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The Matrix Online
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Development Discussion Development Roundtable Just Wondering. Just Wondering. Pylat 0 01/04/2009 11:02

Why does Rarebit have this apparent obsession with making all the new NPC's (Accelerated and Override NPC's) so extremely strong against hacks? Between the supercharged viral defense and the ridiculously fast sweeps that neutralise DOT's completely I just have to wonder why Rarebit keeps making this design decision... with every update for the last few months.

I know that the NPC's are tougher than normal, but when I struggle to kill a lvl 52 Override in IL with hacks, where I can roll Taskmaster (Lvl 60) with hacks without using a single pill. My gunman alt has no problem killing the lvl 53's in IL. I'm really kinda getting sick of hackers being singled out all the time.

Syntax Marketplace - Syntax WTB: Override Kernel WTB: Override Kernel Pylat 0 12/22/2008 14:26

Name a reasonable price.

Syntax Marketplace - Syntax WTS: Svanhild's Spurs WTS: Svanhild's Spurs Pylat 0 09/26/2008 03:41
  Opening bids at 80 mil, buyout at 100 mil.
Development Discussion Development Roundtable New bug due to agent spawns. New bug due to agent spawns. Pylat 0 08/28/2008 10:35
  A faction mate and myself were doing a PB 3. On the last wave of Commando's an agent spawned on my faction mate who opened the box. This resulted in all the commando's disappearing immediately and leaving us scratching our heads with the box unfinished and no way for us to get the goggles.

It did NOT time out, cause the purple/black haze was still on the ground and the box was still there, it had only been open 2 minutes before the spawns disappeared. The Agent did NOT spawn on me, he spawned and shot my faction mate, and as he spawned all the commando's disappeared. (Just stating those now so no one can try claim it later in the thread).

Thanks to the amazing RP value of the Agent spawns we have to repeat the PB missions. Please fix it, lord knows the spawns are annoying and pointless enough as they are.
Development Discussion Development Roundtable The Misene Panel Trench The Misene Panel Trench Pylat 0 06/18/2008 01:24
  I remember a time when this coat was shiny and, for a time, it was good. People wore them for their RP outfits, people liked the looks of them and, for a time, it was good.

But then disaster struck, for some reason the shine was removed, and was never replaced. Of all the people I have talked to not one of them likes the new shineless coat. If people do like them with less shine please say so, however, it would be appreciated if you actually had some experience in the matter (ie your main is a male RSI).

I just want to see if it's possible to have the coat returned to it's former glory.
Development Discussion Development Roundtable Free Fire Attacks Free Fire Attacks Pylat 0 06/12/2008 23:36
  Now correct me if I am wrong, but at one stage when you click the free fire attack button you would shoot once and leave it at that. Recently it has been changed so you click it once and your character will continue to free fire until otherwise instructed, even if you use knives/hacks/heals/whatever after the shot you will keep shooting when the timer has finished until you manually stop this.

Personally I feel this is a very bad idea, example.

I'm PvPing as a knife thrower, I roll out with my opponent, I take a pot shot with my Stinger to try daze them, if I do I use Subduing throw for a stun, if I don't I go for crippling throw. No daze, I use crippling throw and root them and start to run back for a disguise, suddenly I stop and shoot them again, even though I don't want to. The root breaks and they run up and IL me. I don't see why it was such an issue for players to just click free fire when they wanted to shoot someone, it made so much more sense to me.

Now if it were possible to cancel the free fire repeat I wouldn't mind so much, but as far as I know the only way to do this is press escape, which also loses your target on them. In hectic PvP with people all around I don't want to have to re-target them, if there's a lot of people around this can take a few seconds and I lose the initiative.

Secondly, I noticed the bug that spams you with "You must wait for your free-fire timer" has also returned. Can you fix this please?
Syntax Marketplace - Syntax WTS: Light Meson Rifle Mk II WTS: Light Meson Rifle Mk II Pylat 0 06/08/2008 18:30
  From the Taskmaster in One Zero.

Development Discussion Development Roundtable An Interesting(?) idea to solve the defense changes. An Interesting(?) idea to solve the defense changes. Pylat 0 02/25/2008 22:40
  This idea dawned on me while I was at work thinking about the changes to Hyper Deflect. Now the big issue (from what I can see) is that people feel they are too vulnerable when fighting multiple enemies now. Anyone can tell you winning a 2 or 3 vs 1, let alone getting a single kill, is very hard. Now with only one hyper defense up it can be quite a bit more difficult. So this is what I was thinking.

((Note, this is me thinking out loud and I'm juggling the idea around in my head too, I'd appreciate and heartily encourage constructive feedback to this idea, not just complaints))

In the old system you had Hyper Deflect on permanently and could choose 1 from the remaining three. The big flaw in this is it was biased against hackers.

So I was thinking "build in" defenses into the Style someone uses to give them defense against their "Nemesis" class. And still allow the use of one other Hyper Defense.

eg Add +47 to Viral defense for Kung Fu, Karate and Aikido Style.
            +47 to Melee defense for Rifles, Handguns and SMGs style.
            +47 to Ballistic defense Spy style.
            +47 to Thrown defense for Hacker Style.

Self defense would have none cause it's supposed to be "Teh suck". Not sure what defense should be increased for coder style, cause it branches into a basic "Hacker" or "MA" tree. Maybe it should give strong Viral and Thrown defense (Would encourage the use of Coder more).

This is all at lvl 50 of course, have the defenses scale up in the levels at the same rate at the respective Hyper Defense would.

Now there are obvious pro's and con's to this so I'll just list them.

Pro's: You will have 2 defenses. Classes will always be effective vs their Nemesis Class. Increases the Flexibility of your Hyper Defenses (More so than the old system). Encourages players to stat hack to new classes if one class is currently the "Zerg" on the server.

Con's: Players may feel "Forced" into their defense choice, then again in the old system it was ALWAYS Hyper deflect, at least here your class dictates the defense. Gunmen may feel hard done by cause their melee defense is probably the least useful. It may widen the gap between Nemesis classes even more, then again this could be considered a good thing.

Possible Problems and Possible Solutions.

Too easy to max out defense: Activating your hyper defense against in conjunction with your built in defense will allow you to too easily max out your defense.
Solution: Have the respective styles have "Priority" over the hyper defense, eg; meaning you can't activate Hyper Deflect while in an MA style. Certain Radial buffs and buffs in UM may need to be altered too to prevent easy defense maxing. Then again, if the team wants to roll that way to max out a defense then I guess it's good teamwork. Delete upgrade or kill the buffer will solve this problem.

Memory costs changing: Most players will no longer need to load 1 hyper defense saving them 1 memory.
Solution: Increase the memory cost for Spy and Hacker MA styles by 1 point. For MA and gun styles increase the memory cost of the lvl 15 title buff by one.

So that's what I have thought so far, Opinions and Constructive responses anyone?
Community General Discussion MxO Drama in a nutshell MxO Drama in a nutshell Pylat 0 12/31/2007 21:55

Originally placed on syntax forum. Now posted here as per requested.

A combined effort of HynraFoo and Myself whilst getting drunk on New Years Eve. If you are offended by the Lyrics this song is perfect for you.

Sung to the Tune of "We didn't start the fire" by Bily Joel



Beta Clothing, Leetist Moaning,

Dodgy deals and item loaning,

Exploits, Horsemen, The Authority,

MikeCool is title stacking,

Nephillim was banned for hacking,

Havocide is best buddies with the CS Team


(Music Interlude)


C.Q's E-peens,

Drama Kings, Drama Queens

People Zerging Mara C, Tabor West RPvP

Spamming Pills, Cheap Kills,

Assassin's mask for drama thrills,

No time for pause, knife whores

Who Won the Zero 1 Wars?



We didn't start the drama!

While you all are crying, our game is dying.

We didn't start the drama!

No we don't wanna argue but it seems you have to!


Hacker Rules in CR1

CR2 is not quite done

Anxiety and Pylat please agree to disagree!

Raijinn Slacking, Clothes Stacking,

EPN still gets no backing.

FM-1500 was a random lottery

Bofadee, talking *CENSORED*,

Meister would have none of it,

Guys are Girls, Girls are Dudes

Mobious Code free for n00bs?

Buy Back, God Send,

Tetra Gone and back again

Takuya, T-Seng Check Youtube for how it ends!



We didn't start the drama!

While you all are crying, our game is dying.

We didn't start the drama!

No we don't wanna argue but it seems you have to!


We didn't start the drama!

While you all are crying, our game is dying.

We didn't start the drama!

No we don't wanna argue but it seems you have to!

Syntax World Discussion - Syntax MxO - Drama MxO - Drama Pylat 0 12/31/2007 06:47

A combined effort of HynraFoo and Myself whilst getting drunk on New Years Eve. If you are offended by the Lyrics this song is perfect for you.

Sung to the Tune of "We didn't start the fire" by Bily Joel



Beta Clothing, Leetist Moaning,

Dodgy deals and item loaning,

Exploits, Horsemen, The Authority,

MikeCool is title stacking,

Nephillim was banned for hacking,

Havocide is best buddies with the CS Team


(Music Interlude)


C.Q's E-peens,

Drama Kings, Drama Queens

People Zerging Mara C, Tabor West RPvP

Spamming Pills, Cheap Kills,

Assassin's mask for drama thrills,

No time for pause, knife whores

Who Won the Zero 1 Wars?



We didn't start the drama!

While you all are crying, our game is dying.

We didn't start the drama!

No we don't wanna argue but it seems you have to!


Hacker Rules in CR1

CR2 is not quite done

Anxiety and Pylat please agree to disagree!

Raijinn Slacking, Clothes Stacking,

EPN still gets no backing.

FM-1500 was a random lottery

Bofadee, talking *poop*,

Meister would have none of it,

Guys are Girls, Girls are Dudes

Mobious Code free for n00bs?

Buy Back, God Send,

Tetra Gone and back again

Takuya, T-Seng Check Youtube for how it ends!



We didn't start the drama!

While you all are crying, our game is dying.

We didn't start the drama!

No we don't wanna argue but it seems you have to!


We didn't start the drama!

While you all are crying, our game is dying.

We didn't start the drama!

No we don't wanna argue but it seems you have to!

Development Discussion Development Roundtable I'm sick of these agents. I'm sick of these agents. Pylat 0 12/30/2007 03:15
  Not the lvl 255 ones you get for not having access. The lvl 100 ones that spawn on Zionists regardless of whether or not they are in a restricted area. The ones that spawn 50% of the time when you first come out of a hardline anywhere outside of Richland. The ones that mean you can't go afk outside of Richland, can't code without getting shot up all the time, that blow you away when you are trying to level another toon and can kill you in 2 shots even if you have access. The ones that basically restrict all Zionists to Richland unless they want to get constantly dogged by these goons.

In my opinion this is by far the WORST implemented idea by the devs. It's like the Blue Sky + Unlimit spawns made a thousand times worse cause you have no chance against them solo and they spawn so much more often. I know you can HJ once to get away but it's not always that easy. If you are a lowbie trying to get access keys the Agents can blow you away while you are in Interlock. If you are trying to farm corrupted in Westview they blow you away while you are in Interlock. If you exit a HL under a bridge (Like Gracy Heights C) they can blow you away while you struggle through the lag of green code to get an open area so you can jump.

Yes I can disable the code, but the point is I shouldn't have to. And it's only Zionists who have this problem. Yes it might be RP related but it affects us in a very non RP way all the time. Other orgs don't have this problem so it is a huge gimping that only Zionists have. Frankly I think it should be removed, even if the reason has to be some paper thin BS it's far better than being constantly frustrated by these spawns that ruin my enjoyment of the game.

And if this is another foolish attempt by the devs to encourage people to go Mech and Merv they should hang their heads in shame, find another way and stop going out of your way to ruin the game for Zionists.
Syntax Marketplace - Syntax WTT or WTS: Female Dragonskins for Male Dragonskins (DONE) WTT or WTS: Female Dragonskins for Male Dragonskins (DONE) Pylat 0 12/29/2007 04:41
  I have been farming recently and have 2 female Dragonskins spare. Looking for anyone wanting to buy some or trade a male Dragonskin for a female one.

EDIT: Both Sold.

Feedback Forums Ability Feedback How to fix ability stacking. How to fix ability stacking. Arcanoloth 0 09/21/2007 23:43
  Simply as this, whenever you change abilities all self activated buffs (Hyper Defenses, Title Buffs, Hyper Speed, Desperation etc...) turn off.

If someone loads up all of MA for the viral defense, the moment they try to load their main tree Hyper Deflect turns off. Thus the ONLY buffs you can have on yourself are ones activated with your currently loaded tree.

So can I expect my medal in the mail or what? SMILEY
Syntax Events - Syntax Welcome Back Catzi Party - September 15th 1pm MCT Welcome Back Catzi Party - September 15th 1pm MCT Arcanoloth 0 09/08/2007 13:40

Come suprise Catzi when she jacks in right in her crib. Hopefully her roomates won't mind as we enjoy loud music and have some fun and contests comprised of Catzi's favorite hobbies.
Community General Discussion Your Dream Update Your Dream Update Arcanoloth 0 09/05/2007 03:39
  What would your dream update be?

This is some of mine.

  • All interlock animations have been cleaned up and no longer bug.
  • All animations that were cut with the introduction of CR 2 have been added, yes, that means wall kicks.
  • Trojan Horse, Citadel Coder and Zen Master trees have been balanced and added.
  • Thrown Defenses have been added to the Spy and Hacker trees (See the trees for more details)
  • Thrown resistance % influences now properly work
  • Concealment countermeasures tools now work as intended
  • Buffs now dynamically update (Removes Stacking)
  • A full LET team has been hired.
  • HCFrog has been put back to work on org specific abilities, expect them next update in 2 weeks (Yes, that's right, the update cycle is now 2 weeks, not six)
  • Paul Chadwick has been fired, Rarebit now has complete creative control over the storyline. The Wachowski Brothers have issued a formal statement apologising for the "Laser Pew Pew Unlimits" of chapter 5.
  • A new Pandora's Box Arc has been added, a new collector in the fairgrounds may be interested.
  • Fairgrounds? Yes, a new district has been added, check your atlas.
  • The Zion white halls have been remodeled.
More to come when I think of them.
Development Discussion Development Roundtable A common misconception about hacker A common misconception about hacker Arcanoloth 0 08/22/2007 07:35
  Now before you read the first 2 lines of this post and jump on the reply button please read my entire post and consider my logic before giving me feedback, not flames.

Hacker is not Anti-MKT, there, I said it. When you take a look at the hacker tree itself, it really is not geared that well to fight MKT's. The only reason hacker's actually do give MKT's grief is because of the Attributes you have when you are a hacker, nothing else. Let me point out my reasoning behind this conclusion.

1) Defense: Now every nemesis class in this game gets passive % bonuses to defense against the tree it is designed to fight. MA's get bonuses to viral defense, gunmen get bonuses to melee defense, Spies get bonuses to ballistic defense. This means that, when combined with the defense bonus from attributes, the defense of this tree will be higher than the accuracy of the tree it is designed to kill (Even when the defender has no defense clothes on). Hacker does not get these bonuses, there are NO bonuses to thrown defense at all, so even with a Reason of 30, a hacker will only have a thrown defense of 140 (Without clothes), the average accuracy of an MKT is around 160, much higher than the defense of a hacker. This is inconsistent with all the other nemesis classes in the game.
My Solution: Add passive thrown defense to hacker abilities. This is not an unreasonable request to make, it is consistent with all other tree's in the game and because there are NO thrown defense bonuses anywhere at all what better place to put them then the hacker tree? They can replace some of the useless passive bonuses found in the hacker tree's. While it is true that these increase the potency of your debuffs, there are still useless ones. Such as Melee and Ballistic damage buffs in the network attacker tree, which has no debuffs to Melee or Ballistic Damage. Or the IS buffs in the lvl 33 Ravager ability, which are next to useless and only affect the Destroy Resolve ability. I would gladly give up those minor benefits for 10-20% more thrown defense.

2) Debuffs: Now at first I believed perhaps what hacker lacked in defense it made up in offense. After all half the power of hacker is the devastating debuffs it can lay down. But when I looked at the tree this is what I found:
A grand total of 3 debuffs which decreased Thrown accuracy, and none at all which decreased thrown damage.
There are 3 debuffs that decrease Viral Acc and none that decrease viral damage.
2 debuffs that decrease Melee accuracy, one that decreases Melee accuracy AND Damage, and one that decreases melee damage.
A staggering 6 debuffs that decrease ballistic accuracy and 1 that decreases ballistic accuracy AND Damage.
So I though perhaps the anti MKT debuffs were more potent. UI Lag 1.0 is quite handy I admit, but since the bug fix is not as dependable (I am not saying bug fixes are bad, but it is true the bug fix decreased the potency of this ability). Fumble Field and UI Lag 2.0 are both far down in there tree's, over level 30, meaning it takes a lot of memory to load them. They are also not that good when compared to despoiler, a similar area debuff which has a 30 second effect timer and 30 second reuse timer and also decreases damage. Where Fumble Field and UI Lag 2.0 only decrease accuracy and have reuse timers longer than their effect timers. You hit a gunman with Despoiler and they know they are in trouble, hit an MKT with UI Lag 2.0 and it's as if they are not debuffed at all.
My Solution: Increase the effectiveness of the Anti MKT debuffs, or slip some anti MKT debuffs in with existing ones, make despoiler so it also affects MKT's, overload 1.0 can decrease thrown accuracy and defense, Combat shutdown can affect Thrown accuracy and defense. I expect MKT's will say "But we need something in exchange", I think that's fair. Change the combat Aura's in Force Multiplier so that they also affect Thrown Accuracy and Damage, this might give more incentive to load the tree and will make it's buff consistent with the single target buffs found in Upgrade Master.

So that's my idea. No nerfs to any tree's. It will be bringing one tree up into consistency of the "Nemesis" classes as we know them, and it will be increasing the power of a highly underused tree, providing incentive to load it and thus, more variety in PvP.

Comments? Opinions?
Syntax World Discussion - Syntax CSR_CHROL_SYNTAX Endorses The Pride CSR_CHROL_SYNTAX Endorses The Pride Arcanoloth 0 06/03/2007 11:46
  Was a pleasure having you on board, feel free to drop by any time

Development Discussion Development Roundtable Kill two birds with one stone. Kill two birds with one stone. Arcanoloth 0 05/26/2007 13:23
  So nearly all of us are in agreement that Passive thrown defenses need to be added to hacker, and a lot have also noticed that hacker has lots of useless passive defenses. So lets replace the useless ones with Thrown Defense.

These are just some, these ones I think aren't very good passive buffs, they either provide bonuses that are mostly inconsequential or the bonuses they provide do not relate to the debuffs the tree has.

A lot of these abils have useless bonuses that hardly relate to their trees. Some of them improve the debuffs they have but most are in inappropriate trees. The IS modifying ones are quite useless as there are very few abils that relate to them and they are in different trees. So I say remove some of them and replace them with passive thrown defenses.
Community General Discussion Christmas Carols take the Red Pill Christmas Carols take the Red Pill Arcanoloth 0 12/24/2006 00:41

Sung to the tune of "We Three Kings"


We three kings of Zion are

Arguing over where to strike afar

Niobe and Ghost, Anome the boast

Following yonder star


O briefcase of wonder, briefcase of light

Briefcase with Kalt's unholy blight

Westview leading, still proceeding

Guide us with thy emerald light


Anome took initiative plain

Shot Niobe clearly in vain

Now and forever, ceasing never

The gnome has become a righteous pain


O briefcase of wonder, briefcase of light

Briefcase with Kalt's unholy blight

Westview leading, still proceeding

Guide us with thy emerald light


Anome offers power to thy

Drink this vial daily nigh

Murderous and crazy, buildings razing

Worshipping his ego high


O briefcase of wonder, briefcase of light

Briefcase with Kalt's unholy blight

Westview leading, still proceeding

Guide us with thy emerald light


Unlimit is mine, its bitter gloom

Spelling death and sealing doom

Sorrowing sighing, bleeding dying

Nary a friend in his lonely tomb


O briefcase of wonder, briefcase of light

Briefcase with Kalt's unholy blight

Westview leading, still proceeding

Guide us with thy emerald light


Machines now plot his demise

Mother shall strike with cold dead eyes

Alleluia Alleluia

How the mighty fall from the skies


O briefcase of wonder, briefcase of light

Briefcase with Kalt's unholy blight

Westview leading, still proceeding

Guide us with thy emerald light


Syntax World Discussion - Syntax Ok, I think I have this all figured out... Ok, I think I have this all figured out... Arcanoloth 0 12/16/2006 07:24
  It seems our Syntax forums follow an easily predictable pattern. To help streamline this process I have created a timetable for you to follow.

Monday: The "Flavour of the Month" PvP faction posts a pic of a dozen of them standing on the Mara C bridge flagged up with a message about how they pwn. This degenerates into a flame war and the thread is locked/deleted.
Tuesday: Somebody posts reminiscing about the "Good old Days", someone says something slightly out of place and is flamed for it, the thread degenerates into a flame war and is locked/deleted.
Wednesday: Someone posts something about RP and how they enjoy it/the recent RP they had was fun. They may or may not get flamed by PvPers for being "RP N00bs". The thread has a 50/50 chance of degenerating into a flame war and getting locked/deleted.
Thursady: Skyscream makes a new thread to remind us that he is, in fact, a man IRL and should be treated with respect and not like some bimbo/helpless damsel. Failing that Skyscream will remind us he has a bronze medal in Tae Kwon Do and talk about his insomnia whilst making some zany post.
Friday: Someone makes an entire thread about how this game is going straight to hell/is packed full of bugs/SOE F***ed up again etc etc, the thread degenerates into a flame war and is locked/deleted.
Saturday: Someone makes a thread hoping to benefit the community with it/bring the community close together by letting us share in some event (ie, fav moments, fav players, first faction etc etc). Someone says something slightly out of place which someone else takes the wrong way, the thread degenerates into a flame war and is locked/deleted.
Sunday: Someone makes a thread meant for jest and in good humour. Someone takes it the wrong way and is offended by it, the thread degenerates into a flame war and is locked/deleted.
Once in a blue Moon: Someone makes a thread about how they enjoyed the PvP that occured just 5 minutes ago and commending the community for the fun they had. Someone, who most likely wasn't present, will post about zergs/trucing/exploits etc etc, the thread degenerates into a flame war and is locked/deleted.

There you have it, it is Sunday today (at least it is for me) so I followed the timetable and made a thread meant for jest and in good humour. Someone will take it the wrong way and will be offended by it, the thread will degenerate into a flame war and will be locked/deleted.

((BTW, please don't actually flame me for this (unless its really really funny), I really don't mean to offend anyone))
Community General Discussion Proof that CSR Brewko has a Soul Proof that CSR Brewko has a Soul Arcanoloth 0 12/02/2006 01:06
  Long story short, a crew bug made me lose all the $info in my crew bank, my crew had been bugged and I was passing CCR's back and forth as it changed and evolved over the course of a week. The day after I updated saying I lost my $info I got this email.

And in the CCR he told me he could not verify this loss but gave it to me anyway :O
Could be because this issue had been going on for over a week, or its proof some people should back off the CSR's.

BTW, I know Brewko IRL so he favours me, its true, all the conspiracy. (That sentence is BS, but I thought I'd pre-empt anybody who brings that up)
Community General Discussion Syntax is Broke Syntax is Broke Arcanoloth 0 11/20/2006 08:43
  Its very much broken, I can list a lot of things that are wrong with it but that takes too much time. People can't log in as far as I know (my Brother is caught at the "Loading Character" screen) and lots of abilities don't work and the environment is dying.

Devs, could you reset the server plz?
Community General Discussion For all the new players who complain For all the new players who complain Arcanoloth 0 11/20/2006 01:44

Thank-you Ctrl-Alt-Del for saying what the rest of us are thinking when five minutes into a game a newbie is complaining that the place isn't packed like WoW or Evercrack!
Feedback Forums Items and Clothing Feedback Farming out jobs to you, the user Farming out jobs to you, the user Arcanoloth 0 11/19/2006 22:37
  Okay I'm well aware that the Dev's time is rather limited and most of it is spent fixing up various bugs, sploits and general glitches that are an inherent part of any dynamic system. Staring at the code-face is always fun SMILEY .

So here's a question/suggestion. If people are clamouring for "new" content such as clothing, textures, models etc, why not farm out these jobs to the community? I'm sure we've got a very talented group of people whose skills can be drawn upon. "Hey guys, we need some new cap textures, here's the general idea" or "we want to implement headbands, can someone build the models?"

As added incentive you can "reward" the users in whatever form (I don't know, access to exclusive clothes, items, a months free subscription for their account etc) so people produce top-notch stuff.

Call this a random idea. I keep hearing people grief about one thing or another, so here's a (hopefully) constructive solution SMILEY .
Development Discussion Development Roundtable Monument Battles Monument Battles Arcanoloth 0 10/22/2006 06:06
  I hear enough people on all sides of the argument grief about Zerg'ing as it's known that I'm trying to come up with a possible solution to the problem. This is by no means the be all or end all to zerging, it's just a possible solution/idea. So please CONSTRUCTIVELY critise what I've written down, enhance it and maybe as a community whole we can come up with something.

The single biggest problem we seem to be facing is that there is a disparity between different factions present during PvP. In other words, too many players of one specific faction are present and it ultimately skews PvP for the masses (the Zerg sucks for anyone). So in an attempt to perhaps "organise" and give a little focus to PvP (but still allow random PvP if you want) I came up with the idea of "Monument Battles".

Essentially the Dev's would announce fortnightly four to six monument locations as Monument Battles. The idea would be that these specific locations would be the focus of PvP for that fortnight. Much as Dev's can setup a static PvP field that forces anyone who enter to automatically flag up (the player will also be warned as they approach the Monument Battle area that is is a PvP zone). Only a limited number of players from each of the three major org's (Zion, Merv and Mechs) would be allowed into the zone. Any further people would be blocked by a "firewall". Nothing outside can enter the field either (hacks, buffs, heals or proxies) so no outside intereference. And if anyone hangs around a firewall for too long some level 255 agents will spawn to "escort" the person away from the Monument Battle SMILEY .

The idea is simply to organise some player balance and numbers into PvP. People can still spontanesouly flag up and fight if they want. But these Monument Battles would allow for some organisation and perhaps order to the usual chaos.

As a possible incentive (I'm still working this one round in my head) some minor bonus could be applied to whatever faction controls a specific monument at that time. Much like the Blue Sky event each monument has to be "claimed" (much like hacking a computer) for it to belong to that organisation. So if the Merv's control the Hypercube their organisation get's some small bonus as a reward. It's just an idea and needs working, but it does provide incentive (besides bragging rights) for people to use the Monument Battles.

Questions, querries, quibbles, qualms and CONSTRUCTIVE criticism
The Lounge Off-Topic Discussion International Speak Like a Pirate Day International Speak Like a Pirate Day Arcanoloth 0 09/17/2006 22:03

This coming Tuesday the 19th of September happens to be International Speak Like a Pirate Day. So don't forget to wear an eyepath, wield a cutlass and say "arrr' at the end of every sentence.

Oh and it's the Holy Day of the Pastafarian Faith, since pirates are considered saints.

RAmen my brothers
Development Discussion Development Roundtable Are we back to Zero Sum Combat? Are we back to Zero Sum Combat? Arcanoloth 0 09/13/2006 02:22
  This is based on my limited observations of PvP and what other people in my faction generally agree on (I don't speak for my whole faction, they all have there own opinions but some do agree with me).

IL has gone back to Zero Sum combat, its all the same now. Interlock --> Desperation + MA Prowess/Firearms Skill/Find Weakness --> Spam every move available to you. It kinda make interlock boring to be in and boring to watch when it just special after special after special. No-one ever tries to get people in states cause you know the other person is only using special attacks so any attempt at all will be pointless. This has resulted in people not bothering to use any sort of defense (not loading any Hyper-defense) at all because every round of interlock is your accuracy vs their accuracy. As a result people complained Snipers and MKT's are overpowered cause they don't have any defense at all to the attacks and get stepped on by these people who have bothered to take advantage of the situation.

My solution I know will be very controversial and will result in a big flaming *puts on fire retardent suit*.

I was think we could add a "stamina bar" that decreases as you use special attacks, the more special attacks you use the less accurate you become. This will help fix the endless gunmen cycle of DPE, Pistol Aerial and Pistol Barrage/Kung Fu and Karate using Sky High Side Kick, EFK and Machine Gun Fists. And lastly MKT's who can put 6 knives in you faster than you can ask for help over Vent, let alone team chat if you don't have vent.
This will also help with MA's who can use WDD + MGK or Foot Sweep + Ki Punch off the same state as they will be less likely to hit with both attacks, fixing another thing many people want nerfed.

Better yet we can tie the stamina recharge rate to your vitality making that attribute useful.

This would be a big change to the system and would surely require the devs to open up the test server so we can extensively test out this idea.

What do you think? (please be nice to me SMILEY)
Development Discussion Development Roundtable Whitehall questions Whitehall questions Arcanoloth 0 06/10/2006 02:41
  The otherside of the looking glass had information on the whitehalls (btw most excellent idea!) but I've a question. Since these halls are meant to be outside the bounds of the system (so to say) can they be made a little more dangerous than most (to imply how different whitehalls are from the normal zones of The Matrix). ie would it be possible to auto-pvp the whitehalls and make them restricted. In other words if one spends too much time within the whitehalls they may encounter Agents (or some other high-level protection program) attemping to remove players from the area (to stop pvp wars very quickly) as well as making these secret passageways that much more... well exciting and dangerous. I love the idea behind them, but I really don't relish the idea of them being turned into a glorifed HL's.
Syntax World Discussion - Syntax Well done everybody!!! Well done everybody!!! Arcanoloth 0 03/30/2006 23:31
  I just wanted to post a big thanks to everyone who was in the Sleepwalker Burly Brawl in Murasaki NW earlier today. Things got rather dicey for a while, with the local area getting flooded by these "Sleepwalkers". It was really good to see Zionist, Merovingian and Machinist aligned people put aside their differences and fight for a common goal... their survival SMILEY .

But yeah, well done and congrats to everyone who was their for the insane action.

The Lounge Off-Topic Discussion The Muppet (version of the) Matrix The Muppet (version of the) Matrix Arcanoloth 0 03/06/2006 04:42
  The Muppet Matrix- I'm pretty sure that nobodies posted this up yet, apologies if they already have. But yeah I found this and thought it was quite good. Hope you all enjoy the wonders that is the Muppet Matrix.

Lewis, cackling away madly
Community General Discussion Theme music for various Organisations Theme music for various Organisations Arcanoloth 0 02/13/2006 20:33
I was bored last night and tried to think of something to do. That something culiminated in trying to think up appropriate (and funny) theme music for various factions, organisations etc. Just something to pass the time.

So yeah:

* Just one of the those days, Limp Bizkit
* Youth of the Nation, POD
* Never gonna come back down, BT

* The hand that feeds, Nine Inch Nails
* The Golden Path, Chemical Brothers

* Firestarter, Prodigy

* My friend robot, Regurgitator

Heh if anyone's got any others, post away SMILEY

Lewis the DJ
The Matrix Online
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