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The Lounge Matrix Universe How does Bullet Time work? How does Bullet Time work? DarthDodge 0 07/20/2006 05:31

There is one thing about the matrix that i'm always wondering about: Bullet time. You've really gotta wonder, how the hell can anyone, even if it's just a simulation, avoid bullets if that simulation is supposed to be in real time. The thing i'm wondering about is this: are machines so in control of this simulation, that time is a more of a controllable variable? Now i'm not talking about time travel, and this is probably a load of boll***s anyway, but is it possible for the machines - or the one, for that matter - to speed up time for everyone else with just a simple thought, so they can move faster and react better, at least for short periods? Evidence of this theory could be seen in the Animatrix short film "World Record", when, in an olymplic race, EVERYTHING stopped, except the Agents, still talking, and able to take control of some of the racers in this zero time.

 This is just a theory, and i'm interested if anyone has got any opinions or other theorys in how the hell some geezers in suits can dodge bullets.

The Lounge Off-Topic Discussion Doctor Who Re:Doctor Who DarthDodge 0 07/20/2006 05:03

Anyone in the UK watch the Series 2 finale? Whoa. That was an absolutely brilliant ending to a great series, and this time it didn't end on so much of a deus ex machina resolution. Not so sure about the cliffhanger, though.

 Any U.S. fans who saw Series 1 on Sci-Fi? Did you think it was good, did you think it was rubbish, or did you think that those cybermen that you've heard about are ripping off the borg? (Be careful if you post that opinion on ANY forum, by the way.) To be honest, i'm just interested in what the new viewers of the series think of it.

The Lounge Off-Topic Discussion Doctor Who Re: Doctor Who DarthDodge 0 01/31/2006 11:58

Othinn1 wrote:
*perks*  Wow.  I thought I was going to have to wait until the DVD box set came out (last I heard, it was recently delayed until July.  )

That's why they've delayed the DVD release, this way people will get to see what the show is like before buying the actual box set. Which is a good thing - you don't want people to think that Doctor Who is just some weird, amateur show made by some British dudes that must have been so bad they realeased it straight to DVD first?
Oh, and don't worry: the description i just gave is NOTHING what it's really like (including the bad part)!
The Lounge Off-Topic Discussion Doctor Who Re: Doctor Who DarthDodge 0 01/27/2006 10:57

OK, this might sound like a really rubbish show, but stick with me on this.

The Doctor is a 900 year old alien who looks like an ordinary human being and travels around the universe. His ship can go not only anywhere in space but also travels through time, and is absolutely enormous. Well, on the inside anyway. On the outside, however, it just looks like a small blue telephone box. The reason for this is that the ship is SUPPOSED to blend in with its surroundings, but when that special feature broke the Doctor just didn't bother to fix it.

The old show was famous for its wobbly sets, and aliens that looked like dustbins, but it was revolutionary for its time, being released a few years before even Star Trek started. It was cancelled years ago however as many viewed that its golden age had gone.

But a new golden age has risen. In the UK it has won a great many awards, including Best Drama. This is because this time the show has adapted, including great scripts, great effects and great acting. It also does not make new viewers feel like they had to have watched any of the old series, giving the show a fresh start.

Trust me, Doctor Who is the best drama that has been made in the UK for quite some time.


The Lounge Off-Topic Discussion Doctor Who Doctor Who DarthDodge 0 01/27/2006 09:57
Recently the Sci-Fi channel has announced that the 2005 series of Doctor Who (the Best. Show. Ever.) is going to be shown in America in March. Having seen the last series in the UK, for the old fans who don't know yet, and anyone else for that matter, it is definitly good. Probably the best drama series to come out of the UK for years.
So, has anyone on here heard of it?
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