Well CZ is supposed to be for noobs running around and laming i believe...I dont see whats wrong with having the pods,
it has always been fun chasing them down and being chased down when you have them. For people who want competitive play, they should go rift ball CRPL, dueling zone but then the game doesnt have much active players left and
now we're playing it on infantry...
I think CZ is just like mech skirmish, there should be some pods to be fun....right now, i believe im correct to say that for
noobs and better players alike, CZ is boring...people just spam at the cross, or chase each other randomly, back then when
there were pods it was so fun...and CZ was never meant to be for fair 1on1 duels...
Decent players will not not agree because its not fun being shot down through the wall by the reaver or being 1 shotted
by the defender's dual MIRV...but its CZ and its not about 1v1 ing a pod with the normal ship....usually 5 or 10 guys chase
after the pod and the player in the pod is faced with having to try and run away + not die which is pretty fun.