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Werner Server Merge!
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Joined: Feb 8, 2006
Messages: 266

Devs / Mods  - Any updates ?? I want to get my vs cr5 back just for the OP lasher..... by the time you guys get this done, it would of been nerfed again!!!!

Master at Arms

Joined: Mar 22, 2004
Messages: 1896

You wont want to come on VS command channel mate, full of unpleasant American kids who like to sit in 3-ways and counter global each other while making comments about each others mothers.


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borguk1of9 wrote:

You wont want to come on VS command channel mate, full of unpleasant American kids who like to sit in 3-ways and counter global each other while making comments about each others mothers.


What else were you susposed to do with CR 5?

Master at Arms

Joined: Mar 22, 2004
Messages: 1896


Give all Werner accounts a month free at merge time (if not free full stop since 140ms ping aint fun) and email it out, if you agree the rest of us can post it up on forums frequented by ex players.


Joined: May 4, 2004
Messages: 13
Location: Netherlands


Give all active Werner players,a transfer to Gemini.

that wont take 3months for sure >.<

Tactical Officer

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borguk1of9 wrote:

You wont want to come on VS command channel mate, full of unpleasant American kids who like to sit in 3-ways and counter global each other while making comments about each others mothers.


this is...the most accurate description of VS CR5 chat I've ever seen.



Master at Arms

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Bring on the EURO scum...More Laggy players to own.

Squad Leader

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Messages: 900

MarkSpeeter wrote:

Bring on the EURO scum...More Laggy players to own.

I thought trolls lived under bridges..not in trailer parks?


Joined: Mar 20, 2004
Messages: 13

Go Go go! When is it happening?

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Dreamthief wrote:

MarkSpeeter wrote:

Bring on the EURO scum...More Laggy players to own.

I thought trolls lived under bridges..not in trailer parks?

I don't think trailer park people could afford paying for internet + power + $15 a month + anti-virus (because they probably don't know about the free programs that work just as well) + water...No one really likes peopel from trailer parks (god (assuming he is the one (if he even exists) that controls tornadoes) send's tornadoes to a trailer park every day it seems...) 


Joined: Jul 8, 2006
Messages: 196

So whats the Deal, Enrico mutters something about a merge, some old werner players resub and then not another word about it. Was it just a cheap ploy to rip of the Werner players even further?


Joined: Jun 27, 2006
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Joined: May 4, 2004
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Location: Netherlands

Gimpy wrote:

So whats the Deal, Enrico mutters something about a merge, some old werner players resub and then not another word about it. Was it just a cheap ploy to rip of the Werner players even further?

Indeed man, whats the dealy....

you know i love this game but,

If i dont hear anything more about, this euro player is gone again >.<

i must admit  was a good scam though....


Empire Commander

Joined: Aug 5, 2006
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I can understand it takes some time (and doing) to set up a server merge, but Enrico shouldn't have just left us hanging like this.  Making a thread labeled "Werner Server Merge!" (which, to someone else would imply that it is being merged) and then not post anything else regarding it.


Joined: May 4, 2004
Messages: 13
Location: Netherlands

Chronicle wrote:

I can understand it takes some time (and doing) to set up a server merge, but Enrico shouldn't have just left us hanging like this.  Making a thread labeled "Werner Server Merge!" (which, to someone else would imply that it is being merged) and then not post anything else regarding it.


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