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SOE Discussion
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Welcome to the Planetside Forums ~ Please read this before posting. 0
05/11/2005 18:56:05
Intra-office chatter? 6
06/07/2009 07:48:18
Request 16
05/15/2009 07:39:59
/appeal 1
05/10/2009 10:54:36
Unsubscribing Questionaire 1
04/27/2009 04:29:12
Soe Fanfaire 2009 8
04/26/2009 09:59:19
FAO Raijin 1
04/18/2009 17:14:59
[Moved] SOE, and whoever it may concern 0
04/18/2009 11:11:10
Minimum Age at Bally's 12
04/08/2009 19:21:27
Smedley...bald? 3
04/06/2009 17:22:00
PS Rules.... 7
03/27/2009 01:37:03
Sony Layoffs - Any effect on SOE in America? 14
03/26/2009 20:10:07
Planetside Stats 15
02/28/2009 17:28:18
Why I won't be paying for Star Wars Galaxies 18
02/04/2009 10:54:25
$10/month 13
01/09/2009 12:34:59
Advertisement..? 5
12/02/2008 00:22:19
Planetside Players
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11/15/2008 14:30:06
i would like planetside to be advetised everywhere *Deep Discussion* 13
11/06/2008 22:48:56
Asking the PS devs/mods for a little advice regarding other SOE game 23
10/14/2008 08:18:22
How MUCH!!! 3
10/13/2008 20:51:29
Dear Employee of SOE 6
09/26/2008 13:41:17
Things that irritate me about PlanetSide and SOE.
[ Go to Page: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ]
09/19/2008 22:44:28
Would like to know(too Dev's, SOE Rep) 2
09/13/2008 13:25:41
SOE Fan Faire 2008 25
08/20/2008 16:47:00
Fan Faire 2008- On facebook 1
08/12/2008 13:47:29
To: John Smedley... 9
08/12/2008 13:26:18
Sony makes large loss 1
08/08/2008 12:03:46
ps2 from SOE???? 9
07/24/2008 01:27:26
New SOE FPS MMO The Agency
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07/05/2008 09:57:51
[ Go to Page: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 ]
06/09/2008 21:09:32
Where did the judging thing go. 2
06/05/2008 16:37:58
SoE's Record in the Better Business Bureau (BBB) 2
06/01/2008 16:01:19
Planetside 2 to become second Star Wars Online Game?
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05/28/2008 10:31:16
planetside isent all gone 5
04/24/2008 19:31:20
Verified by Visa or MasterCard Secure 2

03/29/2008 14:26:35
I aer in ne3d off soem halp? 7
03/15/2008 14:36:13
SOE games on PS3? 11
01/26/2008 12:35:57
Global Collect, EUROPE players being shafted? 0
01/01/2008 23:07:43
station pass 0
01/01/2008 03:43:56
Huxley 22
12/28/2007 18:11:04
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