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I just want to Jack In :(
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Joined: Jun 8, 2009
Messages: 1

I have 2 boxes right here, codes and all. Creditcard at the ready. Played MxO for a long time. Now I just want to get back in one more time. I'm even willing to pay for the last 2 months.

Why on earth isn't SOE accepting my reactivation? Not only are people who do like the game getting bumped out, but people who like to say goodbye before it's to late are being kept out as well. Thanks SOE, this way MxO is going out with a fizz and not with a bang. Not very motivating should I ever come across another MMO by SOE SMILEY

Thanks and farewell.


Joined: Jun 8, 2009
Messages: 3

Please SOE, allow former players of MxO to say goodbye to the game we loved.

We are overcome with shock as we hear this world ceases to exist, and as soon as we try to re-activate so we can give MxO a proper goodbye, SOE lets us know we can't? We can never experience the MxO world again, it may still be there for 2 more months, but just out of reach, behind the cold barrier we get from SOE. How cruel can you be?


Joined: Jun 8, 2009
Messages: 3

Well, the last days of the matrix are ticking away, while former redpills are watching on the sidelines, helpless, unable to jack in (or to even post on the mxo forums to say goodbye and share memories). Meanwhile, the people who -can- log in, are pleading to let the old players back into the game as well!

Only 4 days to resubscribe is an awfully short period, and nothing of this deadline was mentioned in any of the news coverage I've come across. Us former players do not want the 60-days free pass; we are totally willing to pay for the last two months of the game, as long as we can get the chance to experience the world of MxO once more, and fight alongside our friends and faction-mates for one last time.

Please SOE, if you can not save the game, atleast make MxO free-for-all like Tabular Rasa was in its last days. Tabula Rasa was a relative young game when it was cancelled, so it probably did not have as many (ex)players with sentimental feelings toward it as MxO has. This makes it even more important to do this for your customers! Especially if you would like them to ever pick up a SOE title again. (As of now I am hugely disappointed in the service towards (ex)players)

But does it really have to end here?

It would be awesome if you could continue MxO using a free-for-all formula like Silkroad Online and many other succesfull games! (Free to play, but with an optional item-mall to purchase in-game items) Those games aren't half as good as MxO, but their success is mostly based at being free, imagine how popular a free MxO could be! Examples of games that went free and became super successfull because of that are Archlord and RF Online.

The best would be if you could release the code for MxO (pre CR 2.0; before SOE edited the game, for example) so fans can continue and perfect the game themselves. An open source MxO game would be totally fitting and Matrix-y!

It would be such a waste to have a great title like Matrix online just lying around, gathering dust..

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Location: Connecticut

anmaja wrote:

The best would be if you could release the code for MxO (pre CR 2.0; before SOE edited the game, for example) so fans can continue and perfect the game themselves. An open source MxO game would be totally fitting and Matrix-y!

While I would agree.. and even particpate and even offer a hosting solution.. who is going to pay the thousands of dollars in liscensing expenses for the Matrix name?


Joined: Jun 8, 2009
Messages: 3

True, altough anything would be better for the series then to just cut it off. The only option that would be feasible is fund-raising I guess..

Making the game free-for-all will definately be an easier solution SMILEY And a great solution, I'm sure there will be many new subscribers; people who wanted to try out the game to experience walking around in the matrix, but who never really wanted to pay money for it because they were subscibed to another, non-SOE game, or because they simply did not know enough about the game.. Many people only learned this game existed because of the farewell publicity it got.

But I doubt SOE will do the effort to save the game, whatever good ideas the community may have. I guess this descision has been made long ago, and is probably un-changeable. :'(


I'm just sad I can't log in into the game again for a final farewell... MxO was my very first MMO and I have always loved it.

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