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Joined: Apr 28, 2007
Messages: 349

In all honesty, Loves has played daily with every newbie out there. Look at it this way, Whorlord has been around since pretty much the start of Tanarus and he still sawks, does that make him a veteran? Same with Papadog, is this one of those posts where you have to judge skill? Didn't think so.

This is Old members, you don't need a fuxin witness panel - if you were there you were there so what if you had a few silly names along the way. Seriously, can ANY of you remember every single on of the players you've come across in 12yrs of Tanarus? Or just the ones who sucked you off, or the ones you took easy kills off to pad your pre-Sgt. ratios? I'll bet on the latter.

I'm sick of this ret@rded wannabe-flamewar, it's like watching two stuttering IHC's trying to have a rap battle.


Joined: Jun 6, 2009
Messages: 2

Unfortunately I've played under far too many handles to recall all of them, but I have been involved with this game since the beta and I've decided to respond to this thread in hopes that Hooligan or Wal-Mart might peruse these boards and log back in to catch up. Also, I won a copy of some 989 Studios baseball or football game during one of their giveaway contests back then, but damned if I remember what name I was on or what I did to win it?

CycloneJack, ~The_Kid~, PanzerStrike, ~Jackal~, ANIMALSEX are the only ones that come right to mind.

Basically I played with ~81~/Hooligan and Wal-Mart for the majority of my time in this game. Hooli caught my attention  with his lameass con killing/heating during beta so I made friends with him and we lamed it up. Wal-Mart was my absolute favorite lead tank to play wingman for. I'd have followed Wally into the depths of hell with a bucket of gasoline. But I also have some fond memories of PanzerDawg (my brother in fatties), OrangeBlood & TSHARK (the first guys who taught me the basics of team van tactics), Platapie (I emulated his Mag play when I was learning that tank WAY back before anyone used it), and I'm sure many others I've forgotten.  

Happy Camper

Joined: Apr 9, 2009
Messages: 86

Actually, I talked to loves today and specifically asked if she remembered me. Straight up, she said I was Capy. So nice try shak. She can tell you 98', because I wasnt "every other newb" playing with her. Ive vanned with her for years, not days.

Regardless of all that, youre still a nerd for trying to start an argument in the 'old members' section.


Joined: Jun 6, 2007
Messages: 5

cannot remember any names before around 01 when i became LeMz wth remembers stuff like that

The Quiet Type

Joined: Jan 12, 2007
Messages: 25

I've been around for a bit hehe.  This is probably the game that I have had the most fun playing online.  I am pretty sure I was here close to the beginning .86 or so.  Somewhere I probably have my saved updates hehe.  fun and games.  I miss the days with full arenas filling a chunk of the the listings as well has 10x10 action that you could get at least 1 or maybe 2 games going.  I remember often doing 10x10 announces that would trigger a long game that wouldn't die off in 5 mins.  good times.

The Quiet Type

Joined: Jan 12, 2007
Messages: 25

Oh and how many out there remember the old forums and then the forums that I hosted after the original forums closed up shop?


Joined: Jan 19, 2007
Messages: 295

Eh, I don't know about papadog, because obviously he never stood out loves on the other hand has stood out to me because heshe vanned over the years you don't have to be elite to hang, but if you have played this long and you still suck that say's a lot so pwnt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Camper

Joined: Apr 24, 2009
Messages: 99

Way to get on ur knees every 5 seconds for Metro, Shak. Need a glass of water?


Well, I already said that those weren't the names I used in 98'. Lol no matter what name I throw up here Im sure you will just continue to be a little nerd about it, saying you havent heard of me. Whatever. I dont care. Not my fault if you didnt play in 98. Cant believe you making an argument about this... Go update your facespace.


Still need that water?


Joined: Jun 11, 2009
Messages: 1

Uhm... played forever ago, then stopped, then played, and have not been playing for years now.








Few other ones.... can't really remember them right now.

Was on a few teams, can't remember any of their names... whatever Dredd's team was, with Blackrose and them. 

It's kinda crazy looking around and seeing all these people that have been here before the dawn of time. I'm trying to get back into it for some leisure.


First time I played, I played Regular, then when I came back I was primarily into force.

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