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Military Advisor

Joined: Apr 5, 2005
Messages: 2213
Location: Edinburgh, Scotland

Kid was bad in a reaver and has had to resort to this lol, you should see what hes asking for on the hacker forums. I went and registered on them to see if he was dumb enough to have made a forum account under his tag and sure enough there he was lol

Here's a copy of his latest request to lol at:

"i got *insert well known trainer here* its all awesome pretty much everything u can do with these minor hacks but at an expert level of coding

its just they only offer 15% ROF

takes a while to get banned even with some serious ass back to back owning for like hours straight

seems like some sony software engineers made it or something but they didnt want to kill the game totally

so i need the possibility to have an ROF of say like up to 5k?

i mean i want to come through in a reaver with full missles drop all my missles in like less than 5 seconds and be gone

btw the *insert well known trainer here* hack is so good u dont even notice the reloading of the reaver so its like firing all 60+ like there was no clips

also it would own because say u get a wasp and 600 chaingun ammo u can actually unload everything in 1 second dropping basically any unit which is dead on

so someone release and Excluse ROF only hack that works on 64bit too

it wont matter if u use it straight off cause the time it takes to get banned is like at least and hour of logging on without prior hacking for the whole day"

Made me lol

Master at Arms

Joined: Mar 22, 2004
Messages: 1896

As I said before, BAN HIS MAIN ACCOUNT, BAN HIS IP..............

(I didnt name CC)

Message edited by borguk1of9 on 05/05/2009 15:36:47.

Military Advisor

Joined: Jun 19, 2004
Messages: 2314

Well im hopefull that something might actually be done fairly soon on this hacking problem as i think our complaints have finally began to be noticed by some of the people higher up in the sony food chain.

Not to mention the fact alot of us have already complained officially to the better buisness bureau (Something which could of been avoided had we have had some reasonable reply to our concerns before now instead of leaving it to the forum moderators to respond constantly and i might add they often show alot more thought and courtesy in respect to there customers concerns than alot of the paid individuals seem to display even tho there abilitys to address the situation are obviously very limited and they are also constricted by there "masters" rules and regulations.


At the end of the day what the people at the top of soe need to realise (And i think finally they are) is maybe as individuals our 15$ or whatever doesnt amount to much in the grand scale of things but as a group of people if you continue to royally screw us over then somewere down the line your chickens will come home to roost.Our word of mouth passes down to others and id of thought that after still trying to recover from the ps3 fiasco were people were ignored in favour of "We know best" that word of mouth and listening to customers should be a much higher priority that up untill now it seems to of been.

I looked at mag on the ps3 (pre rendered bs) (Gameplay) and its similaritys to planetside and the fact its also been developed by sony and at times wondered if the inactivity in correcting the hacking problems here was somehow related and maybe this was some sort of testing ground for that game and as this has served its purpose the focus has now shifted over to that and this is being allowed to drop of the radar.

Call me an old cynic and all but thats how it comes across at times.


Anyways i hope something is actually done about these trials and done soon because it would be a cold day in hell before id consider buying a ps3 to play mag if planetside was allowed to fail because of sony created issues which the free trial is the biggest and most outstanding of them all and im sure alot of others feel the same.


Joined: Mar 14, 2007
Messages: 5780
Location: San Diego, CA

This message is in regard to your complaint submitted on 5/5/2009 1:58:05 PM against Sony Online Entertainment Inc.  Your complaint was assigned ID 7860229.

Thank you for choosing the Better Business Bureau to aid in the resolution of your dispute with the above named company.  On this date, we have forwarded a copy of your complaint to the company for their written response.  Once we receive a written response from the company, it will be forwarded to you.  If you receive your requested adjustment, please notify us immediately, as the company may have responded to you directly.  Please note that the Better Business Bureau cannot compel a company to respond.  However, we will attempt twice in a 4 week period to obtain a written response from the company.

Please note that response times may vary, depending upon how quickly the company responds.  We will keep you updated on the status of your complaint by mail within the next two weeks.  Your original complaint will be kept in the Bureau's records for three years.  Thank you for using the free services of the Better Business Bureau.


Lee Ellen Dyer
The Better Business Bureau

Message edited by DarkFate on 05/06/2009 12:11:00.


Joined: Dec 7, 2005
Messages: 248
Location: New York City

lame... you removed my post >.>

Strategic Officer

Joined: May 5, 2006
Messages: 3659

SabreTooth wrote:

Well im hopefull that something might actually be done fairly soon on this hacking problem as i think our complaints have finally began to be noticed by some of the people higher up in the sony food chain.

Not to mention the fact alot of us have already complained officially to the better buisness bureau (Something which could of been avoided had we have had some reasonable reply to our concerns before now instead of leaving it to the forum moderators to respond constantly and i might add they often show alot more thought and courtesy in respect to there customers concerns than alot of the paid individuals seem to display even tho there abilitys to address the situation are obviously very limited and they are also constricted by there "masters" rules and regulations.


At the end of the day what the people at the top of soe need to realise (And i think finally they are) is maybe as individuals our 15$ or whatever doesnt amount to much in the grand scale of things but as a group of people if you continue to royally screw us over then somewere down the line your chickens will come home to roost.Our word of mouth passes down to others and id of thought that after still trying to recover from the ps3 fiasco were people were ignored in favour of "We know best" that word of mouth and listening to customers should be a much higher priority that up untill now it seems to of been.

I looked at mag on the ps3 (pre rendered bs) (Gameplay) and its similaritys to planetside and the fact its also been developed by sony and at times wondered if the inactivity in correcting the hacking problems here was somehow related and maybe this was some sort of testing ground for that game and as this has served its purpose the focus has now shifted over to that and this is being allowed to drop of the radar.

Call me an old cynic and all but thats how it comes across at times.


Anyways i hope something is actually done about these trials and done soon because it would be a cold day in hell before id consider buying a ps3 to play mag if planetside was allowed to fail because of sony created issues which the free trial is the biggest and most outstanding of them all and im sure alot of others feel the same.

this seems like some sort of "conspiracy theory" but I didn't quite understand - who aagain are you saying is behind this, and why?


Joined: Feb 13, 2007
Messages: 34

I find this on other forums, I dont know why they do not post this here.


"As you most likely know, there was a lot of hacking going in PlanetSide, which was hard for us to track since we had to see it in game ourselves. This is not entirely true any longer. With the launch of the merged servers we changed the way we track hacking in game. The server now checks for the hard cap on the maximum fire rate, range, etc.. of every weapon / vehicle / turret / etc.. When they are fired, and where they hit. By verifying the actual maximum game mechanics have exceed we can spot the tiniest adjustments to the game. We are not stopping there though; we are dedicated to erasing all hackers from the game. SOE has assigned part of their research and development team specifically to this task, and I am confident that between their efforts, and the efforts of CS all hacks will be stopped or every person using a hack will have their account terminated."

Tactical Officer

Joined: Jul 21, 2006
Messages: 1046

first, always link the source


second, its laughable at best. the merge was a year ago, and do you not see hackers daily?


Joined: Jul 25, 2004
Messages: 273

hold old is this, im guessing its from last years merge?>>>> YEAH WELL SOE LIED OKAY LOL

Tactical Officer

Joined: Jan 30, 2007
Messages: 1082
Location: Carolina del Norte

Us in GOTR are under the impression that this is indeed a conspiracy.


Someone posted a link to a thread in (a certain forum i can't name) and you'll see something to that effect.

Surveillance Officer

Joined: Apr 8, 2006
Messages: 93

Yeah people are b*tching about the obvious hackers when there is a huge percentage of the pop using the subtle hacks. I would guesstimate that 25% of the pop is using that gamma hack to reveal cloakers and ams bubbles. Certain people (outfits) are so blanantly obvious with it as they always go straight for the ams bubble and will find every single one regardless of how well you place them.


I agree with the above statement.


Joined: Mar 30, 2004
Messages: 5

I don't post here must, but yeah I had to log today, I just couldn't handle having lodestars and galaxies in the spawn room with me.


Joined: Jun 26, 2007
Messages: 212

CommunstNazi wrote:

I don't post here must, but yeah I had to log today, I just couldn't handle having lodestars and galaxies in the spawn room with me.

That babelfish in your signature sucks so much, you'd better pm me what did you want to put there ^^

Master at Arms

Joined: Apr 9, 2004
Messages: 1648
Location: 3rd personin' your airpad

Hosp wrote:

Yeah people are b*tching about the obvious hackers when there is a huge percentage of the pop using the subtle hacks. I would guesstimate that 25% of the pop is using that gamma hack to reveal cloakers and ams bubbles. Certain people (outfits) are so blanantly obvious with it as they always go straight for the ams bubble and will find every single one regardless of how well you place them.


I agree with the above statement.

yes. Cloaking can be a joke when u have SS, crouching, not moving and u see a random mossie turn to you and >poof< dead

Military Advisor

Joined: Jun 19, 2004
Messages: 2314

Hosp wrote:

Yeah people are b*tching about the obvious hackers when there is a huge percentage of the pop using the subtle hacks. I would guesstimate that 25% of the pop is using that gamma hack to reveal cloakers and ams bubbles. Certain people (outfits) are so blanantly obvious with it as they always go straight for the ams bubble and will find every single one regardless of how well you place them.


I agree with the above statement.

Its in fact very easy to find amses and routers in mosquitos without hacks as if you use them yourself for any amount of time you know the most likly locations to sweep around because of range and vicinity to backdoor or other entranced etc so its actually quite a limited area to search.

I dont belive 25% of people would be that cheap to go and hack to do something thats actually very easy to do without cheating and put there account at risk for such a minor advantage.

I do belive a very small amount of people use certain cheats tho because of alot of incidents over extended periods of time were you die in ways you have to think "Eh what the *Expletive" was that *Expletive* *Expletive*" like when your firing pointblank at someone in the back with a cycler and they turn around and kill you with whatever that nc medium assult gun is called which is one incident with one well known player i dont forget about.


Overall tho before these trial accounts things seemed fine and no game is every gonna be 100% cheatfree so at the end of the day its down to whether you personally are ok to get some unfair kills which noone besides yourself really gives a  toss about anyways and be ok with the knowledge your having to cheat to do it.

Personally its something id NEVER do because its self defeating and removes the whole feeling of achievment from anything you do a little like playing some game on easy rather than the hardest level and finishing it but not even feeling satisfied you have unlike if you had a tough challange to do it.


Im still waiting for this "Something" to be done about "Script kiddies" tho whatever the hell script kiddies are and its getting a bit tiring staying subbed to a game that my desire to play in its current cheating state is almost none existant.

On the plus side tho xboxlive is good except for the fact your "Friends" appear to come out with lines like "Hey that was my kill" etc so i guess its not alot differnt to planetside in that respect.

Still no game seems to have that addiction planetside does and i hope this "SOMETHING" gets done soon to stop hackers and i wish people would stop jabbering on about lashers and werner merges and focus on stopping these trial idiots because all the rest is minor in comparison.

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