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The Lounge Matrix Universe Theory of Smith Copying Ability Theory of Smith Copying Ability Clunky 0 09/09/2006 13:05

ok we all know that SMith can copy himself..RIGHT? yes im sure we do.. anyways.. i have a theory as to how  he came about  Copying himself within the matrix itself.


Smith Merged with neo ie"i watched you die,something imprinted off of me onto you  maybe.." then he when he implanted his hand into Neo's  Stomach lining he somehow when he retreated it.. got something of neo into his system therefore resulting in the Ability to copy and make  multiple copies of himself.


Please add your thoughts.

Community Player Events Ressurection Party Ressurection Party Clunky 0 09/09/2006 13:00

i  will not be hosting this party but here are some details:


place of Party will be in Club at Kedemoth Central!

Rules: no pvping,no dueling,no spamming

Staff Needed: security offcers(2)

Manager (1)

Co manager(2)

Radio Station covering Event: possibly RMC,Sfm or SI maybe. so any stations free please COntact me via AIM yahoo  Msn at:

[email protected]





Reason for party: For Friends of Mine and many more to Party in my Name. please come. i will greatly appreciate it. thanks,sgtclunk.

The Lounge Off-Topic Discussion Hot video For guys lol Re: Hot video For guys lol Clunky 0 04/27/2006 06:09
Yea i love that Girl in the Red shes  Hot lol
News and Announcements Live Events Welcome liaison officer Soluma - Vector - 4/26/06 Re: Welcome liaison officer Soluma - Vector - 4/26/06 Clunky 0 04/27/2006 06:08
i think its good that your getting more Liason's Syntax and Vector but what the H  where are    Recursion's Liasons  i mean come on all i see is  Syntax's and Vector's on the Forums .. and to me that isnt fair.
The Lounge Off-Topic Discussion Hot video For guys lol Hot video For guys lol Clunky 0 04/27/2006 04:58
Recursion World Discussion - Recursion Hello recursion Re: Hello recursion Clunky 0 04/24/2006 17:22


Machine: humatronic,Rakshas

Merv: Devil's advocates , Regulators
Recursion World Discussion - Recursion Your connection to the Matrix has been terminated. Re: Your connection to the Matrix has been terminated. Clunky 0 04/23/2006 13:57
oh man this stinks.. well sorry to see ya go man ) = *cries*
The Lounge Off-Topic Discussion Myspaces Re: Myspaces Clunky 0 04/22/2006 09:36
please reply lol....
Development Discussion Update Discussion Update 43 Discussion Thread Re: Update 43 Discussion Thread Clunky 0 04/22/2006 06:50
can someone post the blue sky band entry link plz
The Lounge Off-Topic Discussion anyone see SM4? Re: anyone see SM4? Clunky 0 04/22/2006 06:09
oh sorry forgot about that one ( =
The Lounge Off-Topic Discussion anyone see SM4? anyone see SM4? Clunky 0 04/21/2006 21:13

for details,


man was it funny but terrible in a  good way..

The Lounge Off-Topic Discussion anyone see SM4? anyone see SM4? Clunky 0 04/21/2006 21:12
The Lounge Off-Topic Discussion Myspaces Myspaces Clunky 0 04/21/2006 16:13
hello,. please post your myspaces....


Furthermore, here is mine


btw hit "add" and ill accept you...
The Lounge Next Renaissance THE GREAT FORTH COMING Re: THE GREAT FORTH COMING Clunky 0 04/20/2006 16:36
no... dude why would i quit  why .... just because it says  "departure" you automatically think i am quitting?
The Lounge Off-Topic Discussion Stargate World MMO Re: Stargate World MMO Clunky 0 04/19/2006 16:37
Recursion World Discussion - Recursion CLunks departure film Re: CLunks departure film Clunky 0 04/19/2006 16:35
Development Discussion Update Discussion Update 43 Discussion Thread Re: Update 43 Discussion Thread Clunky 0 04/19/2006 16:26
Development Discussion Development Roundtable Request... Request... Clunky 0 04/17/2006 13:21
hello DEVS and CSR's/GM's.]

this is sgtclunk  level 33 kung fu master of the zion faction Dark Infinity.

i am requesting to go to the white  hall so i can take exclusive photos of them  for a  Player event project i am working on atm..


please DEVS/GM's in game  ./t sgtclunk and or Email in game: sgtclunk


thank you... btw i am on recursion
The Lounge Off-Topic Discussion Stargate Film(mostly stills) Stargate Film(mostly stills) Clunky 0 04/15/2006 11:17








and that Girl you see at the beggining is Teal'c's wife Drey auc. aint she hot.. lol

Message Edited by sgtclunk on 04-15-200612:18 PM

Message Edited by sgtclunk on 04-15-2006 12:19 PM

Message Edited by sgtclunk on 04-15-2006 12:20 PM

Recursion World Discussion - Recursion The Devoted Video Re: The Devoted Video Clunky 0 04/15/2006 09:52

well done Bluej  sir well done... expert movie making here...  say ... can you help me with my  movies lol as you see from mine,they arent well planned out, not well choreograhped, and not well situated.. so please hit me up sometime  n help me come up with a movie idea and gather good cast .. n such ..



Recursion World Discussion - Recursion To All Non-Lvl 50 Characters Re: To All Non-Lvl 50 Characters Clunky 0 04/15/2006 09:42
what is your in game name Simpsonsnerd?
Recursion World Discussion - Recursion CLunks departure film Re: CLunks departure film Clunky 0 04/14/2006 17:08
i did that part as  a flashback type thing Hotfist.. lol
Development Discussion Development Roundtable Serious question for devs in game>! Serious question for devs in game>! Clunky 0 04/14/2006 15:40
hello i am sgtclunk a level 33 kung fu master on recursion.. i am currently factionless but trying to find a merv faction soon. anyway onto what i want to ask...


ok DEvs listen up,


i would like to ask if i could be a Liason / side LESIG character,.. i have been playin the game for over two and a half years (counting last year)  and i really want to have a swarn of Repills around me in a circle  come event time lol. and ialso learn from the experiece i learn the storyline deeper and more thorough...

please condsire this Devs And GM's.


if you want a meeting

contact me on recursion in game  at

./t sgtclunk


or in game email me at that name .


thanks ,

Recursion World Discussion - Recursion CLunks departure film Re: CLunks departure film Clunky 0 04/14/2006 13:04
whom said anything about quiting? certainly not...i
Recursion World Discussion - Recursion CLunks departure film Re: CLunks departure film Clunky 0 04/14/2006 13:03
Recursion World Discussion - Recursion CLunks departure film Re: CLunks departure film Clunky 0 04/14/2006 12:07

im trying my best... i would be better if i expert film makers and  Audio  producers.. and plot planners... i need those to help  me out maknig films or at least let me send  example films to them , they edit, and cut n paste the correct and plot engulfed movie on here.

Message Edited by sgtclunk on 04-14-2006 01:07 PM

Community General Discussion I have met a very....questionable man..... Re: I have met a very....questionable man..... Clunky 0 04/14/2006 11:49

here some pics of TheProsecuter..strange man ineed...










Message Edited by sgtclunk on 04-14-2006 01:03 PM

The Lounge Next Renaissance THE GREAT FORTH COMING Re: THE GREAT FORTH COMING Clunky 0 04/14/2006 09:59

heres the visual to go with it



Recursion World Discussion - Recursion CLunks departure film CLunks departure film Clunky 0 04/14/2006 09:59


watch and please enjoy


Recursion World Discussion - Recursion why did and how did smith copy him self Re: why did and how did smith copy him self Clunky 0 04/14/2006 07:04

here is a possible solution if you like to read





here is the first sentence of teh second paragraph


"Viruses depend on the host cells that they infect to reproduce"



Message Edited by sgtclunk on 04-14-2006 08:04 AM

Community General Discussion This WEEK in the MATRIX podcast volume 6 Re: This WEEK in the MATRIX podcast volume 6 Clunky 0 04/14/2006 06:41




you need to post one of these buttons for yur podcasts

Message Edited by sgtclunk on 04-14-2006 07:51 AM

Community General Discussion This WEEK in the MATRIX podcast volume 6 Re: This WEEK in the MATRIX podcast volume 6 Clunky 0 04/14/2006 06:29
hello sir.. i would like to know your website or if you can  post the other 5 pdocasts.... i got the radiomegacity ones so i thought about starting a collection for future reference s n such..
Recursion Events - Recursion The Kings of Never present; Infiltration Re: The Kings of Never present; Infiltration Clunky 0 04/13/2006 21:24

i am going to participate in the event.... so mar church got it...

i have but one question..... will the first Instructions be hard?

The Lounge Next Renaissance THE GREAT FORTH COMING THE GREAT FORTH COMING Clunky 0 04/13/2006 16:01
old version (done by myself)

   The great forthcoming  chapter1


it was a wet and rainy night out in the vast megacity. people were laughing and  coding things i dont really know what  but i continue on a  i sit down on a lonely bench next the central hardline. i whisper to myself" they'll soon come very soon then they shall reak havoc on all the people who hate me and disgrace me"!

as  i finish that  i turn  behind me and the sky sort of glows orange and blue and a thousand or so agents and sentinals come swarming down upon  mara central.  i jump up  i jumpwave and whistle then i run into the building east of the hardline . i then abruptly take a seat on  a couch  in front of the winow facing the hardline.... i hear screams" OMG run everyone ready your weapons,hacks, and your hovercrafts we need to get out of here before they kill us all" and a sick ZZZZZttt and cracking sound is heard. i see a sentinal clamping down a community member by the name of Symmetric or no no it is a Aize . i feel a coldness  as  a few tears come down not tears of sadness but of happiness. i have won this battle my minions have overun mara and i now own and operate all of it's power sources,security grounds, and military forces.   MUhahahahahaha.....i get up walk outside and a Agent Smith is regally walking to me. "Mr.arrween...sir we have won and overrun this place it is now yours for the taking". i laugh a evil and hideous laugh of victory.


.............................Chapter 2 coming soon...............



the great forthcoming chapter 2



its sunny yet  pale outside.  i wake up and open the shades to find Aize standing back to me  and  dueling someone . i run out and tip toe up behind him and  i  knock him out cold.   i  then open my cell and  i call  Trifire and he brings his faction and  surrounds us and drags Aize into a dark alley and   all you can hear is  "tham thwamp" " owwww augh" and he dies on the spot.  "well done Trifire sir it seems Aize doesnt get the point"

A lone  lupine scruff is seen walking fast towards  us. "you in the  purple croc skin jacket  explain yourself or ill have to shred you"!

i walk up and i grab its arm and break it then i smash its face.


it slumps down dead.




the great forthcoming chapter 2



its sunny yet  pale outside.  i wake up and open the shades to find Aize standing back to me  and  dueling someone . i run out and tip toe up behind him and  i  knock him out cold.   i  then open my cell and  i call  Trifire and he brings his faction and  surrounds us and drags Aize into a dark alley and   all you can hear is  "tham thwamp" " owwww augh" and he dies on the spot.  "well done Trifire sir it seems Aize doesnt get the point"

A lone  lupine scruff is seen walking fast towards  us. "you in the  purple croc skin jacket  explain yourself or ill have to shred you"!

i walk up and i grab its arm and break it then i smash its face.


it slumps down dead.


New version shorter(done by me but revised and retold by Neoteny)



It was a wet and rainy night out in the vastness of the Mega City. There was the usual laughing and in addition there were many redpills working dilligently on creating various mysterious and wonderful things. I continued on towards the lonely brown, wooden bench near the hardline and took a seat. It's only a matter of time before they come and wreak havoc on all those who try and make a fool of me... Oh yes, vengance will be sweet..." I silently whisper to myself.


As soon as my silent words are said, I instinctivelyturn my head to look behind my shoulder and notice an odd orange and blue tinge about the sky. Just as suddenly as I notice the odd aura, a great amount of agents appeared and descended upon the whole of the Mara Cenral district, myself included. As quickly as they appeared, I leaped up from my seat upon the wooden bench and do everything I can to attract the attention of the agents- jump, wave, whistle, anything to distract them.


Once I have their attention, well, at least part of it, I make a mad dash into the building east of the hardline and seat myself upon the plush couch facing the window overlooking the hardline. The transparent barrier doesn't bar their screams, the screams of terror that the agents brought with them. It wasn't an unfamiliar sound, but in such an area its effect was much more horrifying. Or perhaps there was another thrill from such screams... one of, dare I say, satisfaction...


"Oh my god!" one operative exclaimed, "Ready your arms and prepare to defend yourself! We don't stand a chance against such a force, tell your operators to prep your hovercrafts and get the hell out of here!" A mysterious and frightening "Zzzzt" sound was heard and suddenly an agent charged and caught Symmetric, no, Aize, around the waist.


There is a sudden cool, wet feeling on my face, a tear running down my cheek. Oh no, I'm not sad... quite the contrary, I'm jubilent. Now you see, these are my minions, and they have seized the day just as they have seized Aize. The battle is won, the day is mine. Agent Smith suddenly appears and marches toward me and formally greets me as per the usual.


"Hello Mr. Arrween. You may have noticed that we have conquered this... place... Please make no mistake, sir, you should well know... it is now... yours."


I throw my head back and maniacally cackle with the fresh scent of victory yet filling my every breath.


Mine, all mine.



(((((i personally like the 2nd version but thats just me))))

The Lounge Next Renaissance THE GREAT FORTH COMING THE GREAT FORTH COMING Clunky 0 04/13/2006 15:59
Recursion World Discussion - Recursion why did and how did smith copy him self why did and how did smith copy him self Clunky 0 04/13/2006 15:38

greetings all,


im sgtclunk.


ok we all know that agent smith can copy himself and  fight with like a thousand or so copies of himself such as when he fought Neo in Debir court in the second film... well its been buggin me.. how and why exactly does he copy himself inside the system?  anyone have any ideas as to how he did it? what power source did he get it from in order to gain copying abiliies ?....



The Lounge Matrix Universe How did smith evovle into so many copies? How did smith evovle into so many copies? Clunky 0 04/13/2006 13:20
greetings all,


im sgtclunk.


ok we all know that agent smith can copy himself and  fight with like a thousand or so copies of himself such as when he fought Neo in Debir court in the second film... well its been buggin me.. how and why exactly does he copy himself inside the system?  anyone have any ideas as to how he did it? what power source did he get it from in order to gain copying abiliies ?....


The Lounge Matrix Universe Something Thomas Anderson's boss said Re: Something Thomas Anderson's boss said Clunky 0 04/13/2006 13:17
i agree with Miltios on this one i like his theory so far lol keep postin my head it about to explode with all this  philsophy lol
The Lounge Matrix Universe Choice ~ By ZippydaSquirl. Re: Choice ~ By ZippydaSquirl. Clunky 0 04/13/2006 13:14
umm zippy doesnt this belong in either the  OFF TOPIC  or  NEXT RENNASIANCE  threads  and not here....   just a  friendly comment.
The Lounge Matrix Universe Something Thomas Anderson's boss said Re: Something Thomas Anderson's boss said Clunky 0 04/12/2006 00:35
ahh ok sry guys now i understand i think...
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