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The Lounge Off-Topic Discussion New iPhones June 17th Re:New iPhones June 17th nubious81 0 06/09/2009 10:35

yeah im planing on geting a 3gs im just deciding whether i want a 16 or a 32.

The Lounge Off-Topic Discussion The Ghostbusters are Back on ps3 360 Wii Updated Re:The Ghostbusters are Back on ps3 360 Wii Updated nubious81 0 06/09/2009 09:00

first 10 mins of game play is up and it looks great the script looks like classic ghostbusters material


The Lounge Off-Topic Discussion New iPhones June 17th Re:Re:Re:Re:So whos ready for some new iPhones tommorow? nubious81 0 06/08/2009 18:32

MxO_Neopill wrote:

nubious81 wrote:

MxO_Neopill wrote:

Gotta wait another month, but I think it will be worth the wait. I've been using my 2g iphone for a LONG time and never had any problems other than that i've hacked it to heck, mainly all 3rd party apps through Cydia. Certain programs slow it down, but the ability to change the entire phone to look the way i want is awesome. I never went to the 3g because my 2g was awesome and  I pwned it for use with TMobile.

But the new one finally addresses the main issues with all previous iphones like tethering and MMS. I'm totally upgrading.

i do agree with 3.0 coming out jailbreaking seems less realivant but i do like backgrounder so i can listen to pandora while im on the web so if apple had bacground proscsses i think its almost totaly pointless to.

 jail break

I never said jailbreaking wasnt relavent. Im a t-mobile user, and the i[phone is att. So jailbreaking is a must for me, for which I use quickpwn and am rockin' 2.2.1 on my 2g.

But the program that I use for tethering and MMS are totally not up to par. (PDAnet , SwirlyMMS) As well as the offerings for Video recording (cycorder)  and whatnot.

Even if I was an att customer I would totally pwn the iphone, its meant to be open-source, why not use it to it fullest potential?

yeah i do like jailbreaking but i do notice the battery hit it takes on it some times as i said all i really need is the backround apps and i be happy with the regular OS the themes are nice but its hard when i get 6 pages worth of aps lol im probally exaturating on the 6 pages but i got alot

Community General Discussion The man behind the Machine Re:The man behind the Machine nubious81 0 06/08/2009 17:41

Harpolos you probally one of my favorite liasons and i hardly work with you but what you did to improve this game has been great and i applaud you over the Hovercraft battles

The Lounge Off-Topic Discussion New iPhones June 17th Re:Re:New iPhones June 17th nubious81 0 06/08/2009 17:37

Cervacius wrote:

I have the 3G and I don't plan on upgrading to the 3G S since my contract isn't up yet, but let me see if I get this straight:

OS 3.0 will be available for 3G.  But Voice Control, Compass, Video recording, Photo editing, and the 2x speed boost will only be for the S, right?

yeah im not sure bout voice control

The Lounge Off-Topic Discussion New iPhones June 17th Re:Re:So whos ready for some new iPhones tommorow? nubious81 0 06/08/2009 16:47

MxO_Neopill wrote:

Gotta wait another month, but I think it will be worth the wait. I've been using my 2g iphone for a LONG time and never had any problems other than that i've hacked it to heck, mainly all 3rd party apps through Cydia. Certain programs slow it down, but the ability to change the entire phone to look the way i want is awesome. I never went to the 3g because my 2g was awesome and  I pwned it for use with TMobile.

But the new one finally addresses the main issues with all previous iphones like tethering and MMS. I'm totally upgrading.

i do agree with 3.0 coming out jailbreaking seems less realivant but i do like backgrounder so i can listen to pandora while im on the web so if apple had bacground proscsses i think its almost totaly pointless to jail break

The Lounge Off-Topic Discussion New iPhones June 17th Re:Re:So whos ready for some new iPhones tommorow? nubious81 0 06/08/2009 16:42

Cerlaine wrote:

At these prices we are looking at At&T minimum contracts (o2 for UK users) of such and such right? Or are the prices Pay as you go?


yeah 2 years att im currently at verizon im planing on getin over to att cause im tired Verizon cripling there phones

The Lounge Off-Topic Discussion New iPhones June 17th Re:So whos ready for some new iPhones tommorow? nubious81 0 06/08/2009 14:27

yeah ill be geting the 16 gig white model i think and will deffintly be buying snow leopard that is really a great price

Community General Discussion Did some of the 2 x XP fall away in the server restart Re:Did some of the 2 x XP fall away in the server restart nubious81 0 06/08/2009 12:22

yeah mission xp is fine im geting about 406k for 3 stage assasination wich is what ivebeen geting but the npcs droped in xp i was able to get 50k now geting 24 for 3 chev

The Lounge Off-Topic Discussion New iPhones June 17th Re:So whos ready for some new iPhones tommorow? nubious81 0 06/08/2009 12:18

welll heres the new updates new Macbooks up to 3ghz  starting price is 1699

Snow Leopard comes out September only 30 bucks to current leopard users 50 bucks for a family pack

iphone FW 3.0 will be out June 17th 9.99 for ipod touch users and if u have a second gen ipod touch it will unlock bluetooth

new Iphone 3GS Faster procssor Voice controll  Video  digital compas  pricesses 16 gig at 199 and 32 gig at 299

Current 8 gig  3g iphone will now be at $99

The Lounge Off-Topic Discussion New iPhones June 17th Re:So whos ready for some new iPhones tommorow? nubious81 0 06/08/2009 09:12

well almost half an hour till the keynote apples store is down so that gaurantees new products anyway if u wanna follow it i usally use they do  live blogin




so sit back and enjoy

Community General Discussion Cinematic 11.3 Adaptation Re:Cinematic 11.3 Adaptation nubious81 0 06/08/2009 08:03

i dont know it has been a while since i use it but i think you can save it as multiple formats wich could help  compress it i would have to look

Community General Discussion Cinematic 11.3 Adaptation Re:Re:Re:Cinematic 11.3 Adaptation nubious81 0 06/08/2009 07:36

KevinX wrote:



   Windows Movie Maker cut the end of each scene.So no Fade outs.   blame bill gates.

   The mario song well.. : P I liked how it went with those two.



We plan to keep going with a fusion of Rarebit's original story line and some... let's say... fillers.

Since we dont have that many details. : (

@ Other 7

  Thanks. : D

i have to say iMovie is 100x better than Movie maker

The Lounge Off-Topic Discussion New iPhones June 17th Re:So whos ready for some new iPhones tommorow? nubious81 0 06/08/2009 07:32

its rumored atleast least thats what i hear for today the developers got the sdks in march and it should be enough time for it to come out now it was the same time period when 2.0 was coming out

Community General Discussion Cinematic 11.3 Adaptation Re:Cinematic 11.3 Adaptation nubious81 0 06/07/2009 22:22

Great job guys

Community General Discussion Walrus! Re:Walrus! nubious81 0 06/07/2009 22:08

HEy see ya there bud how are things going SMILEY

The Lounge Off-Topic Discussion Castlevania Kojima's post Metal Gear project. Castlevania Kojima's post Metal Gear project. nubious81 0 06/07/2009 21:51


This looks pretty awsome and the fact that patrick stewart is in it makes this game more awsome im deffintly intrigue by the style of this game looks amazing knowing its from kojima it will be.

The Lounge Off-Topic Discussion New iPhones June 17th Re:Re:So whos ready for some new iPhones tommorow? nubious81 0 06/07/2009 19:53

UniToxic wrote:

I heard rumors of a new iphone the end of this year apparently well thats what O2 are telling people apparently.. but i don't know, on the other had Firmware 3.0 looks sweet how the Iphone should have been at its launch to be honest im even tempted to spend the 99$'s and register for the developer shitzniz just to get it as soon as i can hehe.

i wouldnt even bother at this point unless your intrested in app development cause the 3.0 firmware is scheduled to go ahead on monday.

The Lounge Off-Topic Discussion New iPhones June 17th Re:Re:So whos ready for some new iPhones tommorow? nubious81 0 06/07/2009 17:11

Cerlaine wrote:

nubious81 wrote:

push notification for 3rd party apps such as geting ims while you dont have a im Client open.

This is indeed the awesomesauce I personally have been waiting for.

yeah meebo i think will be the first im client with push unless beejive has one ready im also wating for the espn with push alerts

The Lounge Off-Topic Discussion New iPhones June 17th New iPhones June 17th nubious81 0 06/07/2009 13:01

Well apples WWDC is tommorw they will have a keynote tommorow morning  the big things that are expected to be shown off are the latest OSX aka Snow Leopard. 3.0 and the big thing that have been buzzing around is the  rumors of new iphones wich will add two moddles a 4 gig and 32 gig the 4 gig is rumored to be 99$ wich i think will be a huge sucsses in iphone sales if it comes true, now the big new features the new iphones are supose to have are a better camera the rumored specs are 3.5 mega pixle that will also suposivly have video support  compas ready faster procssesor and ram. The new os 3.0 for the iPhone will also bring Copy paste MMS push notification for 3rd party apps such as geting ims while you dont have a im Client open. im looking forward to this im thinkin bout geting one down the line and i h ope these new iphones will be pretty huge.

The Lounge Off-Topic Discussion FF14 (PS3) Re:FF14 (PS3) nubious81 0 06/02/2009 20:44

Trailer looked nice  cant wait to see more. FFVII is now up on psn 10 bucks.

Community General Discussion Other Soe game test run any update? Re:Other Soe game test run any update? nubious81 0 06/02/2009 20:43

Same here i had contacted cust suport but havent got anything yet.

The Lounge Off-Topic Discussion Extra Uncharted 2 Beta Key Re:Extra Uncharted 2 Beta Key nubious81 0 06/02/2009 20:18

Remixermike wrote:

I got 2 keys 1 from being in sonys G.A.P and being a member of Qore so i used my G.A.P code and i have a Qore code left over so if anyone wants it just post here and i will just randomly pick someone lul x.X oh and even though its not midnight they already uploaded the Beta and the servers are up.

i can use one i know some one who wants a extra key.

The Lounge Off-Topic Discussion The Official E3 News Thread june 1st-4th Re:Re:The Official E3 News Thread june 1st-4th nubious81 0 06/02/2009 19:23

Yasamuu wrote:

I think Sony did a decent job of clawing back some of the initiative microsoft took.

I prefer Sony to Microsoft and would most likely prefer Ps3's to 360's if I owned one, however, despite my preferences ironically the Ps3 is the only Next-Gen Console I don't own,

yeah i have been a sony user back since psone i would get a 360 if the RROD wasnt succh a huge problem my friend from work says her brother is on his 4th 360 i do like the Facebook integregation  though that seem pretty cool

Community General Discussion What will you take away from your experience with MxO? Re:What will you take away from your experience with MxO? nubious81 0 06/02/2009 18:59

Faction Members most of us are gonna be heading over to SWG

The Lounge Off-Topic Discussion Hideo Kojima's Next Re:Hideo Kojima's Next nubious81 0 06/02/2009 18:13


ps3 Metal Gear Rising is coming

The Lounge Off-Topic Discussion The Official E3 News Thread june 1st-4th Re:The Official E3 News Thread june 1st-4th nubious81 0 06/02/2009 18:10

according to IGNS schedule there is a unnanonced PS3 Title Video at 745 pst time tommorow night.

The Lounge Off-Topic Discussion The Official E3 News Thread june 1st-4th Re:The Official E3 News Thread june 1st-4th nubious81 0 06/02/2009 12:46

ps3 Just Pwned awsome  new motion sensor controller New little big planet racing style game. Metal Gear psp looks good and Final Fantasy XIV ps3  only


Update Grand tourismo 5 trailer with nascar Racing showing God of war 3 footage now

The Lounge Off-Topic Discussion The Official E3 News Thread june 1st-4th Re:The Official E3 News Thread june 1st-4th nubious81 0 06/02/2009 08:31

the big shock factor i think sony would dominitae  i think is if GTA V would be ps3 only that would be huge.

Community General Discussion Boost EXP & $info Drop Rate Re:Boost EXP & $info Drop Rate nubious81 0 06/02/2009 05:51

missions are good xp with my merv alt im geting 460k xp just for hard assasination missions im currently level 29  i have yet to try archive missions ill try them later today as for Datamine you can get 500k info a tap.

The Lounge Off-Topic Discussion The Official E3 News Thread june 1st-4th Re:The Official E3 News Thread june 1st-4th nubious81 0 06/02/2009 05:36

im anxisouly wating for sonys today i have heard some more rumors from a few other sites and hoping sony dropb out some big games.

I hear Mass effect 2 may be going to the ps3

Trophies and Freinds list are possibly coming to the psp there was a leaked video last night of socom for psp awarding a player a trophy.

Big Stuff from home

i wanna see some new stuff from Heavy Rain FF XIII VS little big planet psp and would like to see a new Firmware update

The Lounge Off-Topic Discussion NBA Face Off: Who will win? Re:Re:NBA Face Off: Who will win? nubious81 0 06/01/2009 22:29

Midnight wrote:

I agree, my whole thing with the Lakers is there not consistant at all. They lose by double digits to teams that are far less superior then the Lakers.

I think the other issue is if Kobe isn't hot or on his game noone seems to be able to do anything.


i do wanna see new MVP puppet Comercials with Kobe and Dwight SMILEY heh.

The Lounge Off-Topic Discussion NBA Face Off: Who will win? Re:NBA Face Off: Who will win? nubious81 0 06/01/2009 21:40

being a early 90  Knick fan i like Jeff van gundy and ive been a fan of his brother as far as coaches so im rooting for  the magic but i think the lakers are the hotter team right now so im gonna say lakers in 7 but im rooting for the magic.

The Lounge Off-Topic Discussion 24 Season 7 Discussion Re:Re:24 Season 7 Discussion nubious81 0 06/01/2009 20:18

letsrock wrote:

Oh cool !  I thought season 8 wouldn't start till like next year. glad you told me.

yeah it starts next year but what happens in terms of story progression is a few weeks.

Community General Discussion Other Soe game test run any update? Other Soe game test run any update? nubious81 0 06/01/2009 17:55

im intrested in trying some of the other SOE games  now im wondering how do we go about this i alredy used my SWG Trial do we sub for the Station acsses  or some other way any on how to get this to work.

The Lounge Off-Topic Discussion 24 Season 7 Discussion Re:24 Season 7 Discussion nubious81 0 05/31/2009 22:54

well heres what im hearing what goes on for Season 8


Jack survives obvioulsy and CTU  Re openes in NYC i think this is my theory Renne finds out From the inttergations i forgot wh othe main bad guy name was they catpured at the end says theres a fall out plan if he captures and there will be a attack in NYC. dunno if thats true again just my guess but they did say it will be in NYC and Freddie prenz Jr will be taging along with jack as his new side agent to they confirmed that last week so the gap between 7-8 is supssovily severall weeks.

The Lounge Off-Topic Discussion The Official E3 News Thread june 1st-4th Re:The Official E3 News Thread june 1st-4th nubious81 0 05/31/2009 15:12

here are the keynote times i had found out the Times are all paciffic  atleast i think so .


Microsoft is june1st 1030 am

Nintendo is june 2nd 930am

Sony is june 2nd 11am.

Vector - Hostile World Discussion - Vector FREE SKOAL ! Re:FREE SKOAL ! nubious81 0 05/31/2009 14:00

indeed bring Back Skoal

The Lounge Off-Topic Discussion The Written Word Re:Re:The Written Word nubious81 0 05/31/2009 13:57

MarsNova wrote:

Currently Reading - Cat in the Hat.

Favorite book - Green Eggs and Ham.

cat in the hat = Epic book ever made! heh.

in all seriousness though i have kindlee for the ipod touch and im gonna buy joe torres new book since im a Yankee fan and he's probally the top 5 coaches ever in the MLB

Community General Discussion LESIGS Re:LESIGS nubious81 0 05/31/2009 12:09

the top liasons in my opinon were deffintly Merrit Rylet Vogt and Systematica they all did the jobs very well i had been privliaged to work with all 4 of them and were great again tip of the hat to all lesig members as well SMILEY

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