I am getting the following error [Below, screenshot]when trying to connect to the LaunchPad. I recently downloaded the trial for PlanetSide and have been able to play for 3 days. Last night I got disconnected and have not been able to so much as start up the SoE LaunchPad since.
I have tried
-Restarting wireless router
-Restarting computer
-Letting the computer sit for 8 hours (sleep)
-Completely turning off all firewalls
-Went into network connections to be sure all signs of firewall was removed. I even configured the firewall to allow LaunchPad.
-Downloading new LaunchPad, Repairing it, as the screenshot above shows it was to no avail
I am clearly connected to the internet and all other games (including WoW) are functioning properly. I'm at a loss of what to do.
"Could not connect to the Network"
Also a quick side question, is it possible to post on the Planetside game forums without having a subscription to the game? It puzzles me that by blocking out non-subscribers the moderators expect to bring in new players. A bit annoying when my objective was to ask questions and chat about the game while I have a trial account, it would have been usefull for questions such as this as well.
santa6677 wrote:
While you're right about new subscribers.. it also keeps out the disgruntled ex-players who can't seem to let go. Which is much more distracting. And, all the SOE forums have Newbie forums where anyone can post questions about a game before they subscribe. And all the forums are readable.
A bit more information... I ran a tracert test and found some disturbing results. While my connection to the internet appears fine, and other games are working fine, I 'timed out' most of the tests. I'll remind you that the game was working fine yesterday and my internet has not been acting any differently.
Your router is blocking you.. reset it. If that doesn't work and your router is ISP provided call them and have them walk you through unblocking the ports that Station Launcher uses.
Fromage wrote:
Thank you for your response.
By reset do you mean simply turn off for 30 seconds? I have unplugged my router multiple times and to no avail. Is there a more technical way to reset the modem? I remember there being a way to Restart it, but I cannot remember how.
Also do you know exactly what port PlanetSide uses? Thank you for your assistance and I apologize for my newbishness.
You are probably being blocked at your modem - the last reachable hop in the trace route is the router. I would do the ISP restart dance:
This shouldn't yet need intervention from your ISP for port configuration. Tracert uses basic TCP ports, so it isn't yet a UDP problem.
I turned off my modem and router, waited 10 seconds, then turned on my Modem. I waited about 10-15 seconds and turned on my router. I gave it time to connect and then recieved the same network connection error on my LaunchPad as before.
Can you try the tracert test again...let's see if we can get past that.
Thanks for your continued support.
I timed out again on the exact same place as last time. I made to past my router [number 2] but timed out from the 3rd number onward.
Perhaps I'm not doing something with correctly the IP restart dance?
-turn off modem and router
-turn on modem
-turn on router
Is there any way to 'manually' restart the router/modem? If I remember correctly I could log into Centurytel's website and manually restart one of the two, either the router or the modem, I'm not entirely sure...tonight I'll have to see if I can find how to do that although I'm not sure how much good it will do. It appears as though the error starts with my modem; but the internet and all other games are working fine. I also was able to run the game perfectly until last night. I'm so confused
That is very curious...based on that result, I'm surprised to hear that other Internet applications are working.
Have you run the Speed Test?
Yes I have. My speed is currently 1525 KBPS
EDIT: This just in; World of Warcraft is not connecting either. I misjudged what connecting was based on the loader; I can't actually connect to the game. I get the same error as Planetside.
what does this mean?