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Lasher Version : OP
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Joined: Jul 10, 2007
Messages: 456

Quit your whining about the lasher already.  Sure it could use a little "tweaking", but does not need to be completely overhauled.  Someone should dig up the old threads from the vs regarding the last version of the lasher, the one that completely sucked, and look at what the VS wanted.  MOST said 30 round clip, and better hit detection. 

As for the current lasher, reduce clip to 30 and  reduce spash effect of lash.  You shouldnt be able to damage someone you cant even see.  As is, it's not as OP'd as everyone says.  I played NC for 2 hours the other day, the VS(Delta Triad mostly with a few other VS) had Onatha tower in a TOD, I logged with a positive k/d and I dont have any maxes certed.  Quit whining, learn to aim.

Empire Commander

Joined: Jul 12, 2004
Messages: 8075

I just find this whole situation laughable. The lasher needed an adjustment, as did tri shot, but after five years of asking for something for the MCG, they fail to. Oh well, time to play VS.

Empire Commander

Joined: Jul 12, 2004
Messages: 8075

Also, I really don't want to go through 145 pages of pointless arguement, but has Brewko come out and said anything in defense of the Lasher buff? I certainly fail to see the logic in it, but then again, I've failed to see the logic in every development decision that has been made since removing surgile.

Strategic Officer

Joined: May 5, 2006
Messages: 3659

OneBadDude wrote:

I played NC for 2 hours the other day, the VS(Delta Triad mostly with a few other VS) had Onatha tower in a TOD, I logged with a positive k/d and I dont have any maxes certed.  Quit whining, learn to aim.

positive k/d, what a great achievment...

sorry, op is op.

Tactical Officer

Joined: Aug 9, 2006
Messages: 1806

OneBadDude wrote:

I played NC for 2 hours the other day, the VS(Delta Triad mostly with a few other VS) had Onatha tower in a TOD, I logged with a positive k/d and I dont have any maxes certed.

lol, is a positive K/D an achievement for you?


Joined: Sep 8, 2006
Messages: 173

OneBadDude wrote:

Quit your whining about the lasher already.  Sure it could use a little "tweaking", but does not need to be completely overhauled.  Someone should dig up the old threads from the vs regarding the last version of the lasher, the one that completely sucked, and look at what the VS wanted.  MOST said 30 round clip, and better hit detection. 

As for the current lasher, reduce clip to 30 and  reduce spash effect of lash.  You shouldnt be able to damage someone you cant even see.  As is, it's not as OP'd as everyone says.  I played NC for 2 hours the other day, the VS(Delta Triad mostly with a few other VS) had Onatha tower in a TOD, I logged with a positive k/d and I dont have any maxes certed.  Quit whining, learn to aim.


No seriously. Get out.

Master at Arms

Joined: Apr 9, 2004
Messages: 1648
Location: 3rd personin' your airpad

OneBadDude wrote:

You know the hackers aren't all that bad. I made a hacker account the other night and its not as OP'ed as you think. I was running around in a starfire and I could only jumpjet indefinitely, it really wasnt that big a deal. Quit whining and learn to aim.

How's that for witty sarcasm?



Joined: Jul 7, 2008
Messages: 5

OneBadDude wrote:

Quit your whining about the lasher already.  Sure it could use a little "tweaking", but does not need to be completely overhauled.  Someone should dig up the old threads from the vs regarding the last version of the lasher, the one that completely sucked, and look at what the VS wanted.  MOST said 30 round clip, and better hit detection. 

As for the current lasher, reduce clip to 30 and  reduce spash effect of lash.  You shouldnt be able to damage someone you cant even see.  As is, it's not as OP'd as everyone says.  I played NC for 2 hours the other day, the VS(Delta Triad mostly with a few other VS) had Onatha tower in a TOD, I logged with a positive k/d and I dont have any maxes certed.  Quit whining, learn to aim.

Cool. Nerf the lasher, thanks.


Joined: Jun 26, 2007
Messages: 212

OneBadDude wrote:

As for the current lasher, reduce clip to 30 and  reduce spash effect of lash.  You shouldnt be able to damage someone you cant even see. 

Most of us "OP lasher whiners" want what you just said.


Joined: Jul 22, 2004
Messages: 51

I started a petition to fix the lasher. This has gone on too long and its obvious that continual discussion in the forums does nothing. I'm not sure that this will do anything either, but I'm willing to try anything at this moment.

I have also emailed John Smedley at SOE to see if he has any comments on this issue ([email protected]). I have also twitted his userid with a link to a blog post i made about Planetside Unbalanced - Devs Dont Care.


If there has been a petition started for this in the past, I apologize.


Joined: Jul 10, 2007
Messages: 456

Rook wrote:

OneBadDude wrote:

I played NC for 2 hours the other day, the VS(Delta Triad mostly with a few other VS) had Onatha tower in a TOD, I logged with a positive k/d and I dont have any maxes certed.

lol, is a positive K/D an achievement for you?


You so funny!!   Go fail some more, will ya?

Strategic Officer

Joined: May 5, 2006
Messages: 3659

OneBadDude wrote:

Rook wrote:

lol, is a positive K/D an achievement for you?

You so funny!!

sadly, you are not.

You fail even at trolling.

Master at Arms

Joined: Feb 19, 2007
Messages: 707
Location: Pearly Gates

OneBadDude wrote:

 the VS(Delta Triad mostly with a few other VS) had Onatha tower in a TOD

I was there! Nice farm it was.


Joined: Jul 10, 2007
Messages: 456

SkinlessJACK wrote:

OneBadDude wrote:

You know that NIC REALLY suck at everything but air pad camping. I made a TR Toon named "IcampairpadsandsucklikeNiC" the other night and discovered it's not hard at all to camp a pad or two for a cheap kill. I was running around in a burster macroing "VVV" and I couldn't even find  an enemy wall turret to kill me. It really wasnt that big a deal. Quit whining and learn to fail like me on TR.

How's that for witty sarcasm?




Joined: Dec 31, 2004
Messages: 475

OneBadDude wrote:

Quit your whining about the lasher already.  Sure it could use a little "tweaking", but does not need to be completely overhauled.  Someone should dig up the old threads from the vs regarding the last version of the lasher, the one that completely sucked, and look at what the VS wanted.  MOST said 30 round clip, and better hit detection. 

As for the current lasher, reduce clip to 30 and  reduce spash effect of lash.  You shouldnt be able to damage someone you cant even see.  As is, it's not as OP'd as everyone says.  I played NC for 2 hours the other day, the VS(Delta Triad mostly with a few other VS) had Onatha tower in a TOD, I logged with a positive k/d and I dont have any maxes certed.  Quit whining, learn to aim.

i played VS the day after me and you did, and I logged out 72/6.  On NC and TR my best since coming back has been a 4/1 at Most.

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