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Star Wars Galaxies

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 102
Location: CNY, USA

Garu wrote:

Phrack wrote:

Would you run off the customers, or would you fire the staff and hire someone that knew how to do their frickin' job?

In a successful company, you'd want to keep as many customers as you can.  Not sit back while they leave in droves.

True, but SOE hasn't always been the best at that


Joined: Feb 29, 2008
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Location: Jacked Out

Pyros7 wrote:

Garu wrote:

Phrack wrote:

Would you run off the customers, or would you fire the staff and hire someone that knew how to do their frickin' job?

In a successful company, you'd want to keep as many customers as you can.  Not sit back while they leave in droves.

True, but SOE hasn't always been the best at that


Quite true. ^_^

The Quiet Type

Joined: Oct 23, 2007
Messages: 34

Right now the one thing i have to look forward to is The Old Republic. I imagine I will see alot of you folks there , just remember the Sith rules...


Joined: Feb 29, 2008
Messages: 11
Location: Jacked Out

Crimsonkiller01 wrote:

Right now the one thing i have to look forward to is The Old Republic. I imagine I will see alot of you folks there , just remember the Sith rules...

Took the words right out of my mouth! SMILEY


Joined: May 7, 2009
Messages: 14

Garu wrote:

Crimsonkiller01 wrote:

Right now the one thing i have to look forward to is The Old Republic. I imagine I will see alot of you folks there , just remember the Sith rules...

Took the words right out of my mouth!

Still so far away though. I guess WoW till it comes out? meh


Joined: Jul 24, 2006
Messages: 10

I agree SOE needs to commit to something they have been quite about us since they took this game and ive gave SOE a Chance Till i found out Rarebit left and also heard that all of the  devs we use to have are Working for DC or Agency so since we dont have any devs i really want to know what are 15 bucks go for for this Game.

The Quiet Type

Joined: Nov 9, 2007
Messages: 26

You know in my opinion things picked up a little in 2008, lots of new content, a decent amount of new players from trial keys, then Rare pretty much mentally quit with his Fail Approach in November, he left in Feb 2009, and producer Walrus said to hang in there while they figured out what to do with the game.  Since then it has been an Epic Wall of Silence, with 0% development 0% content 0% storyline and (worst of all IMHO) 0% communication from anyone at SOE.

This is just poor, this "Silent Treatment" childish tactic, especially coming from a business that sells a service.  I'm too old to play baby games.  Never heard of anything like this from any business I've had any interaction with in my lifetime.   This is a business right?  Yes you can treat one subset of customers like lepers to be shunned but think if they can blow off SWG players MxO players how does this bode for anything SOE develops in the future?  First you have an angry base of ex-customers who might earlier have been inclined to try other SOE products....oops burned that bridge....secondly after SWG and now MxO and once DC fails what company in their right mind would sell any IP to SOE again?  Keep burning those bridges!

Making a fast buck might work in the short term but always fails in the end....building positive relations with your customers is the cornerstone to any effective business.  Its just common knowledge, too obvious even for Business 101. 


Joined: Jul 24, 2006
Messages: 10

Villemar_MxO wrote:

You know in my opinion things picked up a little in 2008, lots of new content, a decent amount of new players from trial keys, then Rare pretty much mentally quit with his Fail Approach in November, he left in Feb 2009, and producer Walrus said to hang in there while they figured out what to do with the game.  Since then it has been an Epic Wall of Silence, with 0% development 0% content 0% storyline and (worst of all IMHO) 0% communication from anyone at SOE.

This is just poor, this "Silent Treatment" childish tactic, especially coming from a business that sells a service.  I'm too old to play baby games.  Never heard of anything like this from any business I've had any interaction with in my lifetime.   This is a business right?  Yes you can treat one subset of customers like lepers to be shunned but think if they can blow off SWG players MxO players how does this bode for anything SOE develops in the future?  First you have an angry base of ex-customers who might earlier have been inclined to try other SOE products....oops burned that bridge....secondly after SWG and now MxO and once DC fails what company in their right mind would sell any IP to SOE again?  Keep burning those bridges!

Making a fast buck might work in the short term but always fails in the end....building positive relations with your customers is the cornerstone to any effective business.  Its just common knowledge, too obvious even for Business 101. 

Well Said

Happy Camper

Joined: Mar 3, 2007
Messages: 50

Where is Mister Smedley?  I demand satisfaction.  And I mean that in the sense of a gauntlet to the face. 


Joined: Apr 21, 2006
Messages: 4

Seriously, this silent treatment has gone on way too long.

Enough is enough.

I hardly think it is asking too much from SOE to communicate with MXO players, even if things are in any way still up in the air, or even them just saying the status quo is going to remain the same from here on out.  Such  practices as has been shown by SOE towards MXO players would be unacceptable in any other company, gaming or otherwise. We would like to be treated with the same amount of respect that you would  expect if you were a customer at another place of business. That is the least of what we deserve.


Joined: Nov 3, 2006
Messages: 6

The sad thing here is this isn't a common rupture with the community involving leaving, i.e. : "I hate this new update if it doesn't change my faction and I will leave in a week, how would you like that so-and-so?"

We had a large portion of active players who *loved* the game and would never leave, including myself, but SOE has sadly forced many of our hands. If for some reason something changed and MxO got the treatment it deserves simply for being part of SOE's portfolio of MMORPG's, then sure I'd return. But no one is going to pay monthly for a game where all you're doing is being a part of 3D chatroom in the endgame, where you're absolutely guaranteed no new content because, hey, no developers.

The idea behind $15 a month for a MMORPG is that customers pay monthly, but they're paying continuously for continuous service which means continuous updates which means you're basically paying for small amounts of DLC consistently. That makes sense, and a lot of people are okay with that.

MxO is not getting any of this, and while the player count was small during the Rarebit days, it definitely wasn't dead like it is now.

Happy Camper

Joined: Mar 3, 2007
Messages: 50

The subject of this thread may be phrased as a question but I should make it clear that I was not posting in a rhetorical sense.  MxO has the same requirements as any other game and SOE is refusing to meet those requirements.  This is not good enough. 

The Quiet Type

Joined: Nov 9, 2007
Messages: 26

Why Hello There, Impenatrable Wall of Silence!


Joined: Jan 24, 2008
Messages: 6




I'll give you cookies on top of the fifteen dollars a month!

Seriously, how can you beat that deal?!?

Happy Camper

Joined: Aug 14, 2006
Messages: 60
Location: Your attic...look up.

ZippyTheSquirrel wrote:

Shut it down or cast it out for anyone else stupid enough to pick it up.

The answer should be simple. If there still haven't been a new update for MxO after all this time, either lower the price, shut the game down, or just throw it out into the rain for some other company (or perhaps an overzealous group of players forming together under a banner) to pick up.

Really, at some point isn't it illegal to do this sort of thing after a certain point? Or is it just increasingly douchbaggy?

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