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Update 42 Date Change Announcement (Mini-Other Side) - Thursday, March 16, 2006
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Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 19, 2005
Messages: 119

Thank you very much for making keeping the beta clothing non-tradeable, altho i would ask if it's possible to re-grant them to those beta players who have lost or had to recycle some of their clothes? as much as many beta players did express their desire to keep them non-tradeable a large number said that they would love to have their beta gear back. and I'm glad your taking the extra week on cr2.0, have to say that i've been playing a lot more on the test server recently and I find it a real drag to come back to the current combat system. great work!

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
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Location: Los Angeles, CA

Why does the one that I actually want to attend have to be on the other side of the country (although it's nice that they finally got the thing out of Anaheim for once, ignoring how I could chuck a rock and hit someone there).

Femme Fatale

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
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A.) If they dont know how the CU works it's their fault, they should have tested on the EP server.

B.) The reason I think it's a bad idea is because everytime we had a big update in the past before an event, something happened that pissed off a lot of people and cause the game to shut down for hours at a time.

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 2235

Walrus wrote:
We also wanted to make them tradable so players who had beta clothing could email them to alternate accounts for storage. Given the current crush of inventory space, this seemed like a desirable feature.

Were you refering to the original plan, or the new one? Because that was long before SOE came around with their email feature.


Joined: Mar 10, 2006
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Location: ATL from NYC

D'ya Devs have time to make a few more major tweaks that we the community have been asking for since day one, while you've extended for a couple more weeks? Do as a favor please, read most of the posts in the Development forums & give us a "yes, no, or maybe" on our ideas that you think will be doable within your budget?

Ascendent Logic

Joined: Dec 3, 2005
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Yay! Platipusplatinum will be happy about this non-tradeable bata wear SMILEY I will inform him soon SMILEY Seriously I like they keep non-tradable as well for the "I was Therefeel of our Veterans" /clap. I am just looking forward to my betacap SMILEY on a sidenote...good event isnt pushed back,..ehh about the 2.0 why not wait till after event? SO everything can run smoothly? Would be hell if 2.0 was botched or something in the middle of the event...but offcourse its not..RIGHT!!!!






Joined: Aug 16, 2005
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Location: Redlands, CA

I think it would be better if no revision release dates were even given; better to be pleasantly surprised every once in a while instead of constantly dissapointed.

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
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Location: Cologne, Germany

CR 2.0 Patch and Event in one week. I see trouble coming up


Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
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Location: Vector

CR2.0 has many things in it that are crucial to the various elements of the Event that is they pretty much gotta do both or none at all it looks like.

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 1361

Walrus wrote:

I'll ask again what MxO players should do, as I'd love the opportunity to meet y'all. (Karaoke or no.)

Quite naturally we should go there and tear the place apart. Or....

Can you think of a better place to have a Live Event than a Live Event? There is the problem of people running like chickens with their heads cut off and the possiblity that one of the clues may be accidentally given away.


For all the artists, you could have a digital art showcase.


A giveaway for digitally inclined...hell, I'm sure you get someone from Sony Digital to donate. I would suggest this gift to be something that someone could use for podcasts or video stream, etc.


Of course, just sit down and tell us the truth what the hell really happened during the last 1 1/2 years since the beta opened up. Or, just leave a poster up of the CEO/President of SOE and hand out mock MxO water weapons and if that is too difficult to source, just hand out tomatoes (rotten ones).

and finally,

Buy us a round of beer. Then, call it a day.

And, if none of this can be done, talking is fine.

Edit: BOO!!!!!

Message Edited by RainKingX on 03-17-200602:55 PM

Message edited by RainKingX on 03/17/2006 10:55:35.


Joined: Sep 10, 2005
Messages: 99

Awww no beta clothes, I started in May so I never got em.  Don't guess you can still get that special Gamer magazine coat either SMILEY Honestly most all the beta players I know don't give a hoot about them and most recycled them, XD two of them I know were ready to hand over their full sets of beta stuff to me.  I guess not trading them is fine....but for goodness sake MAKE SOME NEW CLOTHING DESIGNS. Thats one of the only reasons I was looking forward to update 42 was new clothes I could wear SMILEY I don't care if they have nice things they do or not I just wanted new clothes!  Months and months on a combat upgrade but no new clothing items...other than those hideuous hats on the test server.  Where's my clothing 2.0?  Oh well, the even should be fun and combat 2.0 is fun from what I've tried of it. SMILEY


Joined: Sep 10, 2005
Messages: 99

Oh oh, but I must say good job on fixing some of the black items! Fix some more! My gi's still look a goofy shade of grey -_- Oh and if no new clothing designs per say, how about a Black Kell shiny jacket (like the gangs have) or a black signet midriff...or white croc pants/jacket? SMILEY Just a bit of shading and *poof* instant happy Asagi!  We Vixens on Syntax live for clothes, lol that and merv huntin'. SMILEY

All the best,


Cap'n of The Trinity's Legacy

Vixens (Syntax) ZION

Fansite Operator

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I hope they try and spread things out in the future. We wait ages for something and 2 things come along at once.

Jacked Out

Joined: Nov 26, 2005
Messages: 22

Thank you for listening to the community about beta clothes.

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 17, 2005
Messages: 720

Well as I understand this, just the aniversery event is not being pushed back... and something tells me it's not going to be too combat intensive if it's being released so close to the CR2 launch.

So here are the choices the devs have:

1. Put CR2 out right now, and tick alot of people off who are convinced that CR2 is going to be bad (Just more ammo for them to use)
2. Push back the aniversery event again, and tick people off who scheduled time off for it (not all people live in the US, or in PST)
3. Compromise and push CR2 out a week, and keep the event on track.
4. Frantically try and remove the CR2 code from the game and try to launch update 42 on the week of the 20th, possibly causing more issues.

I vote for #3
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