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Military Advisor

Joined: Jun 19, 2004
Messages: 2314

borguk1of9 wrote:

Monkeys - give - dont - a - SOE

Arrange in the right order.


8 days left on my sub, so I have renewed on WoW and paid for 3 months.

At least there it has development and GMs and Forum moderators (who arent customers) and a company (Blizzard) that listens somewhat.

Ive taken out an xboxlive sub myself but i still like planetside and i dont intend to unsub untill we get a reply or an explaination from someone about why they have opened these free trial accounts and refuse to now close them despite the fact its made there anti cheating measures basically worthless and exposed the paying people to constant grief and harrasment.


Message edited by SabreTooth on 05/10/2009 10:51:05.


Joined: Oct 4, 2007
Messages: 17
Location: Pittsburgh, PA

Rook wrote:

SabreTooth wrote:

I am sorry that you are having trouble with other players causing disturbances in game. We do try our best to catch these troublemakers as quickly as possible but instantaneous resolutions are simply not possible. We are constantly working on measures to prevent these problems just as these players are constantly working on ways to bypass these preventative measures, this is an endless struggle. If you do encounter these users please use features available in game to report them as soon as possible, the sooner this is done the sooner they can be dealt with.

Same c&p reply I got, ofc.

Yup, same response that I got too.

Military Advisor

Joined: Mar 19, 2004
Messages: 2728

Im buying an xbox.


Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 173
Location: San Diego, Ca.

cheater was on solsar, he was banned within 5 minutes, befor i could even finish reporting....on a sunday........SMILEY


Joined: Nov 8, 2006
Messages: 13

Have been playing on Hossin this morning, and had this happen to multiple people by this guy:


Military Advisor

Joined: Jun 19, 2004
Messages: 2314

Waveord wrote:

Rook wrote:

SabreTooth wrote:

I am sorry that you are having trouble with other players causing disturbances in game. We do try our best to catch these troublemakers as quickly as possible but instantaneous resolutions are simply not possible. We are constantly working on measures to prevent these problems just as these players are constantly working on ways to bypass these preventative measures, this is an endless struggle. If you do encounter these users please use features available in game to report them as soon as possible, the sooner this is done the sooner they can be dealt with.

Same c&p reply I got, ofc.

Yup, same response that I got too.

Thats ok just dont accept sonys reponse and keep the process goin because either they give us a reason why the trials dont close or fix them or close them or there rating will suffer with the better buisness buraeu because of poor customer service and its already at c - .......................... hmmmmmmm i wonder why that is.

You might look at this cut and paste replys and think "why bother to push this any further" but the reason you do is because companys like soe need good public relations as it affects all aspects of there buisness so to just ignore us and fail to address our valid concerns on issues like the free trial account hackers MAY seem like an easy option and to some extent it is short time the long term it could have more of a lasting impact.


This is why soe is not only failing US in respect to ignoring our VALID concerns with there free trials making there once effective anti cheating measures almost redundant but they are also failing themselves.

Whoever is ignoring us in reguards the keeping open the free trials might want to check out this link:

Then go check out there current rating with  an organisation which has 33 million four hundred thousand hits on google so im guessing a few people do check out its ratings from time to time....................


Message edited by SabreTooth on 05/11/2009 09:20:16.


Joined: Jun 27, 2006
Messages: 1713

Been gone a couple days due to moving, anything different or do hackers still manage to get on?


Strategic Officer

Joined: Jul 26, 2007
Messages: 4743
Location: EarthSide


Been gone a couple days due to moving, anything different or do hackers still manage to get on?


Hacking was too bad this weekend....Don't think ya missed much, a few pull hacks late at night, not too bad besides that


Joined: Jul 14, 2004
Messages: 489

What I don't understand is why the VS won't take some action to kill their own cheaters.


At least the TR will TK their own cheaters, that's admirable.  SMILEY


Wish the fix would come soon.


Joined: Dec 16, 2005
Messages: 20

yeah i was talking to that shot guy, he's vs main ,says he thinks cheating makes us all really admire how great he is. (i'm serious, he really believes that we admire him)

last 2 times i played, we lost 2 base caps because of cheaters, left us without a decent fight both nights and only zerging from a tower.  frankly that's starting to become unplayable for me, bunch of our guys logged out too.  i hope they figure out a way to fix this soon.


edit: oh yeah two things:

1. soe shouldnt just think cheater are an annoying frustration - they're going to stop the business dead in its tracks as people drop subscriptions and trial accounts dont subscribe on account of the obvious cheating.

2. soe should track down the cheaters and consider filing lawsuits against them for damages since its driving their customers away.   i think some legal docs in the mail would go a long way.

Message edited by K01all on 05/12/2009 03:18:49.

Master at Arms

Joined: Mar 22, 2004
Messages: 1896

OK had enough, de-installed PS freeing 2.53gb off my C: drive after just 15 minutes play then running into a hacker, this guy took 5 Thumper Grenades and 45 MCG rounds and then turned around killed me with 5 shots from a Punisher.

Then discovered that my working PS was installed on my G: drive, if I am motivated to actually log in before the sub runs out next Monday then I might end up removing that one as well.



Message edited by borguk1of9 on 05/12/2009 14:00:57.


Joined: Nov 8, 2006
Messages: 13

I'm thinking about doing just that, in that I mean uninstall, just because of the no-fun zone Planetside is at the moment. I have already passed the "sickening feeling you get in the pit of your stomach" phase and am now in the "I'm going crazy from the state of the hacking" phase. I'm almost to the "*crew this, I'm going to go play WoW" phase.

Strategic Officer

Joined: Mar 24, 2004
Messages: 3348

Man... took a few days break and was hoping to see more progress on this. It is making it REAL hard for me to hit that Play button anymore... sad as I never could get enough of this game and it sucked me back in each and every time. Now I log in, get pull hacked or some other BS and it just ruins the night. Don't get me wrong there have been some good battles here and there and it is good to see some old peeps I have not seen in a while but nothing really that keeps me wanting to play nearly as much as I did (well truth be told I barely have any real time in RL to log onto much of any games any more but compared to the few hackers and the great support I have been gotten from WoW.. one choice is starting to look much better than the other when I have precious little time to play and have to make it worth it...) at one time.


Joined: May 3, 2009
Messages: 6

I actually cancelled my sub last week and started playing Battleground Europe: WW2 Online. At first i was unimpressed with the graphics and the amount of time it took to find a fight. Now that i have been playing for about a week I finally know what i am doing and know how to find the fights pretty easy. For those of you that are sick of the cheating but want an MMO first person shooter you should give this game a try. There is a free trial too.


Joined: Mar 23, 2004
Messages: 104
Location: Scotland


Well Planetside I think it’s time to unsubscribe because of this hacking nonsense.  The hacking didn’t really used to bother me all, that much, as there was only ever one or two hackers on at any given time.  However now there is like 5+ always on and which sometimes I see the hackers fighting amongst themselves.  In addition I’m sick of being a constant offender of the /appeal website, if I knew it was going to be this bad, I would expect SOE to be handing out a MS word template, so all I would have to do is enter the name of the person which is hacking…. (And why am I doing this? spending my time looking at your /appeal site. I pay to play the game, not look at that.)

Furthermore I honestly don’t see why SOE haven’t transferred the trial accounts onto a test server or some piece of *blank* server out in SOEs back garden somewhere, so that we the PAYING customers don’t have to deal with this crap.  Or at least give us a constantly online dev which we could sent /tells to in game.

I used to think allot higher of SOE, but the way this has been handled is just sad.


Message edited by Inferom on 05/15/2009 05:05:04.

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