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Your Funniest Death
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Joined: Apr 26, 2007
Messages: 381
Location: Earth

Seeing as how we have the Funniest kill thread, here's its partner.

What was your funniest death?

Mine was back when I origonally had a TR Cloaker. I had hopped into the chaingunner's possition of a prowler and was providing air cover when we were beset apun by an NC armor collume. I some how manage to bail at the last moment with Prowler exploding behind me. Now get this, I'm fully stealthed, just cheated death, and no one has a clue. I turn around to the hull of a Vangaurd landing on me, lady luck can be a *spoon* at times.

Auraxian Mechanic

Joined: Apr 18, 2005
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Location: England - Berkshire

My first go at flying a gal for a resecure, I bail out too, thinking the gal will continue flying like a mossie, I land safely we hacking the door, BOOM gal comes down and kills 3/4 of the squad inc me.


Tactical Officer

Joined: Aug 9, 2006
Messages: 1806

My outfit went to open an empty TR cont, so we were busy prepping the base. I hacked the main terminal to get my CE loadout, and just as I did so, a female TR character (think it was Arrowen) appeared crouching on top of the terminal. SMILEY

I'm thinking "lol, heh, look at this messed up game - now there's even avatars popping up out of thin air on empty conts; now that's a funny bug!".

Next, I'm thinking "hmm, wait.. what if it isn't a bug..?"

Next, the TR pulls out his MCG and guns down my Agile non-medpack *spoon*.

So what had happened was this: Arrowen had just come online, and started out cloaked at this very base because that was where he had last logged off. He saw all the red dots running about the base just as it got hacked, and went to the main term, still cloaked. And as I was hacking said term, he simply used it to pull his combat loadout himself. Easy enough, but to me it looked like he had just virtually teleported in. SMILEY

Of course the other Mercs discarded of him quickly, but this was by far the funniest death I've had so far. SMILEY


Joined: Jul 10, 2007
Messages: 456

I certed cloaking for the first time, run from an ams outside a cy to the enemy base, I'm croutched outside the cy watching a tr guy run around the wall when he looks over and kills me.  I'm thinking how the hell did he find me here?  He sends me a tell that read "Push B to cloak next time"....


The second time I ran out of ammo in a bio lab after the nc had blown the gen(go figure) and I surged from the cc to the bd spamming V-V-V past the NC only to be killed at the exit by enemy CE.

Tactical Officer

Joined: Jan 30, 2007
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Location: Carolina del Norte

last night on Solsar i was running around in a magrider column and we decided to try and take Bastet (the LLU base beside Seth) so i hop out and go for the hack in my pilot gear.


note: the only weapon i have in my pilot gear is a Beamer.


so somone hacks the base before i can and i start getting sniped by a Cycler on the hill. i run behind a column and a friendly reaver kills the guy.  im down to almost no health, so im laughing here.  i go back towards the CC door where apparently a cloaker is waiting for me with his knife.  he lunges at me and i whip out my beamer, 1 2 3 shots to his face and he dies.


but, Planetside gameplay mechanics allow for if you press the trigger, the shot WILL go through regardless.  so after he's dead on the ground, his knife stab hits me and i die.


Joined: Jun 20, 2007
Messages: 1351
Location: if i told you id have to kill you

its gotta be when i was a cloaker. I was sneaking into an nc base, sensor sheild on, crouched, and staying clear of all NC. right when i get to the backdoor, a tr ams pops outta no where and mows me down.


Joined: Jul 18, 2005
Messages: 218

AustinPowers wrote:
its gotta be when i was a cloaker. I was sneaking into an nc base, sensor sheild on, crouched, and staying clear of all NC. right when i get to the backdoor, a tr ams pops outta no where and mows me down.

I've been mowed down so much as a cloaker its not funny anymoreSMILEY

though i always find it weird when i die to an ironic name or when you both manage to kill each other.

Military Advisor

Joined: Mar 19, 2004
Messages: 2878

I was wraith mowwed while repairing a vanny once, never lived it down


Joined: Dec 30, 2006
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Trying to escape from striker spam and flying into a tree surviving the tree crash and crashing into a friendly gal wich resulted in me going poof

Squad Leader

Joined: Mar 20, 2004
Messages: 808

Long, long ago...when there were no Deli variants, I was driving a Deli on Ceryshen for my outfit.  Had a full Deli.  I'm looking at the map to see where to go.....whoops, drove off the cliff and killed us all.

We all respawn at the closest base and get in another of my Delis and go off again.  We get past the first death area and i briefly look at the map.  Once again, over the cliff we go. 

So, from then on, whenever we had a death-by-cliff incident, it was called "pulling a WarCan."


Joined: Sep 2, 2006
Messages: 344
Location: Doncaster

This belongs in a "Stupidist thing every done in PS" thread tbh, but here goes.

Nearly 2 yrs ago I was in a Gal with my outfit en route to back up a VS assault on a TR base. We nearly had it and it wouldn't have taken much more to be in and have the base capped. However, as we bailed for some unknown reason I felt it would be a good idea to OS as I fell, (Don't know why the hell I did, maybe half cut, maybe just plain dumb, I'd only had OS a short while at that point). SMILEY

Well as we dropped, the OS wound up and wiped out everyone who bailed from the gal, everyone on the roof of the base, everyone at the front door and our only AMS.SMILEY

I wasn't very popular with the rest of the VS that night, the TR however were really impressed. I've never seen so many Hate/Congratulations tells ever, my whole chat was solid blue tells.SMILEY

Squad Leader

Joined: Mar 20, 2004
Messages: 808

Tyborg82 wrote:

This belongs in a "Stupidist thing every done in PS" thread tbh, but here goes.

Nearly 2 yrs ago I was in a Gal with my outfit en route to back up a VS assault on a TR base. We nearly had it and it wouldn't have taken much more to be in and have the base capped. However, as we bailed for some unknown reason I felt it would be a good idea to OS as I fell, (Don't know why the hell I did, maybe half cut, maybe just plain dumb, I'd only had OS a short while at that point). SMILEY

Well as we dropped, the OS wound up and wiped out everyone who bailed from the gal, everyone on the roof of the base, everyone at the front door and our only AMS.SMILEY

I wasn't very popular with the rest of the VS that night, the TR however were really impressed. I've never seen so many Hate/Congratulations tells ever, my whole chat was solid blue tells.SMILEY

I believe I saw this one.  Either that or a few others have done it. 


Joined: Jul 29, 2006
Messages: 1708
Location: The Warp

This one time I ran out of everything :

Rocklet was empty (even the flack)
Punisher was empty
All nades used up

So I pull out my knife and jump down the wall of the base we were defending for about 3 hours. I land on a mine that was placed in a ams bubble and the entire ams blows up killing about 10 people. Later on someone told me he was trying to kill the ams in his reaver and I stole his kill... talk about funny.

Squad Leader

Joined: Mar 3, 2008
Messages: 937

My first foray into this game many years ago gave me the story for this.


I logged on not sure what to expect from this here game. I had no idea about VR training to level up and get more competetive weapons so I just ran up to the Equipment term right out of the Sanc spawns and muscled through making my first loadout. It was confusing as I was sure there had to be more weapons to choose from. So I got myself a Suppressor and some grenades and some ammo and went to the Hart in my Agile Armor.

Once in the HART I was once again reaffirmed that I had no idea what I was supposed to do, so I look at every continent looking for something to do or help out on.

Wait...whats that? A flashing yellow orb of a thing moving from one of our bases to an enemy base it looked like. I should see what that is.

So I drop, thinking how cool it was that I was actually dropping in a pod down to the surface of the continent. I hit the ground and pull out my weapon. I open my map and get my bearings and begin heading towards the flashing yellow orb thing. I rise over one hill, still cant see anything. Then rise of another one to see a ginormous white, blue and yellow tank which was carrying the flashing orb thingy. Needless to say the end result was me getting slapped in the face by a Vanguard shell.

This pales in comparison though to the story that happened once I figured out how to get new weapons.

I lived and died by the Punisher the first week I played this game. How cool is it to have one gun that can shoot bullets, rockets and grenades!?!!? I had my first grip of reality with that weapon when I saw an NC max on the catwalks of a base and I was damn determined to take him out with the rocket mode on the Punisher.

After about what felt like 10 minutes worth of rockets and the damn thing still wasnt dead I just gave up and ran up to him throwing frag grenades out of it, after which he promptly blasted me into the ground.

Ahh the early days, lol.


Joined: Jan 7, 2007
Messages: 307

One of my most recent funny deaths was BFR vs BFR yesterday vs a VS aphelion.

Neither of us had gunners, and we both had armor drains lol

We run at each other and it looked like we were wrestling, and we just sit there draining each other... when out of nowhere a blue OS appears and before I know it... we're both dead.
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