big deal with all this? Bringing back the dead. In the intial character outlines before MxO's launch they made the point of the mind still managing to survive moments after the death of the physical body (specifically speculating the return of Trinity). Well, lets say for instance the experimental device the Assassin witnessed on her body (specifically on the cortex jack) was making a digital "backup" of her mind. Now thats all well and good but without a body to house a mind, or more specifically a method of inserting this data back into physical form its not a lot of good (apart from research into emotion, hence Agent Pace (and more recently the valkyre chicks) being dirivitive of Trinity). So if Wright had really developed a body swapping using BIP technology she could theorectically bring back any backed up mind into physical existance. Think Neo, Trinity, Morpheus here. All it takes an image of their minds, a host body and a way of interfacing it (Biological Interface Program) and you're set./Speculate.
Well, lets say for instance the experimental device the Assassin witnessed on her body (specifically on the cortex jack) was making a digital "backup" of her mind.
cloudwolf wrote:Well, lets say for instance the experimental device the Assassin witnessed on her body (specifically on the cortex jack) was making a digital "backup" of her mind.Interesting, but I am at a loss about what the above is about. Was it something that came up during the assassin era?
Wha? I thought they just sprang out of the nothing from the mind of... oh wait nvm...
<walks off a tad bit more enlightened>