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CTFX is not really a ctf zone and its weapons are so unbalanced there are very few effective combinations.Because of private teams and many small teams, large open area with lousy spawn policy this zone can't be used for ctf. the large number of small teams and the fact you can create private teams contribute to the level of chaos. Because the private teams leech the high quality ctfers and the support classes from the pub team you can't get any serious pub ctfing done. The pub teams have alot of newbies and people who don't care about ctfing. Other than that the zone has different rape group strcture of , bountiers, bounty hunters,snipers, and all sorts of oportunists. What you get is chaos alot of it.
as I said you can't play ctf on CTFX it's hopeless maybe you get on a private team. If you want to turn CTFX into a CTF zone you need to delete it and start over from scratch.
I know ganymede is up it's pretty decent I'd prefer TP at the moment. If you want to pub CTF try to convince people to play it.