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I don't want to hear it anymore.
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Tactical Officer

Joined: Jan 30, 2007
Messages: 1082
Location: Carolina del Norte

Tonight is Saturday, May 16th, 2009.

As VS farmed away on Hossin, facilities on different benefit continents started to go neutral, very rapidly. (courtesy of Mercs. good tactic, and i hate you all for it)

Infected continents included Cyssor, Searhus, and Ceryshen.

VS continued to farm away as several CR5s, ALL OF WHOM STAYED ON HOSSIN TO FARM, called for these continents to be fixed.


My outfit took it upon ourselves to fix Searhus. And fix it we did. After calling for backup, having to recert ourselves for expert hacking and more advanced certs, we repaired, filled, disinfected, and recaptured all of the 5 or 6 bases that had gone neutral (luckily we did have help on Ceryshen, many thanks to Ambefor) except for Oro, which MERCs captured themselves and farmed us until we eventually took the base.


A total of around 30 of my outfit members (or platoon members with my outfit) were on that continent, slaving away trying to help our empire. there were, maybe, 3 or 4 non-outfit, non-platoon VS on that continent, including WarCan and...someone with a confusing name. APlu3CUH or something, i dont know.


If it were not for my outfit and the <<<few>>> VS who helped us, Searhus would not be purple right now. Also, there is a very good chance that we'd be fighting on Ceryshen, not Hossin, right now.


All the while, our "grand and glorious emperor" batsteg (and others of course) call for help to cyssor and searhus. None of these cr5s were on those continents, they were having a blast farming Hossin. I know, because every time i saw a global i did a /who command for their name.


Some of you cr5s think you own the world. Actually, it's mainly Batsteg, but some of the rest of you are as bad. Mods, if you think that's an 'attack' on him, it's not. It's the truth, he thinks he's the "emperor" of the VS. STOP CONTRADICTING EVERYTHING THE REST OF US WORK FOR. You will somehow find a way to make a global in pink or yellow or blue or whatever color you choose, that is completely OPPOSITE of what VS is trying to accomplish at that given point.


Conclusion; don't you DARE criticize my outfit ever again. Whether we blow a gen, kill the tubes, put an AMS in the wrong spot, whatever. I dont want to hear it. My outfit does more for VS than any of you know, and all I see is constant criticism on how we operate. Nevermind the bases we take without the rest of VS supporting, nevermind the LLUs we run in 3 minutes flat, nevermind the stuff we do that the rest of VS is too good for. We constantly help the empire in any way we possibly can; we aren't the kind of outfit to go take a tower on a NC/TR fight and farm it for kicks.


Yes, this is a rant post. You'd be ranting too, if you were in my position.


---robocpf1, Ghosts of the Revolution Outfit Leader



Message edited by robo on 05/16/2009 19:58:28.


Joined: Mar 20, 2004
Messages: 221

ALL VS CR5s are useless

u never use cont or globals for anything useful

and as u said in ur post, CR5s asking for support to a continent, w/o ever considering going there themself

ur never spesific, get inside the tower, get more aa to that hill... what tower?? what hill??

VS on hossin as usual, fighting at 3 bases + other conts, none speak up about what base should be main target = stalemate for hours


i hope they merge the servers soon so i can go back to play my TR CR5..

Strategic Officer

Joined: Jul 26, 2007
Messages: 4743
Location: EarthSide

Even me SMILEY  ?

Military Advisor

Joined: Apr 5, 2005
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Location: Edinburgh, Scotland

Zpeed wrote:

ALL VS CR5s are useless

u never use cont or globals for anything useful

and as u said in ur post, CR5s asking for support to a continent, w/o ever considering going there themself

ur never spesific, get inside the tower, get more aa to that hill... what tower?? what hill??

VS on hossin as usual, fighting at 3 bases + other conts, none speak up about what base should be main target = stalemate for hours


i hope they merge the servers soon so i can go back to play my TR CR5..

excuse me?

You find fault in my leading, let me know. I may not do it much nowadays BUT when I do, you can be sure I do everything you outlined in THAT statement.

yes there are idiots in c chat atm....just add em to ignore list and ur golden!

Tactical Officer

Joined: Aug 9, 2006
Messages: 1806

robo wrote:

facilities on different benefit continents started to go neutral, very rapidly. (courtesy of Mercs.)

Sorry, but wrong. We did take advantage of some of the green bases, because a) it offered a much better fight than the Hossin 3way and b) I didn't want NC to be on Hossin anyway. But it wasn't us who did all the draining. I'm fairly certain it wasn't even an NC.

I actually felt for you (you as in VS resecure folks, although there obviously weren't many of those online), because I found that mass draining rather excessive.

Master at Arms

Joined: Feb 19, 2007
Messages: 707
Location: Pearly Gates

robo wrote:

don't you DARE criticize my outfit ever again.

People of the internet criticize everything.

Tactical Officer

Joined: Jan 30, 2007
Messages: 1082
Location: Carolina del Norte

Rook wrote:

robo wrote:

facilities on different benefit continents started to go neutral, very rapidly. (courtesy of Mercs.)

Sorry, but wrong. We did take advantage of some of the green bases, because a) it offered a much better fight than the Hossin 3way and b) I didn't want NC to be on Hossin anyway. But it wasn't us who did all the draining. I'm fairly certain it wasn't even an NC.

I actually felt for you (you as in VS resecure folks, although there obviously weren't many of those online), because I found that mass draining rather excessive.

oh. my apologies then. connected the dots wrong i guess :/


i no longer hate you then, lol.

Strategic Officer

Joined: May 5, 2006
Messages: 3659

robo wrote:

Oro, which MERCs captured themselves and farmed us until we eventually took the base.

fighting  Lashers the whole night was pretty tiresome, but Oro was one of the better parts


robo wrote:

---robocpf1, Ghosts of the Revolution Outfit Leader

also, grats to your promotion, when did that happen?

Message edited by Tatranka on 05/17/2009 12:57:23.


Joined: Jun 26, 2007
Messages: 212

Huh.. VS empire needs help? I thought if you are vs and certed HA you get lasher in et... =)

Strategic Officer

Joined: Jul 26, 2007
Messages: 4743
Location: EarthSide

Tatranka wrote:

robo wrote:

Oro, which MERCs captured themselves and farmed us until we eventually took the base.

fighting  Lashers the whole night was pretty tiresome, but Oro was one of the better parts


robo wrote:

---robocpf1, Ghosts of the Revolution Outfit Leader

also, grats to your promotion, when did that happen?

Like 2 years ago

Tactical Officer

Joined: Jan 30, 2007
Messages: 1082
Location: Carolina del Norte

Tatranka wrote:

robo wrote:

Oro, which MERCs captured themselves and farmed us until we eventually took the base.

fighting  Lashers the whole night was pretty tiresome, but Oro was one of the better parts

 Right, but you fighting our lashers wasnt as tiresome as US fighting our lashers. You know what I mean.

robo wrote:

---robocpf1, Ghosts of the Revolution Outfit Leader

also, grats to your promotion, when did that happen?

August 14th, 2008, and thanks.


Strategic Officer

Joined: May 5, 2006
Messages: 3659

robo wrote:

 Right, but you fighting our lashers wasnt as tiresome as US fighting our lashers. You know what I mean.

well well, tasting your own medicine is what you deserve SMILEY

Tactical Officer

Joined: Jul 21, 2006
Messages: 1046

do you know who drained all them baseS?


raises hand, i know

Tactical Officer

Joined: Jan 30, 2007
Messages: 1082
Location: Carolina del Norte

Caipirinhia wrote:

do you know who drained all them baseS?


raises hand, i know

Enlighten me.


Joined: Oct 4, 2007
Messages: 17
Location: Pittsburgh, PA

...Which is why the only reason I'll keep people on /c unignored is to listen to them spew metaphorical diarhhea-y bull excrement and laugh at it.  Don't ask me how you'd laugh at that, I don't really want to think about it.

/c abuse is only okay up to CR4, possibly CR3, because no one ever uses those.  And even then, you still shouldn't act like a complete idiot.

As for Batsteg, well...

There's a reason why I call him Batsy, and others call him Batty.

Just don't take him seriously.  He's useful sometimes (Like when we need mods), but otherwise, he's pretty useless.

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