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Problems with the NC
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Joined: Jan 12, 2007
Messages: 251

    For the past two days, my outfit has been playing on the NC. They wanted to try a new empire for a couple of days and since the VS are so over poped we went to the NC. In that time, I noticed alot of problems with this empire.

    The main problem with the NC is that they refuse to attack the VS. They will always have the lowest pop, yet still attack the TR. They would rather go to a Three way on Hossin then take one of their home conts back from the VS. This in itself screws up the game. Right now the VS get over 40% pop during prime time. They will constantly own over half the world unless the NC and the TR attack them and keep them fighting over a nuetral cont or a VS home cont. Yet, this can never be done when the NC refuse to attack them. Now, I somewhat understand their arugement  that the VS lasher is over powered and that don't want to fight it. Well, sooner or later you got to man up and attack them. It is easy enough to kill them if you actually use tactics and fight them. Wait till they get in short range, a jackhammer can kill them easy.

    Another problem I see is that the NC Cr5s, for the most part, seem to just want to zerg. They have lost their drive to take conts. They are content to just zerg a three way. The empire will, for the most part, is let by its outfits and its Cr5s. For the empire's problem to change for the better, the outfits and Cr5s will have to come together and fix the issue.

    The last issue I see for the NC is the lack of outfits. Over there I saw about four outfits that were active, many only geting a squad or less. Blame it on the game dieing and lack of players, I blame it on all the NC playing VS right now. Either way, for an empire to work and take conts it will need active outfits to lead the way.

    This is my two cents in to way the NC are having problems right now. This is not ment as a flame thread or a "Trolling" thread so please don't delete it CC.




Squad Leader

Joined: Jan 25, 2007
Messages: 978

Can't say I blame them for not wanting to fight VS... they just can't do unless they have 3:1 pop or more. The amount of times I've seen NC go on the defensive(or get resecured/pushed out of helheim) with a 2:1 pop advantage over the VS is ridiculous. Besides the resecures, these fights were 90% outdoors too - no lashers in sight.

The NC are for farming only

Tactical Officer

Joined: Aug 9, 2006
Messages: 1806

Glad you figured the NC all out after 2 days.

As for NC not wanting to attack VS, it's not just the Lasher. It's the Lasher and the little fact that VS have twice our pop every evening. Fun? Not really.

And then there's the TR, who are more than happy to do their reeturded hack-hopping on Amerish all day long if we let them, instead of doing what y'all demand of the lowest pop empire - attack the VS.


Joined: Jan 12, 2007
Messages: 251

Rook wrote:

Glad you figured the NC all out after 2 days.

As for NC not wanting to attack VS, it's not just the Lasher. It's the Lasher and the little fact that VS have twice our pop every evening. Fun? Not really.

And then there's the TR, who are more than happy to do their reeturded hack-hopping on Amerish all day long if we let them, instead of doing what y'all demand of the lowest pop empire - attack the VS.

Umm, if you pay atention, you will notice that the TR attack/fight the VS all the time. Only time the TR go to Amerish is when they need to up their kills/BEP for a bit. Also, saying that the VS have double your pop does not mean a thing when most of the time the VS are attacking the TR as well. NC always have a chance to attack the VS. The problem with the NC, as Espion said, is that they can not take a base without having 3:1 pops. This is becuase of lack of skill, lack of leadership, and lack of tactics.

Squad Leader

Joined: Jan 25, 2007
Messages: 978

"And then there's the TR, who are more than happy to do their reeturded hack-hopping on Amerish all day long if we let them, instead of doing what y'all demand of the lowest pop empire - attack the VS." (forgot to quote)


Attacking NC is a morale booster for the TR after getting their hacks resecured 2-3 times in a row against VS. 99% chance of success

Message edited by Espion on 03/30/2009 08:13:11.


Joined: Jan 12, 2007
Messages: 251

Espion wrote:

"And then there's the TR, who are more than happy to do their reeturded hack-hopping on Amerish all day long if we let them, instead of doing what y'all demand of the lowest pop empire - attack the VS." (forgot to quote)


Attacking NC is a morale booster for the TR after getting their hacks resecured 2-3 times in a row against VS. 99% chance of success

Most of the time the NC don't show up on cont till the base is red.

Master at Arms

Joined: Feb 19, 2007
Messages: 707
Location: Pearly Gates

If you want to get some battle ranks on your NC character, now is better time then ever! Hopefully, you don't want CR5 on a NC character though.

Anyways, this NC problem is going to last a while by the way it seems. Unless out of nowhere the developers over nerf the Lasher (to a point where it the average idiot struggles with it, like the old lasher) or TR gets over-buffed then the NC who abanoned their empire for VS will ship over to TR.

Message edited by angelphantasma on 03/30/2009 08:19:48.


Joined: Apr 18, 2005
Messages: 501
Location: New York City

Playing NC last night was dreadful. I was trying to work on CEP for my NC toon and there was no leadership to be seen. My screen was blank for Globals and others mentioned it to me too in tells.

I mean even if a less experienced CR 5 would have Globaled at new continent or even a base to focus on, it would have been better than what transpired last night.


Joined: Apr 20, 2006
Messages: 1537
Location: The Forgotten Island

I stayed on til about 11:30 EST last night.. Cohort, on NC, helped to take Hapi, about five hours prior.

No other bases were taken, save for a brief time in the caves, and Helheim. However, as far as I know, nothing past Helheim was taken for HOURS on Esamir, even with a 2:1 pop advantage for the NC.

It's dreadful, really.

Tactical Officer

Joined: Mar 19, 2004
Messages: 1146

   I play all empires, but I stopped playing NC CR5s much months ago due to the juvenile new breed of CR5s who couldn't lead their way out of a paper bag and believe that Global Command is for calling for support at their personal objectives which are usually not in the best interest of the empire as a whole.  I have been appauld at their drive to "lead" the NC, yet their lack of grasp of the game.  I mean, how many times do I have to explain in C-Chat when and why you can or cannot hack a Capitol?

   Unfortunately, about a month after some friends of mine switched to VS and I began helping them get CEP, the Lasher buff hit and now VS is overpopped and everyone thinks anyone who is on VS and wasn't a "regular", for whatever that is, is only there for the Lasher.  Either way, I don't get all the whining as I have fun and kill fools no matter the pops.  Currently NC is a really good BEP farm and VS is a really good CEP farm.  Choose what you want to work on and play what you like.

   And as a player who plays all empires, yes, the Lasher is very strong now, but whatever.  I play all three regularly so I am always experiencing the strengths and weaknesses of each empire.


Joined: Jan 12, 2007
Messages: 251

I really think this is screwing up the game. Its ment to be a 1v1v1 game. Yet, right now its VS rolling a dice as to who they will attack and the TR trying to stand up. NC are just standing on the sideline not wanting to jump into the fight. I say the TR and VS should each vote one outfit off the empire and send them to NC.


Joined: Jun 4, 2004
Messages: 111

i played my NC cr5's yesterday for 2 hours thats all i could stand.

it has got to the point where i am so dissapointed with what the new breed of none skilled, under acheiving cr5's say and do, i am fricken embarassed to have cr5's on NC.

i globaled for esamir as target 1 time yesterday and royally got reemed out in C chat bye cr5's i have never seen nor heard of.  all they wanted to do was farm VOLTAN yesterday for kills, that was it plain and simple. we had more NC on HOSSIN than ESAMIR the whole time i was on my NC.

and i am surpised you lasted 2 days on NC, i lasted 2 hours and was fed up with there total lack of giving a hoot about there empire.




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Joined: Jun 14, 2007
Messages: 14

NC who know how to play the game ( how to kill / do a resecure / attack a base/cont ) are playing TR / VS atm.....Most of NC who are playing atm are noobs or just looking for their k/d....i dont see any commander who know how to lead a empire ( there are no tactics ). But i also have to say that most CR5 dont care anymore about the empire. I mean most of us are playing this game over 5 years and we know what will happen if we go for x base/cont. The problem is the player will not do what we say or they do it but because of this "noob" factor they will be owned, so they have no chance. There are many ways to fix it but i dont care anymore and most ppl/outifts do the same.....

I dont want to tell ppl who are playing this game over years what to do......they should know it already !!

All we need are some organized outfits....

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