Can I play with my friends?
Multiplayer is always a focus from the start. The PSP is also suited for multiplayer play. Field Commander supports Ad-Hoc, Infrastructure, Hotswap (2 players on 1 PSP) and Transmission Mode (which is similar ersonName>toersonName> Play by Email). Since the game is turn based, it opens up a few possibilities that other titles can’t do as easy. Hotswap is a great gameplay type that allows 2 players ersonName>toersonName> play on the same PSP. They just hand it back and forth between turns.
What’s Transmission Mode?
It uses the Infrastructure multiplayer abilities of the PSP. One player sets up the game and another joins. Player 1 takes his turn first and then once he is done he ends his turn, which saves the information ersonName>toersonName> our servers. Now when Player 2 turns on his PSP he will be notified that there is a turn waiting ersonName>toersonName> be downloaded. He can then download the turn ersonName>toersonName> his PSP and watch Player 1’s moves. Then he will be able ersonName>toersonName> make his moves and the circle continues until there is a winner. It is a very casual style of gameplay and actually is far more intense then real time since you are waiting ersonName>toersonName> see if your strategy pays off without knowing until you get the next downloaded move.
What’s the deal with Field Commander’s mission creation system?
We wanted ersonName>toersonName> give the players the same ersonName>toersonName>ol that we used ersonName>toersonName> make the game. Player created content is a powerful way of keeping people interested in a game. If you play one of the SOE designed maps and wonder how it would have played with all air units, or with a critical bridge removed, now you can. You will be taking the map templates that Field Commander provides and placing units, buildings, and other objects on the field. This will allow the player ersonName>toersonName> cusersonName>toersonName>mize the map and then upload it ersonName>toersonName> the SOE webpage. Then players can download the map and rank it. We hope ersonName>toersonName> see players become well known for being “map creaersonName>toersonName>rs”.
How many unit types are there?
Field Commander features 18 unique units with 2 variations for each model along with 4 different color schemes. The units cover a variety of military standards including ground vehicles, naval vessels, infantry, and aircraft. To get a closer look at the units, check out the units section on the Field Commander website ( You can unlock all the units by completing the mini-missions on the site.
Is there a storyline?
The beginning of the single player campaign puts you in the role of a newly recruited Field Commander for ATLAS, a covert military organization that acts as sort of a global defense force funded by an alliance of nations. As a member of ATLAS, you will command their different divisions in an on-going campaign to uncover and put an end to several evil plots sponsored by a terrorist organization called Shadow Nation.
What about Divisions and Divisional Powers?
The most strategic decision you can make concerning what you play in Field Commander is choosing a division, as each of the 36 divisions in the game have their own strengths, weaknesses, and special powers. Each division has Minor and Major Divisional Powers at its disposal. You need to gather your power over the course of the battle before you can use them. They are very effective and can turn the course of a battle quickly. A wise commander knows exactly when use of their power will have maximum tactical effect.