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Interest in merging Cosmic Rift and Infantry
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Are you interested in a merge between CR and Inf?
Yes 78% [ 68 ]
No 22% [ 19 ]
Total Votes : 87
Author Message

Valued Contributor

Joined: Jan 17, 2007
Messages: 729

Good points. Though you failed to mention any benefit to having CR. Only why "its not any worse than whats already going on". New test zones go up all the time yeah but they are rotated with existing zones. All in all the active zone list stays pretty much the same number of zones up.

You never got hassled from playing CR? You also played BH too though :o Nah just kidding I love BH its a fun zone.

I'm not wanting this to turn into a heated discussion with people getting mad at each other. I'm just saying I personally see nothing good from having CR on our zonelist.

P.S. CA <3

The Quiet Type

Joined: Jul 31, 2007
Messages: 40

<3 you too NOD


I wasn't trying to be heated at all, only trying to bring relevent discussion to the table, which I think you are doing the same.

The main benefit is mutual from my perspective; both CR and Inf will now have access to the other's zones in the blink of an eye, rather than being forced to close one game and open the other (only to do the exact same thing AGAIN when we want to go back.)

It was always a very time consuming and seemingly pointless process, especially when I was a Mod and had complaints in CR when none of the CR Mods were online.

And this is true.. playing BH probably shielded me from a lot of crap haha.

The Quiet Type

Joined: Feb 6, 2008
Messages: 23

"Though you failed to mention any benefit to having CR."

Infantry gains the cr population + any additional (outside of inf - read subspace) population a more populated CR may gain.

I seem to see Infantry in a different light than the rest of you though.  Infantry is the client we login and look at zone populations under.  Whether those zones be CTF, SK, RTS or CR, they're all still Infantry.

Senior Member

Joined: Oct 9, 2007
Messages: 183

the_7hm wrote:

"Though you failed to mention any benefit to having CR."

Infantry gains the cr population + any additional (outside of inf - read subspace) population a more populated CR may gain.

I seem to see Infantry in a different light than the rest of you though.  Infantry is the client we login and look at zone populations under.  Whether those zones be CTF, SK, RTS or CR, they're all still Infantry.

we all know youre infantry's finest bot 7hm.. but

CR's population? seriously?

what all 10 of them?

and gg having your final final say in the matter.


LOVED that butt kissing a few posts back, NOD.

Message edited by icey on 05/30/2009 12:11:41.


Valued Contributor

Joined: Jan 17, 2007
Messages: 729

the_7hm wrote:

Infantry gains the cr population + any additional (outside of inf - read subspace) population a more populated CR may gain.

I can hardly wait~

The Quiet Type

Joined: Sep 10, 2007
Messages: 30

Can't you see what this poll is doing?!  Instead of just SupaPhreak flaming everyone we now have 4 people flaming everyone!

Oh the flaming horrors!~

Anywho the infantry peoples obviously don't care enough to put up a decent forum battle so game set match for CR.  Round 2 to take place after CR kills infantry.  It comes down to the Pen club envy.  CR is infringing on the infies and thus they're freaking out about it, yelling at whoever they can trying to preserve the status quo.  Ya know... they get killed enough as it is...

It's going to go through simply because nobody in infantry cares.

Nobody Cares...

Noone~!  NOBODY CARES!~!

Senior Member

Joined: Oct 9, 2007
Messages: 183

read the poll statistics ... 17 people obviously care.

actually they all care enough to vote.

Message edited by icey on 05/30/2009 13:28:46.


Senior Member

Joined: Jan 17, 2007
Messages: 191

icey wrote:

read the poll statistics ... 17 people obviously care.

actually they all care enough to vote.


The Quiet Type

Joined: Feb 6, 2008
Messages: 23

CR person logs into their game, and instead of seeing 0 people online, sees 100 Infantry people online.  Knowing that the chances are better to actually have a game in the very near future or to convince people to join them by just moving over one zone instead of logging out / in to a different client, they log in to Infantry rather than quitting and coming back later.

CR has a population.  It's small, but it exists.  CR also has a decent potential population through SS (now that the game is free again).  Not large, but it exists.

End of the day I really don't see what the argument here is.  CR players want it.  Some Infantry players don't, based on either nonsense (icey: mod system white elephant) or spite.  Minac made a decent point about downloads but later comments about zone specific downloads addressed this.  Minac's comments about client specific effects are nice but end of the day it was stated that the client change wasn't perfect, and CR players still want it - given they're the ones who lose out, they're the ones whose opinion should count.

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Joined: Oct 9, 2007
Messages: 183

Qi wrote:

icey wrote:

read the poll statistics ... 17 people obviously care.

actually they all care enough to vote.


what is this? American Idol Scandal of 2009?

ok .. i admit it. 

 AT&T paid me to cast an extra vote.

i'd demand a recount if i were you.



Joined: Jul 29, 2007
Messages: 105

The merger would very likely facilitate a return of Ria Ria Ronka.

Do it.

The Quiet Type

Joined: Sep 10, 2007
Messages: 30

The return would very likely facilitate nobody caring.


Why does it seem people are voting by posting they are voting?  If you can't find the voting thing please notify someone who can help you with this.  I've read about 10 people's posts saying they vote 'yes' with nothing to add.  Its annoying me and I dont know why and that's beginning to annoy me even further!

Forum Champion

Joined: Jan 24, 2007
Messages: 621

There are over 80 signed up for crpl.  About just as many aren't.  I'm certain that most will alternatively play inf, a large percentage already do. 

Let's say 20% stay strictly loyal to cr zones, that's over a hundred new players for inf.  So you'll lose some and gain some.  For the most part, people are going to be sticking to the zones they've always played.  Yes, inf will bleed more players into cr than cr to inf, not because inf players are more likely to play cr (quite the opposite), but because inf's playerbase is far larger.

I don't forsee this killing inf.  That's a very extreme "The Sky is Falling" stance to take.  Please do not hurt your own arguments by saying such silly things.

As I have said before, people need to look at the long run.  We all know that nothing is going to save cr/inf overnight.  But this IS a step in the right direction.  I don't believe it's necessary.  I don't keep track of inf;s records, but cr is actually growing from where it used to be at (albeit at an injured snail's pace).

Now, I don't post just to reitterate previous arguments, as many of you seem to be doing.  I actually had a thought that may interest inf players.  It regards the SS players that may give CR a try, if any of it's zones can hold more than 20 people at once~

One thing I've heard over and over, while trying to convince SSers to play CR, is that, SS is already perfect.  They don't like Cr, because in their minds, SS is perfect in terms of... everything.  they don't like the different thrusts, physics, specials, etc.  They JUST like SS better.  So, while they gave CR a try, they left because it was too unfamiliar and why would they want to play a clone that they aren't as comfortable in?

Enter Infantry. 

Yeah, CR's just a clone that, in their minds, is inferior (though it is obviously not).  But infantry is different enough for them to accept without raging over the fact that the ship doesn't turn quite the same way.  Yet it's still familiar enough that they can pick it up and enjoy playing, when they want a change of pace.


Here's how I see the immigration process going:
-SS player enters CR, plays for a few hours, decides they like SS better.
-SS player exits, but sees inf zones and decides to give them a shot.
-SS player is intrigued by the new challenge, stays a while, then goes back to SS.

A week later
-"SS is boring today, I think I'll play inf again."  And BOOM!  Inf's playerbase grows by one more on-and-off player.

This is not a far fetched scenario.  Anybody who knows how SS players act will agree.

Without the initial draw of CR, SS players are very unlikely to try Inf.  but without the staying power of inf, they would be unlikely to ever return.  Eventually, they will probably play both Inf and CR.  But let's face it, they won't stay for JUST cr and they won't ever bother trying out JUST inf.

CR has always been looking for a way to snatch some of the SS crowd.  This is the best idea I've ever seen to do that.  It will benefit us both.


Also, I agree with the statement of new players not having to CHOOSE between cr and inf.

All in all, it's just much more convenient and should have been done since the start of both games.

Senior Member

Joined: Oct 9, 2007
Messages: 183

so we're bait to lure in subspace players.

well thats better.. why didnt you just say so.




Joined: Jul 29, 2007
Messages: 105

Heeheeheee wrote:

The return would very likely facilitate nobody caring.


Why does it seem people are voting by posting they are voting?  If you can't find the voting thing please notify someone who can help you with this.  I've read about 10 people's posts saying they vote 'yes' with nothing to add.  Its annoying me and I dont know why and that's beginning to annoy me even further!

Good to see that heeheehee cared enough to say the first hello!

Oh, here's my vote: "Yes".

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