very good walrus
Btw its good to see you around again, now to bug you for a Other Side Of The Looking Glass
OK you're saying you were at E3 just to sell MXO...
Comon you must have had a play around on the next-gens, so go-on which one is better PS3 or Wii?
Anyway nice report, nice to have you back.
The gig was apparently up, as Fallen Horizon figured out that one of the demo characters was “NoElves” and met up with me in the Barrens. We chatted a bit during my brief breaks between visitors, but mostly they stood there dancing on the screen for everyone to see. At one point I turned around to see they had all lined up with my character for screenshots, apparently. When I commented that they were a bunch of jokers, Ic3b3rg retorted: “No Jokerz here. They’re all on Vector.” I love our community.
Yea Walrus that was a lot of fun, I hope we entertained the people watching
Sound like it went really well, good to hear!
Walrus wrote: It also appears that our next-door neighbors turned on their overhead light system on Thursday, as well. First, I noticed a spinning logo on the wall behind our demo stations. Turning around, I was greeted by a blinding light in my eyes until it turned to point the spinning logo on the front wall. I still have “Konami” burned into my retina as I write this a week later.
Walrus wrote: I now have several invites to visit the Austin team, which sounds like a great idea—in the winter.
It was fun taking pics of the Demo character and briefly talking to walrus. FH 4tw.
Message Edited by Ic3b3rg on 05-18-2006 05:44 PM