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MMORPG Suggestions?
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Joined: Oct 27, 2005
Messages: 427

I'm looking for a new game to try out. I play Guild Wars but it's redundant and I play Everquest2 but I haven't played in so long that when I got back I felt completely lost with all of the new content and higher levels in the game.

I'm looking for something that's easy to get into, won't make me have to play 14 hours a day to "catch up" to everyone else, and is entertaining.

Things that get higher brownie points are:

Decent graphics (non-comic/cartoonish)
The ability to wear different outfits (Play dress up so-to-speak)
In-depth Character Customization (City of Villians had the best I'd ever seen)
The ability to create (craft) weapons, armor, etc.. and color it (Horizons comes to mind)
Secondary mouse control friendly (left handed gamers)
The ability to purchase and design/furnish your own home (Everquest 2)
Horses to ride (I love horses especially pure white ones... sue me)
Relatively new game. I don't want to join a game that's been out for years already cause that makes you start behind everyone else anyway

Well if anyone knows of any games that are of interest please let me know. I'm also into a different type of game that plays a lot like Dofus online. It's a strategy simulation type game I think where the battlefield is like a big grid and your character can move X spaces on the grid then attack (Think Final Fantasy Tactics?) So if anyone knows of any game like either of these two please let me know.

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Check here.

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City of Heroes / Villains. Its a great game and you can immediately have fun when you pick it up and you can drop it like planetside and not be pennialized.

Unlike other mmorpgs coh is not a destination game. Destination games like world of warcraft for instance do not truly begin until level 80. Meaning everything you just did from 1 - 79 was a waste of time and effort. City of Heroes is more of a journey and has no bs grinds attached to it. You're not constantly upgrading gear or having to kill x boss for x number of times until x loot drops.

COH has loot in it but its not truly required to play and enjoy the game. The loot is for crafting of enhancements which are basically permanent buffs that you slot into your powers to make them stronger or have higher accuracy. Enhancements also drop from npcs so you dont have to craft if you dont want to or you can buy them from other players or enhancement stores.

The game also has basically no limit on the amount of characters that you can create (up to 36 characters per server, although you only start with 12 character slots and can earn or purchase additional slots). Another note, As I mentioned earlier about no grinds, you can level up quite fast in this game so it encourages you to make many many many alts to try out other archetypes  (classes) and power combinations. The combinations of powers and enhancement slotting makes you virtually unique and the costume creator allows you to look completely different than anyone else.

The game is great. I've played it for almost 2 years now, hell I quit wow twice to play it. I play it about everyday now along with planetside as its a nice alternative for when that pullhacker is ruining the current fight in ps. A 14 day trial may still exist but I can also send you a buddy key if not. lol the buddy key kinda helps me out as well should you subscribe.

edit: lol oops just noticed that you said you played cov. If you liked coh though, champions online will be out sometime near the end of the year.

Message edited by 0noyjitat0 on 05/30/2009 15:28:47.

Master at Arms

Joined: Feb 19, 2007
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Location: Pearly Gates

xIsa wrote:

(I love horses especially pure white ones... sue me)

That would be a frivolous lawsuit.


Joined: Oct 27, 2005
Messages: 427

Death2All wrote:


Runescape is old though. I don't want to be the newb in a game where everyone is way advanced already.


Progfrog wrote:

Check here.

There's so many games in this list I don't know what's good or not, how old they are... or where to start.


0noyjitat0 wrote:

City of Heroes / Villains. Its a great game and you can immediately have fun when you pick it up and you can drop it like planetside and not be pennialized.

Unlike other mmorpgs coh is not a destination game. Destination games like world of warcraft for instance do not truly begin until level 80. Meaning everything you just did from 1 - 79 was a waste of time and effort. City of Heroes is more of a journey and has no bs grinds attached to it. You're not constantly upgrading gear or having to kill x boss for x number of times until x loot drops.

COH has loot in it but its not truly required to play and enjoy the game. The loot is for crafting of enhancements which are basically permanent buffs that you slot into your powers to make them stronger or have higher accuracy. Enhancements also drop from npcs so you dont have to craft if you dont want to or you can buy them from other players or enhancement stores.

The game also has basically no limit on the amount of characters that you can create (up to 36 characters per server, although you only start with 12 character slots and can earn or purchase additional slots). Another note, As I mentioned earlier about no grinds, you can level up quite fast in this game so it encourages you to make many many many alts to try out other archetypes  (classes) and power combinations. The combinations of powers and enhancement slotting makes you virtually unique and the costume creator allows you to look completely different than anyone else.

The game is great. I've played it for almost 2 years now, hell I quit wow twice to play it. I play it about everyday now along with planetside as its a nice alternative for when that pullhacker is ruining the current fight in ps. A 14 day trial may still exist but I can also send you a buddy key if not. lol the buddy key kinda helps me out as well should you subscribe.

edit: lol oops just noticed that you said you played cov. If you liked coh though, champions online will be out sometime near the end of the year.


Yeah, I played City of Villains breifly on one of my ex's accounts. The character creation was absolutely the best I have even seen in any game.. period. That's really what kept me playing it and I liked how you could design 3 more outfits so you didn't always have to have the same one.

Eventually we broke up and I didn't play the game anymore.. believe I had a level 40 (think it was 40.. it was max at the time) Corrupter. Great game, but the combat is a bit weird. Sometimes I found myself waiting too long to find a random group to handle a Mission I needed to do. And the missions seemed pretty redundant after a while.

Love how you can create character after character.. it's nearly limitless. I don't know how City of Heros is though although I assume it's the same thing basically.


angelphantasma wrote:

xIsa wrote:

(I love horses especially pure white ones... sue me)

That would be a frivolous lawsuit.


yeah yeah... it's meant for the flames I expect to recieve

Military Advisor

Joined: Apr 5, 2005
Messages: 2213
Location: Edinburgh, Scotland

if you get any flames, just respond with what I sent you in a tell earlier tonight:


"Don't push me, push a push pop"



Joined: Oct 27, 2005
Messages: 427

Kanya wrote:

if you get any flames, just respond with what I sent you in a tell earlier tonight:


"Don't push me, push a push pop"


Yeah but how many people are going to actually know what that means or have even seen that commercial? You got lucky hat I knew what you were talking about otherwise I'd have been like.... "hmmk"

Military Advisor

Joined: Apr 5, 2005
Messages: 2213
Location: Edinburgh, Scotland

ha ha I got lucky SMILEY

Chief Officer

Joined: Mar 19, 2004
Messages: 5193

RPGs rot your life.

Just say no!



Master at Arms

Joined: Feb 19, 2007
Messages: 707
Location: Pearly Gates

Since you responded to my dumb post I'll try to give a suggestion. First off, Guild Wars is terrible =/. Though EQ2 has everything you generally listed, maybe you should give it another chance =p. Catching up isn't so hard. I just made fresh start in it and got to level 77? or so pretty fast and I barely play. The adventure exp is awesome stuff.

I don't know any mmorpg like Dofus Online (never played) but I have played Final Fantasy Tactics (amazing game!). But none I know of are like FFT.

IF you don't mind SOE's evilness, SWG really has a lot of that stuff you mentioned. But if you tried it then I am about to waste a wall of text.

xIsa wrote:

Things that get higher brownie points are:

Decent graphics (non-comic/cartoonish) - Its graphics I think are still nice to this day.
The ability to wear different outfits (Play dress up so-to-speak) - It has a lot of clothes in it and traders who are designed to make clothing can color what they make, name it, and stuff. It is pretty fun to mess around with and with the new apperance thing (like EQ2 if you know what I am talking about) you can wear good armor but still look funny.
In-depth Character Customization (City of Villians had the best I'd ever seen) - eh, it slacks on this I must admit. But it does let Entertainers change your face around and stuff so you don't get stuck always looking the same. Though may be annoying to track a entertainer down.
The ability to create (craft) weapons, armor, etc.. and color it (Horizons comes to mind) - As mentioned before Traders can craft armor, furniture for homes, and stuff plus color, name all (or most) of it. Though you can't color weapons, you can still name them. I had a lot of fun naming all my stuff, I made all references to Ninja Turtle movies.
Secondary mouse control friendly (left handed gamers) - Uh, I am a righty and not sure... I would hope it has it but I would have to relook.
The ability to purchase and design/furnish your own home (Everquest 2) - You can set up your homes anywhere on any planet that it is allowed. It is much cooler than EQ2, in my opinion. Some of dectorations and stuff is really nifty. You can have pets like EQ2 and name them. You can also sit in the chairs you buy or make (TAKE THAT EQ2!)
Horses to ride (I love horses especially pure white ones... sue me) - Yikes! A bust. There is no horses in Star Wars sadly. There is speeder bikes and the like which you can also paint different colors. Also there is muti-man vehicles where you can drive a friend around. Some let you drive a lot people (6? forget number) around which is funny sometimes. There is mounts like.. uh... Lizards and stuff (which you can also name) but usually they aren't greatly useful besides a few which have special abilitly. Like Lava Flee being able to run over lava....
Relatively new game. I don't want to join a game that's been out for years already cause that makes you start behind everyone else anyway - It is pretty old by date it came out but since it was revamped twice. Which made it newer and newer. They also did many crafter revamps to make newest craft weapons and the like be better then old.

There is also airships you can buy and name. It lets you go into space and dogfight with other spaceships in a very pside like fashion where it isn't amazing but still fun. Gives a complete different feel from the traditional mmorpg when you can be up in space blasting some airships away becoming a better pilot.

A lot of bad things said about it have been fixed around thanks to loads of updates trying to save the game. There it still has its issues:

I think it only still allows 2 character slots for newer players. So, you would only be able to have 1 combat class and 1 trader maybe. Which isn't good at all as one trader can't make decorations for home and make clothing. It ruins it quite a lot =(. You can respec your trader to be able to make different things but in time that ends up costing a lot of credits which can make it annoying. Though it is cool you can generally change classes around (Combat classes like Spy or something can get max level and all the rest of your combat classes are now maxed if you wish to try something new just need to pay some credits). If you understand what I mean.

Also I am not positive how it is for new players now a days since I played SWG back during CU days and got all my levels then. I heard something like now a days you can do 10 missions a day for 1 level (90 levels overall) which doesn't seem so bad for casuals.

Last time I played during NGE only way to level mostly was bastard Legacy Quest Line, which I hated a lot. I was helping a friend through it and just gave up, so they may not be so great. But since then I played EQ2 and stuff, got more use to questing (I use to play old EQ, FFXI, which are pure grind games, not this quest to quest crap that is so famous now a days). So, probably a lot different now.

I don't play much now a days but I do have station pass which lets me play some. I am on Chilastra which has always been populated pretty well. If you do try it and PM me some time you are playing I can try to help or do something. I generally am friendly unless you mess up your and you're.... .  You can find the 14 day trial .... right here.

Uhh.... I heard Vanguard (once again evil SOE) has a lot that stuff in it but to be fair I never played it after Beta. I do want to go back and try it out a bit some day though in between my planetside playing. It has some stupid trial thing but I guess you can try it if you have enough free time on your hands. Here. It has crafting, houses, horses, blahblahblah. Not sure how indept any of it is though. Since as said before I have to retry it out to give better details.


Joined: Oct 27, 2005
Messages: 427

angelphantasma wrote:

... a lot [paraphrase]

Wow, thanks for the suggestion. Actually I have.... drumroll... never played SWG so phew, your "wall of text" isn't wasted. I was never really a Stars Wars fan thus I never really looked into this game at all. Never even tried it.

I heard horror stories about how it was great then SOE killed it... hmm, wait that sounds familiar. Based off of your recommendation I'm willing to give it a try, it sounds interesting at least. Now of course downloading the trail is going to take forever.

As for Guild Wars, I dunno, I liked it to an extent. There's a lot of things that turned me off to it which I won't list here but for a 'free to play' game it performs well.


[edit:] Actually that was a lot quicker than I thought and I'm starting it up. I'm at the character creation screen right now and I'm am noticing quite a few turn offs though already.

1) I don't know what any of the races are so I picked Human. But I don't see any face option or any options for that matter. I can pick clothes... and the "Outdoors" one screams biker chick. I had a sudden flashback of a time spent with TRxReindeer (Damn you Deer.. next time I see you I'm going to hit you with my car)

The character creation thus far seems exceptionally horrible to non-existant. I'm hoping it comes later on once I pass this screen.

2) The description for Human says (and I quote) "... humans can be found on virtually all inhabitable planets..."  -lol

3) So anyway, I picked a Human with an Elegant dress for now and now comes the hard part. The name.
Apparently I can't use Isabel as I keep getting the error that says I cannot use the name of a major Star Wars character or Planet... there's a character or Planet named Isabel? That sucks

So I decided to try out Elexia -a name I like and used in Guild Wars. Well apparently that's taken... wait I thought that was what the Surname was for? To keep your name unique even if the first was the same. I was wrong.

So I tried Breanna (after a friend) and no luck with that either.... now I'm stuck.

Ashlynn (taken), Navi (taken). I finally settled on "Alasia" and moved forward. Finally some character creation tools. You were right about the creation lacking which sadly it does in many SOE games so I wasn't surprised and just did the best I could. But I don't like how you can change your overall face. That means every Human girl looks the same while one my have a bigger nose or different lipstick on.

Well, I never heard of any of these class types except Jedi but then again, who hasn't? I can only imagine there are a million Jedi running around so I went with Entertainer  *giggle*

Anyway, trying out the game. So far it seems weird and the running animation is laughable. Name's Alasia Avear and I'm on that Planet you mentioned if you're ever around.



Message edited by xIsa on 06/01/2009 06:37:24.

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Free Realms!

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Joined: May 5, 2006
Messages: 3659

Fallen Earth. It even has a trait of FPS.

You can have my closed beta account (srsly!) SMILEY

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Joined: Aug 24, 2004
Messages: 3220

Not quite an MMO, but I've been having fun on Savage 2.

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