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Desert of the Real SOE Discussion Fan Faire Returns to Las Vegas, June 25 - 28, 2009! Re:Fan Faire Returns to Las Vegas, June 25 - 28, 2009! Mathalos 0 06/02/2009 23:47

I have signed up. I am the first Syntax sign-up. I am signed up under Les Enfants Terribles.

Community General Discussion The Patch Re:The Patch Mathalos 0 06/02/2009 23:39

It's the first one.

Desert of the Real SOE Discussion Fan Faire Returns to Las Vegas, June 25 - 28, 2009! Re:Fan Faire Returns to Las Vegas, June 25 - 28, 2009! Mathalos 0 06/02/2009 12:24

What faction has everyone registered under?

Community General Discussion LESIGS Re:Re:LESIGS Mathalos 0 05/31/2009 12:05

Harpalos-mxo wrote:


Way too many good words for me to rely on messengers anymore! I decided to resubscribe just to have some parting words, and to be with you guys, this time, not through the cover of a special character. My story with the LESIG, including Vogt, has been a rocky, but oh so great experience, that a single post might not be enough! I'll take a few days to think of the thank yous, but Shinryu had a good idea in thinking that I might have stuff to say about my years in the LESIG and the stuff I did.

Maybe surprising to some who only saw me through Vogt, I can be pretty vocal on issues that I take at heart (this might even be an understatement to people who saw me in the LESIG!), so yeah, expect something much more consistent in the next days!

I remember you as Harpalos from my days as Seymour. Thanks for all of your hard work. You gave Sentience/Systematic Chaos a challenge that no other liaison had ever been able to give to us.

Community General Discussion What I Really Think, Part One Re:What I Really Think, Part One Mathalos 0 05/30/2009 20:17

The way I see it is, if SOE had not bought the Matrix Online, we would of closed down in August of 2005. They took the initiative to buy a game that had already lost 20 million. I don't blame them for not putting a lot of money into the game. No business in their right mind would put money into a product that is not going to give them any profit back. That's like saying Microsoft should continue to update Windows 98 just because a few people still use it. Microsoft moves onto products that make them money like any other business does. SOE chose to keep Rarebit hired to continue development on the game for the past few years. I want to thank SOE for the last four years and I want to thank them for not giving up on us sooner, because I know they very well could have. A first impression lasts forever, and the Matrix Online did not get a good one. We can not blame SOE for what happened to this game, the fate of this game was decided before it was even launched.

Community General Discussion let's meditate about weather, models, and such Re:let's meditate about weather, models, and such Mathalos 0 05/30/2009 18:03

Community General Discussion let's meditate about weather, models, and such Re:let's meditate about weather, models, and such Mathalos 0 05/29/2009 15:53

Level 50 Sleepwalker Jeans are Blue Jeans in the patch.

Community General Discussion Dear Virrago/Raijinn/Walrus/whoever... Re:Dear Virrago/Raijinn/Walrus/whoever... Mathalos 0 05/29/2009 15:18

I think they should make admin abilities accessible for a short period of time.

Community General Discussion Boost EXP & $info Drop Rate Re:Boost EXP & $info Drop Rate Mathalos 0 05/29/2009 13:19

That's why I am trying to get as many to install it as I can.

Community General Discussion Boost EXP & $info Drop Rate Re:Re:Boost EXP & $info Drop Rate Mathalos 0 05/29/2009 12:54

Villemar_MxO wrote:

An XP boost + THIS would allow us to die happy

I have included pretty much any Live Event character you would want to be in the patch I posted.

Community General Discussion Boost EXP & $info Drop Rate Re:Re:Boost EXP & $info Drop Rate Mathalos 0 05/29/2009 12:39

Garu wrote:

Yeah seriously.  I'd love to recreate and level a certain redhead


Community General Discussion let's meditate about weather, models, and such Re:Re:Re:let's meditate about weather, models, and such Mathalos 0 05/29/2009 12:36

LtCmdr_Tsusai wrote:

Mathalos wrote:

Unfortunately, with the highcollar trenches, they are just an item manipulation of the normal trench. If you replace the texture of a normal open trench, all colors of all open trenches with or without a collar will try to look like the Demon Army Trench from the park. They all share the same texture, and the item itself tells the the texture what color to be. You can't change just one, you'd have to change them all. This did not seem feasible to me.

Well, I'm all for it, I'm like the only person who wears it on Recursion, and it would be for that last photo.  You've guys have hit the 2/3 things I wanted to have before this game goes under....I'm just hoping for the 3rd

I'll look into it a bit later.

Community General Discussion let's meditate about weather, models, and such Re:let's meditate about weather, models, and such Mathalos 0 05/29/2009 12:01

Unfortunately, with the highcollar trenches, they are just an item manipulation of the normal trench. If you replace the texture of a normal open trench, all colors of all open trenches with or without a collar will try to look like the Demon Army Trench from the park. They all share the same texture, and the item itself tells the the texture what color to be. You can't change just one, you'd have to change them all. This did not seem feasible to me.

Community General Discussion The Patch Re:The Patch Mathalos 0 05/29/2009 11:49

Everyone is very welcome.

Community General Discussion let's meditate about weather, models, and such Re:let's meditate about weather, models, and such Mathalos 0 05/29/2009 11:42

Since many people do not have the Demon Army Trench, I chose to leave it alone and use the Area-K Trenchcoat. Also, the texture worked much better on the Area-K structure than the Demon Army Trench structure, so I went with the Area-K.

Community General Discussion The Patch Re:The Patch Mathalos 0 05/29/2009 10:51

Post has been updated with a new patch with a new change.

Community General Discussion List your characters! Re:List your characters! Mathalos 0 05/29/2009 10:33



















Community General Discussion The Patch Re:The Patch Mathalos 0 05/29/2009 10:28

By the way, a lot of things that could be done were not included in this patch because of the way things ended up looking after the changes were made. If you see something you really would of wanted in this patch, there most likely is a good reason why it is not in it.

Community General Discussion The Patch Re:The Patch Mathalos 0 05/29/2009 09:15

Just copy your current rezmap.ltb and the fx.pkb to your desktop, and then you can copy them back over when you're done.

Community General Discussion The Patch Re:The Patch Mathalos 0 05/29/2009 09:13

No problem, enjoy.

Community General Discussion The Patch Re:The Patch Mathalos 0 05/29/2009 08:45

It's only viewable on your end.

Community General Discussion The Patch The Patch Mathalos 0 05/29/2009 08:33

Many have been wondering lately how some things were possible, such as wings and coats never seen before. Bayamos and myself have spent the last several months before we stopped playing basically trying to figure out how to do everything. Here is the patch that I created that includes the stuff. The patch notes follow below on what is included with the patch. Just replace the rezmap.ltb in your main folder with the one in the patch, and the fx.pkb in your packmaps folder with the one in the patch. If there is a problem with this being posted, go ahead and delete the post. I just thought it would be fun for everyone to see what we have seen for the last several months. The RSI Captures list is the list of which RSI Capture is replaced with which Live Event character model.

Featured Changes

    * 47 RSI Captures replaced with various Live Event Character models. (See RezIDs.txt for more information)
    * Female Chateau Guard disguise replaced with Female Blood Noble model.
    * Male Lupine disguise replaced with Male Dire Lupine model.
    * Male and Female Lucian's Launcher replaced with Anome's Glasses.
    * Male and Female Earpieces replaced with Wings.
    * Female Bikini Tops have been removed.
    * Male Valshamr replaced with Male White Agent suit top.
    * Male Area-K Trenchcoat replaced with Male Blood Drinker Trenchcoat.
    * Male Omega Trenchcoat replaced with Male White Ghost Trenchcoat.
    * Male Quicksilver Gloves replaced with Male Beta Gloves.
    * Male Threadbare Sleepwalker Jeans replaced with Male Deep Blue Jeans.
    * Male Scorpion tattoo replaced with Male Dragonfly tattoo.
    * Male Skull with Wings tattoo replaced with Male Yin-Yang tattoo.
    * Normal Helicopter has been replaced with the General's Black Hawk Helicopter.
    * Sati's Playground's sky has been replaced with the Blue sky.
    * Datamine's sky has been replaced with the Fly sky.
    * Zero One's sky has been replaced with the Red sky.

Differences from HvCFT OS Update 1
    * Gas Mask has been replaced with the Assassin's Mask.

Big Dog/Yeti
Bling Bling/Oracle
Captain Falco/Cryptos
Capt. Sinclair/Trainman
Gabriel/Danielle Wright
Hardhat McCoy/Trinity
Hatchet/Kunoichi 100
Heckle/Smith Virologist
Jack the Hack/Carlyne
Jane the Ripper/Agent Pace
John Moira/Wet Seraph
Lieutenant Han/Anome
Lieutenant Morales/Ghost
Lieutenant Murphy/Barebones
Little Maria/Colt
Marcel Petiot/Malphas
Manager/Grey Malkin
Nagol/Agent LED
Owl Bangheart/Tesarova
Party Boy Floyd/Flood
Scorch/The Kid
Seven/EPN Male
Shadow Strider/Override Executable
The Mortician/Complete Corruptor
Toni Two-Hits/Seraph
Voltan/EPN Female
Wang Dan/N30 AG3NT

Female Chateau Guard/Female Blood Noble
Male Lupine/Male Dire Lupine

Community Residual Self-Image Post Your Most Recent Screenshot(s)! Re:Post Your Most Recent Screenshot(s)! Mathalos 0 12/19/2008 18:20

Community General Discussion Cinematic 12.1 (may contain spoilers) Cinematic 12.1 (may contain spoilers) Mathalos 0 12/18/2008 03:56

Here is the link for Cinematic 12.1, it is up already.

Feel free to discuss anything in the cinematic as the thread is marked for possible spoilers.

Co-ordinates are 630, 9, -180 in Ikebukuro.

Development Discussion Development Roundtable Re: Level requirements for storyline missions Re:Re: Level requirements for storyline missions Mathalos 0 12/13/2008 17:27

If the hard NPCs were made to scale levels, a Level 50 could just invite a lowbie to team and make all of their missions very easy. If a level of difficulty is going to remain in place, the level restrictions will have to stay.

Development Discussion Development Roundtable Re: Level requirements for storyline missions Re:Re: Level requirements for storyline missions Mathalos 0 12/13/2008 16:52

I've done all three 11.3.3 missions and the Machine one was harder by far. The Wright Accelerated Programs have very high defense and seem to buff their own resistance sometimes to prevent being able to be debuffed. The Level 55 Agent in the Zion one and the two Level 53 Agents in the Merovingian one were very easily soloable without any consumables needed. I think the Machine one should be scaled back a bit to match the difficulty of the other two.

Development Discussion Development Roundtable Bring Back the Lith Days. Re:Bring Back the Lith Days. Mathalos 0 12/10/2008 13:27

Why should we have to accept that the game is what it is and will never be anything better? Is that really what it has come to? If so, I have lost all hope for the game and its future.

News and Announcements Broadcast Depth BA52 Re:BA52 Mathalos 0 12/04/2008 15:04

I thought Halborn was dead.

Syntax Marketplace - Syntax WTB: RSI Capture Tools - Done Re:WTB: RSI Capture Tools - Done Mathalos 0 12/03/2008 23:11
Syntax Marketplace - Syntax WTB: RSI Capture Tools - Done Re:WTB: RSI Capture Tools - Done Mathalos 0 12/03/2008 23:11

I now have all 48 RSI Capture Tools, thank you to everyone who assisted me in collecting them.

The Lounge Next Renaissance Hovercraft Battles Re:Hovercraft Battles Mathalos 0 12/03/2008 13:12

If only you showed up, you would still have to fight the lowest ranked Machinist captain, and if that was me or Bayamos, we would still get experience if we beat you.

The Lounge Next Renaissance Hovercraft Battles Re:Hovercraft Battles Mathalos 0 12/03/2008 12:47

So, if I entered a lottery and I was the only one that entered the lottery, do I not deserve the money since no one else entered? Your logic makes no sense.

The Lounge Next Renaissance Hovercraft Battles Re:Hovercraft Battles Mathalos 0 12/03/2008 04:44

Yes, you got that right. When someone says they are intending to show up at a battle, you have to consider that there may be others attending with them as well. You can't just say "Oh, since only one person showed interested on the forums, only one person will show up" and only give the lowest ranked Machinist experience. If one side shows interest at all and doesn't show, no matter how many show interest, the other side should be awarded experience for up to three captains if the other side doesn't show.

The Lounge Forum Games What are you eating or drinking? Re:What are you eating or drinking? Mathalos 0 12/03/2008 04:39

Hash Browns and Iced Tea

Community Redpill Rescue Leveling the Fastest? Re:Leveling the Fastest? Mathalos 0 12/03/2008 04:38

I tend to just do straight archive missions from level 2 to 45, then farm zero one soldier parts for myself from 45 to 50. It takes me around a month to get to 50 that way.

News and Announcements Broadcast Depth 11.3 All-operative party - Mon, Dec 1st, 2:00 pm, Recursion Re:11.3 All-operative party - Mon, Dec 1st, 2:00 pm, Recursion Mathalos 0 12/03/2008 04:36

Hopefully with the next party, there is a general outline of what will be going down at the party, but I can understand that Rarebit is still trying to grasp a general idea of what he wants to do at them.

Community Residual Self-Image Assorted dev screenshots Re:Assorted dev screenshots Mathalos 0 12/02/2008 18:00

It says "No Chains."

Community Residual Self-Image Assorted dev screenshots Re:Assorted dev screenshots Mathalos 0 12/01/2008 22:11

Could we get a frontal picture please?

Syntax Marketplace - Syntax WTB: RSI Capture Tools - Done Re:WTB: RSI Capture Tools Mathalos 0 12/01/2008 10:48

Correct, I will update the list as I get them.

Syntax Marketplace - Syntax WTB: RSI Capture Tools - Done WTB: RSI Capture Tools - Done Mathalos 0 12/01/2008 10:42

I have received all RSI Captures needed.

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