no persona
Ranking: Jacked Out
Registration date:
09/14/2005 13:36:24
Last Online:
10/22/2008 20:34:25
Number of messages posted:
[7] Messages posted by iconic13
Created topics:
[4] Topics created by iconic13
Chicago Area
Originally a photographer in the coded life, Iconic was freed and trained by a Zion operative callsigned Koda. As he became accoustomed to the Real World, Iconic developed a relationship with Koda, and after a particularly sticky situation involving a sniper hired by the Merovingian and a rebellious group of Exilist Machines, Iconic was left as the only living member of that crew. Now, fueled by a hate and bitter loss, he is driven for only one thing: To hold the severed head of the Merovingian in his hands.