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Reaver Stealth Buff???
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Joined: Jun 26, 2007
Messages: 212

Jollytraveller wrote:

Yes, and that logic would be correct because they are all stacking certs. Even more so in the case of the Reaver because 95% of players already cert a Mossie. So yes, it is 2 certs, not 5.

SA is 3 certs, so is AV.

It's quite simple really. Go to a re-cert term and the little number next to each cert is it's cost. Pre-requistes do not change this.

By your logic, the cost of someone buying a new kitchen set up wold not be the $1000 for the units themselves but $201,000 because you need to spend $200,000 on a house first to put your kitchen units in.

MCG costs 6 certs for me: I dont need cycler, I need MCG. Reaver costs 5 certs for BloodHawk, he doesnt have skeeter, and if he decides to cert reaver he will spend 5 on it.

If you are going to cert aa max it will be 2 cert point for any player, not 2 for one group and 5 for another.

If I could get reaver for 2 certpoints only, I wont have a skeeter, reaver gives me much more fun using it (harder dogfights for me, mags hunting, ggs hunting, aa maxes hunting) and I'll save 3 more certs for something more useful than a thin gruntfarming aircraft, which I really rarely use for gruntfarming purpose..

Btw if devs remove skeeter requirement for reaver, most of present pilots will cert only reaver, so you wont have skeeter "problem" in caves anymore.. Try to make them implement this..

But if reaver wont have skeeter requirement anymore, you won't have tanks on battlefield. Who will dare to get a tank out  when its 50 nme reavers around it?

Is that logic clear for you?

Message edited by JlaMo on 06/09/2009 00:59:26.

Military Advisor

Joined: Jun 19, 2004
Messages: 2314

Perhaps this reaver "stealth buff" may of been more of a factor in reguards to tr bursters if we hadnt recieved the totally unneccasry clip buff but as we did then its not really an issue.

Tr burster is deadly in most situations ON ITS OWN let alone if there happen to be two or three roaming around so is this REALLY such an issue anyways?.

As jlamo said a two cert burster shouldnt really be in a position to drop a fully powered reaver anyways as most other anti viechle weapons require other people to be in the vicinity for them to be truly effective anyways.

However in reguards to skyguards for example this is another matter as i do belive there extra cert cost  and the fact they expose themselves to fire MUCH more than the burster MAX should allow them to solo drop reavers more effectivly.


Bfr aa is totally awfull also and how this has never been more balanced compared to the 2 point burster max for example i really dont understand AT ALL.

Tactical Officer

Joined: Aug 9, 2006
Messages: 1806

dr0ss wrote:

air cav has been nerfed several times in planetside history, not mention buffs/introduction to new AA.

And still, aircav remains the two most killwhoretastic certs any half-decent player can get. What's that tell us?

Military Advisor

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Location: Hills above Oro, Searhus

dr0ss wrote:

air cav has been nerfed several times in planetside history, not mention buffs/introduction to new AA. so QQ more about 4 burster rounds please. gunnersmate and jack are just up set that a reaver can gain controlebefore the're camped off the pad...


Actually, no they can still be easily killed.

It's called BALANCE.

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Joined: Mar 19, 2004
Messages: 2330
Location: Hills above Oro, Searhus

JlaMo wrote:

Jollytraveller wrote:

Yes, and that logic would be correct because they are all stacking certs. Even more so in the case of the Reaver because 95% of players already cert a Mossie. So yes, it is 2 certs, not 5.

SA is 3 certs, so is AV.

It's quite simple really. Go to a re-cert term and the little number next to each cert is it's cost. Pre-requistes do not change this.

By your logic, the cost of someone buying a new kitchen set up wold not be the $1000 for the units themselves but $201,000 because you need to spend $200,000 on a house first to put your kitchen units in.

MCG costs 6 certs for me: I dont need cycler, I need MCG. Reaver costs 5 certs for BloodHawk, he doesnt have skeeter, and if he decides to cert reaver he will spend 5 on it.

If you are going to cert aa max it will be 2 cert point for any player, not 2 for one group and 5 for another.

If I could get reaver for 2 certpoints only, I wont have a skeeter, reaver gives me much more fun using it (harder dogfights for me, mags hunting, ggs hunting, aa maxes hunting) and I'll save 3 more certs for something more useful than a thin gruntfarming aircraft, which I really rarely use for gruntfarming purpose..

Btw if devs remove skeeter requirement for reaver, most of present pilots will cert only reaver, so you wont have skeeter "problem" in caves anymore.. Try to make them implement this..

But if reaver wont have skeeter requirement anymore, you won't have tanks on battlefield. Who will dare to get a tank out  when its 50 nme reavers around it?

Is that logic clear for you?



That logic is terrible.

A Reaver can attack anything on the battlefield. Pretty good for 5 cert points. A Burster, now near ineffective, can ONLY kill aircraft.


Seems like we are now losing out on our 2-pt AA cert cost.

Military Advisor

Joined: Jun 19, 2004
Messages: 2314

gunnersmate31 wrote:

JlaMo wrote:

Jollytraveller wrote:

Yes, and that logic would be correct because they are all stacking certs. Even more so in the case of the Reaver because 95% of players already cert a Mossie. So yes, it is 2 certs, not 5.

SA is 3 certs, so is AV.

It's quite simple really. Go to a re-cert term and the little number next to each cert is it's cost. Pre-requistes do not change this.

By your logic, the cost of someone buying a new kitchen set up wold not be the $1000 for the units themselves but $201,000 because you need to spend $200,000 on a house first to put your kitchen units in.

MCG costs 6 certs for me: I dont need cycler, I need MCG. Reaver costs 5 certs for BloodHawk, he doesnt have skeeter, and if he decides to cert reaver he will spend 5 on it.

If you are going to cert aa max it will be 2 cert point for any player, not 2 for one group and 5 for another.

If I could get reaver for 2 certpoints only, I wont have a skeeter, reaver gives me much more fun using it (harder dogfights for me, mags hunting, ggs hunting, aa maxes hunting) and I'll save 3 more certs for something more useful than a thin gruntfarming aircraft, which I really rarely use for gruntfarming purpose..

Btw if devs remove skeeter requirement for reaver, most of present pilots will cert only reaver, so you wont have skeeter "problem" in caves anymore.. Try to make them implement this..

But if reaver wont have skeeter requirement anymore, you won't have tanks on battlefield. Who will dare to get a tank out  when its 50 nme reavers around it?

Is that logic clear for you?



That logic is terrible.

A Reaver can attack anything on the battlefield. Pretty good for 5 cert points. A Burster, now near ineffective, can ONLY kill aircraft.


Seems like we are now losing out on our 2-pt AA cert cost.

Actually a burster IS effective but its not capable of killing EVERYTHING in the air on its own and thats just as it should be as a reaver is basically an airborne tank, given the fact it requires TWO more cert points than its ground based counterpart i think its current armour status is quite acceptable.

A burster MAX also is quite acceptable for killing infantry with when its capacitor is charged and is also quite usefull as a counter sniping platform, if not for killing the snipers outright at least for disrupting and damaging them for our own snipers to mop them up.

I would say that perhaps the skyguard could use a slight buff tho as its cert cost is higher than the burster and its also often much more exposed and vunerable to anti viechle fire than the MAX is as its able to fire from much more concealed positions.

As for BFR anti air................yea how the hell that is so pathetic for something that costs around 10 certs ill never understand.


Military Advisor

Joined: Jun 19, 2004
Messages: 2314



Message edited by SabreTooth on 06/09/2009 04:20:02.


Joined: Apr 28, 2004
Messages: 28

The thing is, the Reaver was absolutely effective before that buff. There was no need for that buff at all.


At the moment there are three major ways to be killed as Reaver pilot (my personal experience at least):

1. Being too greedy and staying too long, thus getting killed by AA/AV/whatever

2. Running out of Afterburner while being near AA/AV/whatever

3. Dogfights/being killed by air while speeding away

Flying a Reaver for one night will give you rediculously high K/D-ratios. You get much for your 5 points. So pulling the cert point argument with Reaver doesn't work for me. For example Wasp costs 5 cert points, too. But it's paper-thin and effective against air only (while Reaver covers everything). Does it need an armor buff, too then? Because AA can kill it so easily.

This comes from a Burster and Reaver user (with bad english skills, so don't be too harsh about that ).


Joined: Mar 18, 2006
Messages: 488

SabreTooth wrote:

1) A burster MAX also is quite acceptable for killing infantry with when its capacitor is charged...

2) As for BFR anti air................yea how the hell that is so pathetic for something that costs around 10 certs ill never understand.

1) Very good against maxes too, nearly as strong as the falcon locked down

2) The NC BFR AA is actually a fairly decent AA weapon, and doubles as something of an AI gun.
BFR burster is usable but nothing special.  BFR starfire is utter trash.


Joined: Aug 21, 2008
Messages: 40

They just forgot a level of armor that was before veh-armor event to bring it back.

Strategic Officer

Joined: Dec 16, 2004
Messages: 3425

JlaMo wrote:

Jollytraveller wrote:

Yes, and that logic would be correct because they are all stacking certs. Even more so in the case of the Reaver because 95% of players already cert a Mossie. So yes, it is 2 certs, not 5.

SA is 3 certs, so is AV.

It's quite simple really. Go to a re-cert term and the little number next to each cert is it's cost. Pre-requistes do not change this.

By your logic, the cost of someone buying a new kitchen set up wold not be the $1000 for the units themselves but $201,000 because you need to spend $200,000 on a house first to put your kitchen units in.

MCG costs 6 certs for me: I dont need cycler, I need MCG. Reaver costs 5 certs for BloodHawk, he doesnt have skeeter, and if he decides to cert reaver he will spend 5 on it.

If you are going to cert aa max it will be 2 cert point for any player, not 2 for one group and 5 for another.

If I could get reaver for 2 certpoints only, I wont have a skeeter, reaver gives me much more fun using it (harder dogfights for me, mags hunting, ggs hunting, aa maxes hunting) and I'll save 3 more certs for something more useful than a thin gruntfarming aircraft, which I really rarely use for gruntfarming purpose..

Btw if devs remove skeeter requirement for reaver, most of present pilots will cert only reaver, so you wont have skeeter "problem" in caves anymore.. Try to make them implement this..

But if reaver wont have skeeter requirement anymore, you won't have tanks on battlefield. Who will dare to get a tank out  when its 50 nme reavers around it?

Is that logic clear for you?

So, you never use the Cycler, or the Sweeper? I call BS.

It's really very simple. Air Cav Assault is a stacking cert. For the 5 certs you get both a Reaver and a Mossie. Whether you decide to only use one, both or neither of them is irrelevant. That is whwat you get for the certification cost. Therefore, in the context of this debate, arguing that the Reaver alone costs 5 cert points is simply beyond reta@rded. You cannot dispute this fact.

Master at Arms

Joined: Mar 21, 2004
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Location: St. Louis, MO

Rook wrote:

dr0ss wrote:

air cav has been nerfed several times in planetside history, not mention buffs/introduction to new AA.

And still, aircav remains the two most killwhoretastic certs any half-decent player can get. What's that tell us?

That tells us that the good and veteran players use and enjoy aircraft more than anything else in PlanetSide. If good and veteran players used and enjoyed tanks, for example, then all the bad players would be complaining that tanks are overpowered.

Master at Arms

Joined: Mar 21, 2004
Messages: 642
Location: St. Louis, MO

Jollytraveller wrote:

JlaMo wrote:

Jollytraveller wrote:

Yes, and that logic would be correct because they are all stacking certs. Even more so in the case of the Reaver because 95% of players already cert a Mossie. So yes, it is 2 certs, not 5.

SA is 3 certs, so is AV.

It's quite simple really. Go to a re-cert term and the little number next to each cert is it's cost. Pre-requistes do not change this.

By your logic, the cost of someone buying a new kitchen set up wold not be the $1000 for the units themselves but $201,000 because you need to spend $200,000 on a house first to put your kitchen units in.

MCG costs 6 certs for me: I dont need cycler, I need MCG. Reaver costs 5 certs for BloodHawk, he doesnt have skeeter, and if he decides to cert reaver he will spend 5 on it.

If you are going to cert aa max it will be 2 cert point for any player, not 2 for one group and 5 for another.

If I could get reaver for 2 certpoints only, I wont have a skeeter, reaver gives me much more fun using it (harder dogfights for me, mags hunting, ggs hunting, aa maxes hunting) and I'll save 3 more certs for something more useful than a thin gruntfarming aircraft, which I really rarely use for gruntfarming purpose..

Btw if devs remove skeeter requirement for reaver, most of present pilots will cert only reaver, so you wont have skeeter "problem" in caves anymore.. Try to make them implement this..

But if reaver wont have skeeter requirement anymore, you won't have tanks on battlefield. Who will dare to get a tank out  when its 50 nme reavers around it?

Is that logic clear for you?

So, you never use the Cycler, or the Sweeper? I call BS.

It's really very simple. Air Cav Assault is a stacking cert. For the 5 certs you get both a Reaver and a Mossie. Whether you decide to only use one, both or neither of them is irrelevant. That is whwat you get for the certification cost. Therefore, in the context of this debate, arguing that the Reaver alone costs 5 cert points is simply beyond reta@rded. You cannot dispute this fact.

I can see both sides of the argument and calling it "beyond retarted" is ironically, beyond retarted. If I want to be able to pull a Reaver out of the vehicle pad I'm going to have 5 less certs than I had before, not 3.

How many certs is BFR? 4 or 7?

Military Advisor

Joined: Mar 30, 2006
Messages: 2549

I don't think this buff was intentional.  SOE just didn't know the proper values to restore it to after the "vehicle stimulus" event.  They buffed the lightning too and never said a word (yet I fully support the lightning buff).  The reaver buff is totally unneeded and does make a big difference.  Cert cost should be raised to 3 or afterburner cut in half to keep the balance.

Tactical Officer

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SheepHerder wrote:

I don't think this buff was intentional. SOE just didn't know the proper values to restore it to after the "vehicle stimulus" event. They buffed the lightning too and never said a word (yet I fully support the lightning buff). The reaver buff is totally unneeded and does make a big difference. Cert cost should be raised to 3 or afterburner cut in half to keep the balance.

Yeah I dont belive it was intentional either, as it seems to have coincided with that armor event.

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