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Joined: Dec 7, 2005
Messages: 248
Location: New York City

i mean c'mon with such crappy response to the "hackers/cheaters".


SOE show us that you're doing something about this. not talking, talking gets you nowhere

i want... no, we want some action. we're paying customers and aren't the customers ALWAYS right?


Remember ACTIONS speak louder than WORDS!!!

Strategic Officer

Joined: May 5, 2006
Messages: 3659

ZeroEnigma wrote:

SOE show us that you're doing something about this. not talking, talking gets you nowhere

They don't even talk

Military Advisor

Joined: Mar 30, 2006
Messages: 2549

I canceled my subscription.  Not a single word regarding hackers in months.  I can only assume that SOE does not care about the problem, so I'm not going to care about paying them.  This isn't a minor distraction for players, it makes the game totally unplayable when your ENTIRE EMPIRE gets slaughtered by one guy the second you step foot out of a spawn tube.

Master at Arms

Joined: Mar 22, 2004
Messages: 1896

Watch the number of subscribers crash in the next 2 months.



Joined: Jun 26, 2007
Messages: 212

CC said they are doing something to solve this problem.


Joined: Mar 11, 2006
Messages: 309

It's getting tiresome having to worry about a hacker ruining your fight. Whatever anti-hack thing you'll are working on, I hope it's released soon.

Master at Arms

Joined: Mar 23, 2004
Messages: 642
Location: London, UK

i dont understand why the playerbase in game cant vote someone back to sanc.  if it was required that say 20 people from the opposition and 20 people from the empire the hack was on was required to boot someone to sanc for 10 mins then i am pretty sure no innocents would be caught out.

banning hackers is supported by all players, not just those being taken down by one.

Military Advisor

Joined: Mar 30, 2006
Messages: 2549

JlaMo wrote:

CC said they are doing something to solve this problem.

So did the flying spaghetti monster. 

If that is really the case, why doesn't the COMMUNITY RELATIONS MANAGER that is paid by our money post this?  SOE is giving us zero hope that anything is being done.

Master at Arms

Joined: Mar 22, 2004
Messages: 1896

Rajinn only posts in the safe zone of General Chat where you can join the in the fun that is not anything at all to do with PS.

Military Advisor

Joined: Mar 30, 2006
Messages: 2549

borguk1of9 wrote:

Rajinn only posts in the safe zone of General Chat where you can join the in the fun that is not anything at all to do with PS.

Yep, it's really sad.  Even just a post that says "We're working on it" would be better than nothing and would take 5 seconds to write.  We can't even get that much for $15/month (soon to be $0/month for me).

Message edited by SheepHerder on 04/30/2009 10:20:43.

Master at Arms

Joined: Mar 22, 2004
Messages: 1896


Joined: May 19, 2006
Messages: 289

SheepHerder wrote:

JlaMo wrote:

CC said they are doing something to solve this problem.

So did the flying spaghetti monster. 

If that is really the case, why doesn't the COMMUNITY RELATIONS MANAGER that is paid by our money post this?  SOE is giving us zero hope that anything is being done.

This anger is quite understandable. I was pull hacked yesterday and you get zero chance to get away.


You don't even know what's happening. I also watched a VS hack against a full TR force of more then 30-40 guys and killed all of them with a sniperrifle. His name was a series of L's and i's with a VS in the middle. I tried to locate him, but he wasn't even on the map in a visible area. I think he may have been under the map. How are we to compete with this?

A few things need to happen now. Any company I have been a part of understands the customer/client is the reason for their own existance, yet SOE ingame/forum representatives have not even taken the time to address the problem. Even if you cannot fix it, let our concerns be addressed. We are paying $15 a month for a broken product. I think it's warranted.

Raijinn, Brewko, Enrico. We need your input.


Message edited by TheBigUNIT on 04/30/2009 10:25:52.

Tactical Officer

Joined: Mar 19, 2004
Messages: 1225
Location: here 'n there

I honestly think that Planetside for SOE is not a money maker due to low number of subs..the reason for the low number of subs can be debated but really is a moot point. Due to its non-money maker status SOE allows the game to continue but does very little in terms of support. In the hierarchy of gaming support requirements PS simply falls at the bottom of list along with Tanarus and some of their other 'freebie' games. 

As such the lack of intelligent response isnt surprising. In short they could tell us that PS makes no money so will get very little in terms of support. To bluntly state this truth however would give SOE a black eye and even negative notariety in the MMO community. They lost their top status to Blizzard long ago in part due to lack of support. They will not risk more negative publicity such as closing a game or stating it will not be supported (in any real sense) while still charging money to play that game.

Ignoring works best. There arent enough people in the PS community to create enough noise to be noticed by the larger MMO community as whole so there will be little or no genuine effort to fix things such as the current hacking problems. Be clear about this - SOE for all intents is leaving PS up but has written it off.

My only suggestion is to let people know what type of support they give when future games come out. Make sure people know what to expect and what level of support their dollars will garner. In short simply tell them the truth.

It not a threat, its simply asking people to relay to other gamers what the reality of SOE support is.


Keep in mind how long they tried to force the 3 monkeys routine on everyone. Any post regarding hacking was removed. Now the player base has shrunk enough its no longer the threat it once was to have acknowledged hackers ingame. 


I think our best hope is that eventually SOE lets the PS community start policing itself via ingame volunteers for rapid response. I dont think SOE will take that step due to unwillingness to risk any legal problems but if they did I think it would be a very good day for PS.

Message edited by Bugsmasher on 04/30/2009 11:09:52.


Joined: Jul 29, 2005
Messages: 205

well said

Military Advisor

Joined: Jun 19, 2004
Messages: 2314

I say its about time we called in this guy to sort the cheats out.

Sure hes a bit more low budget than spiderman or superman say but given planetsides profile and budget beggers cant be choosers.

Id pay a little extra on my sub to see cheats pepper sprayed and tasered GO SHADOW HARE!.

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