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Joined: Jul 10, 2007
Messages: 456

Dont you even delete my thread regarding for hacking until he's REMOVED from the game!  Appeals do no good, now we cant even call attn to it here?  What is this, nazi Germany?  He's been here on esamir hacking for about an hour now, and not one thing has happened.


Message edited by ComplexChaos on 04/08/2009 01:25:47.


Joined: Mar 2, 2007
Messages: 1864
Location: Everywhere

1) Actually he has been removed from game. I cannot find him in-game.

2) We have never allowed names on the forums of the hackers, we remove it and put it in the internal forum for reporting

3) The rules of what is and isn't allowed have been posted and have been for a while.

4) I am a forum moderator I do what I can to help you guys.

Message edited by ComplexChaos on 04/08/2009 01:26:15.

Military Advisor

Joined: May 20, 2005
Messages: 2014

CC, I'm just confused why we have to bug you to get SOE to actually do something.  Nothing against you, you're helping us above and beyond your job...I'm just saying, we shouldn't HAVE to find you or one of our forum guys to get something done...not fair to you or us IMO.


Joined: Mar 2, 2007
Messages: 1864
Location: Everywhere

Jakaul wrote:

CC, I'm just confused why we have to bug you to get SOE to actually do something.  Nothing against you, you're helping us above and beyond your job...I'm just saying, we shouldn't HAVE to find you or one of our forum guys to get something done...not fair to you or us IMO.

Essentially what *I* do is, I pass the name along. I then log in-game to see if the person has been removed yet. If not, I make an appeal with the location, what they're doing, etc... CS does actively ban the players who decide that cheating is the way to go (IMO the cheaters are compensating for something). I can't really say more as I know they do read our forums to stay on top of the game. /appeal is your friend, sometimes it seems like it's not. Those GMs are working hard at what they're doing and do deal with the issues accordingly.


Joined: Mar 2, 2007
Messages: 1864
Location: Everywhere

Oh and to get those barcode hackers I just start with /who ii and add on to the end so eventually I have something like /who iiiLiiLiiLLLi and if I send them a tell and it still says offline and I tried i and L next, I moved to the beginning of the name and try the i and L until I have their name. I have chat logging on, send them a tell like '?' or "Hey", grab it from my chat.txt and post it in the appeal using lowercase i and uppercase L to help the GMs with that.



Joined: Jun 8, 2004
Messages: 106

Chaos I think the point is that it takes an extraordinary amount of time for anything to be done about a hacker - in some cases they can be on for 5 hours or more.

This is entirely unacceptable in a service we are paying for. I know this is not your responsibility, but you seem to have a route to the GM's and developers that others don't.

Under UK and EU law, this standard of services is entirely legally actionable - we are still paying a subscription and are entitled to a minimum service which is not being provided. Perhaps you should make the customer service team aware of this.

Their lack of action is killing this game, and a number of the paying player base are beginning to suspect it is deliberate. Perhaps you can pass this on to the approriate people.


Joined: Mar 14, 2007
Messages: 5780
Location: San Diego, CA

Here's my issue with all of this. My subscription is $15 a month, I get a GM during daytime hours who watches SWG, PS, and some other title I can't remember. I get little to no help over night. An EQ player pays $15 a month and gets access to multiple GMs who all have an intimate knowledge of the game as well as afterhours help. Why the hell am I paying $15 a month for less service than someone else who is paying $15 a month? It just doesn't make any sense and really shows that SOE is basically telling us that even though we pay the same sub they just don't support our game as much.

Tactical Officer

Joined: Aug 9, 2006
Messages: 1806

DarkFate wrote:

SOE is basically telling us that even though we pay the same sub they just don't support our game as much.

This is news!

<3 CC btw SMILEY

Squad Leader

Joined: Mar 20, 2004
Messages: 808

JKD wrote:

Chaos I think the point is that it takes an extraordinary amount of time for anything to be done about a hacker - in some cases they can be on for 5 hours or more.

This is entirely unacceptable in a service we are paying for. I know this is not your responsibility, but you seem to have a route to the GM's and developers that others don't.

Under UK and EU law, this standard of services is entirely legally actionable - we are still paying a subscription and are entitled to a minimum service which is not being provided. Perhaps you should make the customer service team aware of this.

Their lack of action is killing this game, and a number of the paying player base are beginning to suspect it is deliberate. Perhaps you can pass this on to the approriate people.

Not just there, either. 

Certain (US) states have stricter laws governing these things.  By the very nature, this game is "Interstate" and falls under many laws.   The EULA protects SOE, but not as much as one might think.  You pay for a service.  Even though you "sign" their agreement each and every time you log in, you are still LEGALLY entitled to certain things the EULA tries to deny.   So, "legally actionable" is available.

I dislike having to point this out, too. 

As DF points out, we receive a disproportionate amount of "service" overall with comparison to EQ/EQII.  Yet, we all pay the same for our individual games (or Station Pass).  Equal service should be happening.  But, as is patently obvious, is not.  We should not have to resort to "legal action" to get the sort of service that all of us expect and should be receiving.


Also, it seems the rules have changed.

In years past, we've seen various players get perma-banned for various infractions.   These days, it only seems to warrant a warning or brief suspension, at most.  I won't submit names, however, many of us can think of players who got silenced or suspended (if even that) when previously they would have been perma-banned.  And, most players KNOW this and abuse this lax policy constantly.  Swearing on globals (especially in some 5 - 30 minute tirade) is a peeve of mine.  I've seen this happen time and again, /reported and /appealed the offender, but no action taken.  No silencing, no suspension, and no ban.

So, not only do we have 0 in-game GMs, but when something is disrupting gameplay, it takes forever, if ever, for any action to be taken.

Master at Arms

Joined: Apr 9, 2004
Messages: 1648
Location: 3rd personin' your airpad

OneBadDude wrote:

Dont you even delete my thread regarding for hacking until he's REMOVED from the game! Appeals do no good, now we cant even call attn to it here? What is this, nazi Germany? He's been here on esamir hacking for about an hour now, and not one thing has happened.


Are you gonna throw your own turds next?


Joined: Aug 13, 2004
Messages: 26

Let us not forget we PAY for planetside this current batch of hacking is unace[table sony SORT IT OUT or suspend subs till its gone .


Joined: Jul 27, 2005
Messages: 335

I have been back in Planetside little more then one month, after an extended one-year break, and never seen a game in such a bad state.

Massive amounts of hackers constantly online without any kind of action taken what so ever.

A HA weapon buffed to the extent that no single VS seem to need SA anymore, and why should they. Put 5 people spamming in random directions and nothing can get within 100 feet before being killed by the lash (and the occasional orb that actually do hit).

Utterly worthless, and meaningless, developer responses to player concerns presented over and over on the official forums.


You seem to have completely lost contact with your playerbase, i.e. YOUR CUSTOMERS, and sadly I don't think you can ever rebuild the trust you once had.


The playerbase don't want to see some poor forum mod move X amount of hacker posts to the "internal forums" every day, just to realize nothing at all will be done. If this game is going to survive until the "supposed server merge" you need to take action and not just state "it's being looked into", which you seem to have as mantra at the moment.


And just so you realize it, repeating your mantra mean jack sh1t to the subsrcibers when you don't take any visible action.


I remember the times way back when I would be amazed to see one ( 1 ) hacker during the course of a month, now I see them every day. And lots of them as well.


As a lot of people have pointed out before. We pay for a service that you currently don't provide to full extent. We shouldn't have to be subjected to exploiter and hackers. We shouldn't have to be subjected to some poorly thought out buff to any empire.


So, here are a few questions that I, and probably more players, would like answered. And answered in another fashion than the usual "We are looking into it.".


1. Do you have an action plan to target the increasing amount of hackers in the game?

2. If so, when can we expect to see those actions take effect?

3. You toppled over the balance for indoor-fights completely with the lasher buff, what are you going to do about it?


Master at Arms

Joined: Feb 19, 2007
Messages: 707
Location: Pearly Gates



Joined: Aug 8, 2004
Messages: 18

I agree its crazy atm.

Was in today i reported 2 hackers (ppl playing TR /bends neck in shame), these 2 i saw myself in action. Max units crushing a NC base themselves. Heard other complain and asking for ppl to report player X. By rule of thumb i dont report players spammed out in global.

I am quite shure that i spotted atleast 10 hackers, but not 100%, so didnt report.

Played with my char "Kurgh" today @ rehua on gemini.
And unloaded with my AA max on veh pad whenever a mosq popped.
Kept getting sniped by a bolt driver at semi automatic speed. SMACK <1sec smack <1seck smack.

A VS max whos name i couldnt see i got hit by him flied in the air.

Lasher fire hit the second i moved out from behind a wall.

Imbalance in close quarters combat with current lasher, mossie droppers mowing down tech CC defence by themselves. Max units CRUSHED by lasher 2ndary fire mode in seconds. Agile lasher pwns DC MAX...

Getting mowed down by automatic lancers, firing at 0.5sec rate.

Also mosquitos/reavers with lightning speed. impossible to shoot down with AA they move to fast. Reavers who start to fire missiles long before i even can see them.

It is getting insane atm.

Message edited by Marsian on 04/08/2009 15:29:08.


Joined: Jun 27, 2006
Messages: 1713

I'm just going to say it now, if the bulls continues, I'm going to go ahead and go the route of simply unsubbing, the lasher is not so much the problem (its still OP) but its the hackers. And the lack of response concerning them. We have 0 answers from the Devs on how they might get to fixing the problem, and that gets on my nerves. Considering I pay for good service.


Edit= Just got spawn camped by a VS max using a pull hack. Stopped spawning for a bit but i watched and he was there for a good while. So completely and utterly stupid.

Message edited by ComplexChaos on 04/08/2009 15:56:35.
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