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Is it an exploit............?
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Strategic Officer

Joined: Dec 16, 2004
Messages: 3425

To put your router pad inside a group of boxes? Cause I'm getting pretty sick of cheap cloakers using this trick.

It is much harder to locate and kill this way and is quite frankly skilless in terms of cloaking.

I'd like to add that it's nearly always the TR I see pulling this stunt.

Message edited by Jollytraveller on 06/02/2009 16:24:18.

Squad Leader

Joined: Mar 20, 2004
Messages: 808

It's as much an exploit as the one used to bypass the 3rd person animation after bailing from an air vehicle. 

And there are plenty of other exploits that have not been addressed (ie fixed).

Oh, the GMs (in the past) gave players warnings or moved these router pads.   But, imo, this is a DEV problem.  Fix it so it can't be used that way.  You don't ban/suspend someone from using this exploit and not one of the many others.

Next, one might say that this particular exploit is more heinous than the others.  Meh, that is just semantics.   As evidenced by the simple fact that the router exploit still exists.

It isn't "cheating", so why not use it?  Because you aren't going to get people to STOP by asking, pleading, denigrating, or complaiining.  Don't TELL me not to use it.  Fix it so I CAN'T.

Strategic Officer

Joined: May 5, 2006
Messages: 3659

ModCreator wrote:

It isn't "cheating"

yes it is.


Joined: Jul 19, 2005
Messages: 163

I've never had it give me much of a problem.

It may be cheating, but the game-breaking cheaters can run around for hours with no restraints.

Side Note: Every empire does it, not just the TR.

Supreme Rodent

Joined: Oct 21, 2004
Messages: 2025

I'd say yea it's an exploit; and something that should *one day* be fixed, but until that day comes I'm sure we'll still see it happening. It's one of those things that falls under the circular logic of 'They do it, so I'm going to do it too!'


I generally try to put mine in less 'exploitive' places, but who's to say putting the pad against the wall isn't also an exploit; since, once deploied, the bubble will extend halfway into the wall.


Personally, as long as it can be destroyed; and the people who go through it actually end up in the router (not dropping through a floor, etc) I can live with them...

Strategic Officer

Joined: Aug 24, 2004
Messages: 3220

I put the router pads in painfully obvious locations.


My success rate is on par with my K/D.

Tactical Officer

Joined: Jan 30, 2007
Messages: 1082
Location: Carolina del Norte

Yes, it is an exploit.

Cheating?'s shady. It's sketchy. But the game mechanics allow for it. Hacking is "cheating" because you are bypassing the game mechanics in order to give you an edge. No one has to do anything "special" to use the router-in-the-box trick.

I agree completely, it needs to be removed, it's not fair or honorable gameplay. I'm not going to pass judgement on using the word "cheat"


The router pad is a glitchy thing anyway...there's some strange way to deploy it in a tech plant CC that makes it invincible except for a direct hit on a very small point, i've seen it done. I've done it myself, but it was a complete accident. Because it goes through walls and such, the game mechanics sometimes do strange things to the router pad.


Master at Arms

Joined: Feb 19, 2007
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There is no bugs in planetside.

Tactical Officer

Joined: Jul 21, 2006
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they are "looking into it"

Military Advisor

Joined: Jun 19, 2004
Messages: 2314

Jollytraveller wrote:

To put your router pad inside a group of boxes? Cause I'm getting pretty sick of cheap cloakers using this trick.

It is much harder to locate and kill this way and is quite frankly skilless in terms of cloaking.

I'd like to add that it's nearly always the TR I see pulling this stunt.

Yes it is an exploit and if i see anyone doin it on our empire ill kill the router then /appeal them to the mods to hopefully at least get them a temporary ban and then they might think more carefully about doin it again in future.

So i dont advise letting me on your squad if you plan on doin it.

Dont you all think the devs have more important things to do?, like trying to keep one step ahead of the hackers and working towards the werner merge etc without having to implement "fixes" for things people know they shouldnt be doin anyways but still do them?.

Its not really "acceptable" to say "oh well the devs should fix it meanwhile ill carry on doin it".

Seriously if you know its wrong then DONT DO IT or your not much different to the clowns hacking, or if you do then kindly dont cry and whine on the forums next time some hacker screws up YOUR game because your not much better yourself.

Strategic Officer

Joined: Dec 16, 2004
Messages: 3425

ModCreator wrote:

It isn't "cheating", so why not use it?  Because you aren't going to get people to STOP by asking, pleading, denigrating, or complaiining.  Don't TELL me not to use it.  Fix it so I CAN'T.

I never said it was "cheating" and I'm pretty certain that "exploiting" is against the EULA that you accept every time you log into the game. "Exploiting" being something that is being used not as the developers intended.

To suggest that it's OK to use this kind of trick because the dev's haven't removed the possibility of doing it is not an excuse.

Squad Leader

Joined: Mar 20, 2004
Messages: 808

Don't tell me exploiting is against the EULA.  I gave just one example of an exploit that has NEVER been addressed and is constantly used by most people who use flying vehicles.   There are plenty more exploits that are overlooked or ignored.

The router placement in locations that make it hard to destroy or make you teleport into walls is something that should be addressed by the DEVs.  You can't equivocate that, yet people do.

I've placed routers in locations that turned out to be nigh indestructable, as in the example above in a Tech plant.  I didn't know it was going to happen, but that was the end result.  I haven't placed it in that spot again, as I prefer to PLAY FAIR.

I'm not espousing using routers in exploitative locations.  But, players will continue to place them in these locations ... AS LONG AS THE GAME ALLOWS IT. 

Many previous exploits were addressed by the DEVs and no suspensions or bans were handed out while the exploit existed.  Finally, the DEVs made changes and various exploits were removed or altered to work in a FAIR way.

You can appeal players all you want on this subject.  I disagree that any account action should be taken on players using this exploit.  Simply because of THE PAST and for not doing anything to players using the multitude of exploits still in the game, other than the router.


Sabretooth takes a hard-line to router exploiters.  However, imo, if you continually TK a player or his pad placements, you are engaging in harassment.

Personally, I hate routers that are placed in a friendly base that allows for players to save a few seconds in getting to the vehicle pad.  Most of the time, these are set by players who are taking the easy (read: lazy) road to a merit or some SEP.  But, what it does, and I've (using the word, but not in the EULA way) exploited these routers when I find them as an ENEMY player.

Routers should be for ending enemy held Towers and Base sieges.  But, because many players will take a "let's try something different" approach to many things, they find different ways to use it and different locations to deploy it.  If any of these ways or locations are significantly GAME BREAKING, then the DEVs need to step in.  The same goes for all EXPLOITS. 

And that is the crux.  Since all exploits are NOT equal, the EULA is not the "line in the sand."

Ultimately, if you want something to BE FAIR, it needs to be MADE FAIR.  You can't expect everyone to stop doing it/using it by telling, asking or threatening.  You see how well that works on: plasma spam, pshield, maxes, bfrs, current lasher, mossie farming, etc.  No one is threatening to /appeal everyone using a Lasher are they?

Tactical Officer

Joined: Jan 30, 2007
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Location: Carolina del Norte

ModCreator wrote:

Ultimately, if you want something to BE FAIR, it needs to be MADE FAIR.  You can't expect everyone to stop doing it/using it by telling, asking or threatening.  You see how well that works on: plasma spam, pshield, maxes, bfrs, current lasher, mossie farming, etc.  No one is threatening to /appeal everyone using a Lasher are they?

This is pretty much a good summary, in my opinion.


But as to the OP, yes, it's an exploit. People will continue to do it, though myself and Mod (and I hope the rest of you) both agree that it is not honorable gameplay.

Master at Arms

Joined: Mar 21, 2004
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Location: St. Louis, MO

ModCreator wrote:

However, imo, if you continually TK a player or his pad placements, you are engaging in harassment.

Are you saying people shouldn't TK cheaters and exploiters?

Message edited by Gosnell on 06/03/2009 15:23:58.

Tactical Officer

Joined: May 23, 2004
Messages: 1107

Lot's of exploits in PS are used every day. Bailing, hotswapping, emp resistant boomers, powersliding, using stairs and ledges to create warp etc.

Aslong as it is reasonably easy to see and destroy the pad I don't really care where they put it.
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