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PlanetSide FanFaire!
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Joined: Mar 4, 2007
Messages: 6

Just out of curiousity, who is planning to go?

I'm going to try to make it as well I'm going to harass another moderator, Nelson_Muntz to come too...

The Quiet Type

Joined: Sep 24, 2006
Messages: 23
Location: Auraxis

ComplexChaos wrote:

Just out of curiousity, who is planning to go?

I'm going to try to make it as well I'm going to harass another moderator, Nelson_Muntz to come too...

Who is this "Nelson" and how do I meet a man with such a sexy name?  I should go, just so <name withheld> can finally punch me and get his agressions out.  SMILEY


Joined: Mar 12, 2009
Messages: 3

Well speaking for myself, at least one PS player may be attending, it will depend on work, of course.


Joined: Aug 10, 2006
Messages: 1

Getting ready for a 7 month deployment, but I might be able to take a drive to Vegas.  Point Mugu isnt that far away. SMILEY


Joined: Jun 25, 2008
Messages: 5

I'll hopefully be there. Need to smack some sense into the B-Man.


Joined: May 26, 2007
Messages: 1

I might go this time ... depends on money.  I haven't worked in a year and running out of savings LOL.   I would love to see some of the other players so they will know I joke around as much in real life as I do in the game.   I love play PS and for the most many Players hehe.

Hope to make it and see you guys there.


Station Community Forums » Fan Faire » PlanetSide Fan Faire Discussion
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