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So Long (as i doubt PS will be around in 4 years)
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Surveillance Officer

Joined: Apr 8, 2006
Messages: 93

Well, went to sleep at 10pm, woke up at 3am...not normal.  But then again, it'll be close to normal in boot camp.  YES!  I'm not leaving because of;

- Rampant Cheating - Blatently Imbalanced Weapons - An Empire that doesn't do What they're told when they're told (let alone speak english) - Customer Service between non-existant and nil - Brewko (self explanatory) - Continued Game Instability - Low Population - CR5s (of any empire) going off on Globals due to any of the aforementioned - Stupidly run and/or timed 'events' (see Brewko) - Blatent Cheating - ETC

I'm sure there's more but i can't think of to much right now.  I will give people a secret about SOE/PS that I've yet to see anyone make the connection with...

The GMs claim they got the ability to detect the hackers (and i believe them)...but why is it only the blatent ones seem to be the only ones that have anything done to them(most of the time)?  Well, banning a trail account doesn't lose SOE money.  They won't go and ban all the hacking subs simply because there's to many.  Everyone knows (if not seems to at least agree with the assessment) that a good 25-30% Stealth Cheat. (ie tweaked their RoF/Cof jsut enough to give them the edge).  Banning them would certainly spell the end of PS financially.

But, as i said, that's not why I'm leaving, and i blame noone for leaving due to any of the above reasons.  I love my outfit to much and that's why PS had my sub for so long.  Otherwise, i would've dropped the sub long long ago. Praetorian Guard, while seemingly less active in PS, is still very much active and I'll lead and/or follow them to the next game even if it be through the depths of the Zombpocalypse. But between the economy, some family history of Service, and a constant interest of it, it's just my time to do what needs to be done. 

So i leave you guys with not a rant, but a final few words:

- EvilD had his power handed down to him by Chuck Norris.  Chuch Norris' Initials Backwards are NC. 

- If you refer to Chuck Norris as 'a CN' and not 'THE CN' he will kill you for labeling him a communist.

- Trix are for Kids.

- PG is home to the original Papa Smurf.

- TK, your local hackers.  If you know where they live...

I think that about wraps things up.  I thought i was leaving in 4 days, but there was a slight change in plans.  My leet  sniping skills were requested a day earlier so anything more thought provoking i might've said i didn't make time to.  Since I doubt I'll be stationed anywhere I can play PS (let alone my laptop isn't capable of running PS), I most likely won't play PS again for 4 years...meaning unless there's a PS2, I'll catch you guys later in another game.

Semper Paratus

- Viracer Hospelegat ;PG Praetorian

Strategic Officer

Joined: Jul 26, 2007
Messages: 4743
Location: EarthSide

Now who will shoot me with sniper SMILEY?

Tactical Officer

Joined: Aug 9, 2006
Messages: 1806

Bye Hospel, "enjoy" boot camp... SMILEY

Another PG bites the dust. :-/


Joined: Mar 19, 2004
Messages: 404
Location: at home

Sad to see you leave, good luck hosp.


Joined: Feb 6, 2008
Messages: 399

It is indeed a sad day for the NC.

Atleast you are leaving for an honorable cause. Good luck and godspeed soldier.


Joined: Apr 28, 2006
Messages: 115
Location: The Netherlands

boot camp  is not planetside  its real remb.. that      god speed and sempre fi    marine

Supreme Rodent

Joined: Oct 21, 2004
Messages: 2025

Cya Hosp;


Thank-you for your service; God's speed and good luck!


Joined: Jul 14, 2004
Messages: 489

See ya hosp.  And keep safe.

Strategic Officer

Joined: May 5, 2006
Messages: 3659

take care


and don't forget there's no respawn button there.

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