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Joined: Jun 13, 2006
Messages: 25

VS, you need to TK your hackers. Start with this one. He's ROF hacking with a Lasher and it cost us Ghanon because the VS were just fighting alongside him like nothing was wrong as he wiped out 10 TR in a row with what looked like 2 lasher shots each. And again at the tower he would go on 10 kill streaks and no VS would lift a finger. Cowards.


Joined: Mar 24, 2004
Messages: 300

BlahmanTR wrote:

VS, you need to TK your hackers. Start with this one. He's ROF hacking with a Lasher and it cost us Ghanon because the VS were just fighting alongside him like nothing was wrong as he wiped out 10 TR in a row with what looked like 2 lasher shots each. And again at the tower he would go on 10 kill streaks and no VS would lift a finger. Cowards.

well put.  I would add that he was hitting us on the base the whole time and the TR had it under control and there would have been 0 chance of them resecuring without that guy.  I love the responces i got from you VS.  TR would have let it slide.  I have TKed every hacker when i have been on.  I have watched many other TR both in my outfit and in other TK hackers (thats if they are not in the ground).  when i was on VS i didnt get any other comments but eh its fine, it happens.


Joined: Apr 28, 2006
Messages: 115
Location: The Netherlands

got grief lock for killing his ass  so dont whine we did not do anything

Supreme Rodent

Joined: Oct 21, 2004
Messages: 2025

I wasn't online; so I can't speak as to this particular incident; I can say that in the past however the VS have Tk'ed hackers as often as anyone else. We've even given back LLU bases which were insta capped by hackers (Something I've never seen either of the other two empires do willingly)...


That having been said; I can certainly seen the need for this thread; after all 'tis common knowledge that the VS are the root of all evil and the cause of everything bad: from the lasher, to hackers, to Emo Music and Hitler.


If someone doesn't like it; somewhere along the line the VS are surely behind it... (We even buffed the Scat Max)

Message edited by MightyMouser on 06/07/2009 01:58:16.


Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 173
Location: San Diego, Ca.

MightyMouser wrote:

I wasn't online; so I can't speak as to this particular incident; I can say that in the past however the VS have Tk'ed hackers as often as anyone else. We've even given back LLU bases which were insta capped by hackers (Something I've never seen either of the other two empires do willingly)...


That having been said; I can certainly seen the need for this thread; after all 'tis common knowledge that the VS are the root of all evil and the cause of everything bad: from the lasher, to hackers, to Emo Music and Hitler.


If someone doesn't like it; somewhere along the line the VS are surely behind it... (We even buffed the Scat Max)

You left out the JFK assassination, barney on the grassy noel....


Joined: Mar 24, 2004
Messages: 300

MightyMouser wrote:

I wasn't online; so I can't speak as to this particular incident; I can say that in the past however the VS have Tk'ed hackers as often as anyone else. We've even given back LLU bases which were insta capped by hackers (Something I've never seen either of the other two empires do willingly)...


That having been said; I can certainly seen the need for this thread; after all 'tis common knowledge that the VS are the root of all evil and the cause of everything bad: from the lasher, to hackers, to Emo Music and Hitler.


If someone doesn't like it; somewhere along the line the VS are surely behind it... (We even buffed the Scat Max)

I am just commenting from my experiences.  I have always seen TR TK the hackers whenever I AM ONLINE.  I have never seen the VS stop a llu run or anything because of a hacker.  The only times i have seen the vs get upset about a hacker is when they are on TR / NC.  I have seen members of DARK running with the hackers in attempts to resecure a base and last night i had PaleRider on cr5 chat wanting to TK me because i told the VS ghanon wasnt theirs and they had no right to the base.

Supreme Rodent

Joined: Oct 21, 2004
Messages: 2025

Kanemiler wrote:

I have seen members of DARK running with the hackers in attempts to resecure a base

I'm calling bullsh t on this.


There is a big differnce between blaitant hackers and peopel who you say hack. You give me proof that KILAZ or any of the other guys DARK plays with hacks and I'll consider that; until then I would greatly appreciate it if you would stop besmerching the name of my outfit with such trash.


If you are actually attempting to say that DARK ran to resecure a base with someone blatantly hacking; well then you're so obviously full of sh t that I won't bother retorting...


Joined: Mar 24, 2004
Messages: 300

MightyMouser wrote:

Kanemiler wrote:

I have seen members of DARK running with the hackers in attempts to resecure a base

I'm calling bullsh t on this.


There is a big differnce between blaitant hackers and peopel who you say hack. You give me proof that KILAZ or any of the other guys DARK plays with hacks and I'll consider that; until then I would greatly appreciate it if you would stop besmerching the name of my outfit with such trash.


If you are actually attempting to say that DARK ran to resecure a base with someone blatantly hacking; well then you're so obviously full of sh t that I won't bother retorting...

i wasnt thinking of HomieDaClown for this one.  I have seen a hacker mass killing people and then there was OBD around too and I was like uhhh.  I brought this up in the other forum i believe.  And for the record many of my outfit agree.  how can a VS AV max kill a full health pounder in OD (the guy in the pounder is very tallented a lot more so than homie) and me and Juniata with sweepers since it was oshur. there was no way.  he wasnt right up on our pounder but was close enough.  he killed our pounder from full health and damn near took me out too.  I will not type stories again about him seeing cloaked phatasms not moving, me as a cloaker without dl not moving and AMS's.

Chief Officer

Joined: Mar 19, 2004
Messages: 5193

MightyMouser wrote:

I wasn't online; so I can't speak as to this particular incident; I can say that in the past however the VS have Tk'ed hackers as often as anyone else. We've even given back LLU bases which were insta capped by hackers (Something I've never seen either of the other two empires do willingly)...


That having been said; I can certainly seen the need for this thread; after all 'tis common knowledge that the VS are the root of all evil and the cause of everything bad: from the lasher, to hackers, to Emo Music and Hitler.


If someone doesn't like it; somewhere along the line the VS are surely behind it... (We even buffed the Scat Max)


Lashers and hackers are smedley's fault and Hitler was Tom Cruise's fault (he missed), but I KNOW one of you purple wearin' lounge lizards is responsible for emo!!

Supreme Rodent

Joined: Oct 21, 2004
Messages: 2025

Kanemiler wrote:

I have seen a hacker mass killing people and then there was OBD around too and I was like uhhh.

i have seen jesus playing rummy with satain at the back door of Naum; and then there was a TV spot for PlanetSide aired in prime time and I was like uhhhh.


You're right, making up sh t is fun!


and for the record, I don't give a rat's ass what anyone in your outfit agrees to. If you TK'ed Roderick everytime someone said he hacked with a boltdriver, or Juniata every time someone said he COF hacks they'd never leave the spawn room; so you can keep your BS rumor mongering to yourself until you've got some evidence to back you up...


Joined: Mar 24, 2004
Messages: 300

MightyMouser wrote:

Kanemiler wrote:

I have seen a hacker mass killing people and then there was OBD around too and I was like uhhh.

i have seen jesus playing rummy with satain at the back door of Naum; and then there was a TV spot for PlanetSide aired in prime time and I was like uhhhh.


You're right, making up sh t is fun!


and for the record, I don't give a rat's ass what anyone in your outfit agrees to. If you TK'ed Roderick everytime someone said he hacked with a boltdriver, or Juniata every time someone said he COF hacks they'd never leave the spawn room; so you can keep your BS rumor mongering to yourself until you've got some evidence to back you up...

LOL, yeah ok


Joined: Jul 10, 2007
Messages: 456

For the record, DARK does not condone hacking and has and will continue to make every attempt to eliminate them from game.

Because you have a beef with one random vs who squads with us every once in a while who YOU believe hacks(we believe otherwise), doesn't mean we condone hacking.  We have never witnessed anything unusual about him or his playstyle while he's in squad with us.

Regarding last night, Plae was in my squad on Cyssor.  You come one and say "TK the hackers" we had no clue what you were even talking about.  So Pale said in c chat, "I guess that means TK you", implying you hack.  It was said tongue in cheek, as a joke, and you obviously totaly misunderstood him.  Getting paranoid?


Joined: Mar 24, 2004
Messages: 300

OneBadDude wrote:

For the record, DARK does not condone hacking and has and will continue to make every attempt to eliminate them from game.

Because you have a beef with one random vs who squads with us every once in a while who YOU believe hacks(we believe otherwise), doesn't mean we condone hacking.  We have never witnessed anything unusual about him or his playstyle while he's in squad with us.

Regarding last night, Plae was in my squad on Cyssor.  You come one and say "TK the hackers" we had no clue what you were even talking about.  So Pale said in c chat, "I guess that means TK you", implying you hack.  It was said tongue in cheek, as a joke, and you obviously totaly misunderstood him.  Getting paranoid?

i said to the vs that they should TK the hacker and they didnt deserve that base and i dont know why they resecured it.  Then i see in cchat pale saying that we should TK you.  so now that you put it that way i see what you were saying.  when i read what he said last night he was saying to tk me for speaking out against the hacker.  be my guest to appeal me 50 times a day i could care less.  at least i try and take action against hackers.  the only responses i have seen from DARK is so hackers happen then accuse one of my guys randomly of hacking.  this is getting commical.  someone bust out popcorn and soda.... or beer better yet.

Military Advisor

Joined: Oct 12, 2005
Messages: 2755

I wasn't at Ghannon at the time when Kirshbier was supposedly hacking, but I'll repeat this for you.

No one TK's their goddamn hackers anymore because there are more hackers than there are grief points. There is just no point when they can just recall to sanc, change characters, teleport away, etc. In that same night there was an NC hacker in a max fighting happily alongside his teammates, and they too did nothing to stop him. (His name was a barcode).

Just because you tk all the hackers you see doesn't mean the entirety of the TR do too, it just means that you do. I too will kill a hacker provided it is blatant and I have grief to spare, but I'm not going to go hunt them down just because you feel like blaming us for occurrences far outside of our control.

Blame the devs for allowing this happen, blame the hackers for hacking, but don't blame the players because they just so happen to enjoy not being grief locked every other night.

Message edited by Ivory-Fortress on 06/07/2009 14:44:23.


Joined: Jun 26, 2007
Messages: 212

Ivory-Fortress wrote:

In that same night there was an NC hacker in a max fighting happily alongside his teammates, and they too did nothing to stop him. (His name was a barcode). 

Tbh I was playing NC that night and tried to tk him, and broadcasted to others to tk him. I got more than 300 gp hunting him with my reaver or ap jh, but didn't manage to kill him, nowdays my aim sucks and his speed hack dont help it either

Message edited by JlaMo on 06/07/2009 15:43:14.

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