Tempted basically just said everything that needed to be said. If Icey says anything stupid again = Bant. And finally RT will hopefully be bumpin again.
that covers some of my concern.
and i agree with the majority of what Tempted said except the mod thing.
in my experience CR mods,
(and im sure most inf players agree witth me)
are not fair, and we resent being pushed around by CR players who dont know infantry (the game) or its players.
i find CR mods to be mouthy overbearing and not as fair as you lead us to believe they are.
thank you for not skirting around the issues.
I mostly agree with Tempted in terms of rotation, but I do feel that you need to be able to rotate in other zones once in a while. I don't think you move in every zone that's already up.
On the RT note, I know that there is at least one person who would like to actively dev it at the moment (Octavian).
Obviously I'd like to be involved in RB in any way I could, maybe make another map.
And it would be an easy thing to a dueling zone section to every CZ map as well as a warp or item that brings you there. The concern would be more about rotating zones like Speed zone, CTF whatever in.
"are not fair, and we resent being pushed around by CR players who dont know infantry (the game) or its players."
The vast majority of CR mods (traditionally) spend as much time in Infantry as you do, from my experience. There are obviously exceptions, but whether someone is fair or overbearing has no relation to which client they use.
AmyBaby wrote:
^what is this exactly? is this a fair statement to a concerned infantry player? or just some back woods smart alec response to a real infantry players concern?
SupaPhreak wrote:
also: what kind of real Inf/CR mod openly agree's to something like this?
is this the type of player we look forward to playing with once the merge happens?
twist this however you like..
mods are very visible and when one is mouthy they become even more visible.
open your eyes and stop making excuses.
icey wrote:
7hmtwist this however you like..mods are very visible and when one is mouthy they become even more visible.open your eyes and stop making excuses.
And it has nothing to do with an Inf / CR merger. Bad mods come from both games and always have. You may have a legitimate concern with the zone populations and how it could potentially adversely affect Infantry (highly doubt it, but it's possible) but your argument about mods is absurd. The moderation system has been consolidated under one head mod, with mods being powered in both games, since I was head mod in 03/04. A merger changes absolutely nothing in regards to the moderation system.
You really seem like you just want to stir up an argument for its own sake. Which would make you a troll. Thus this is my last response to you in this thread.
how many comments did you post on this thread? i believe you are the troll..
hows that for an argument?
complaining about the mod system is as legit as any other concern ive mentioned, but again thanx for sweeping our decade old mod problems under the carpet.
just because YOU dont see it as problem doesnt make it less of one.
thats all i have to say on this matter because this is CLEARLY a waste of time. i got one -ONE- decent answer to my concerns.
thank you Tempted.
I didn't plan on weighing in on this thread too much, as I foresaw it being somewhat controversial... And as is apparent, anything I post is promptly over-analyzed and criticized. I thought it wise not to get involved until now. I feel that it's necessary to clarify precisely what my one word post was in response to.
The post of agreement was in regards to the post that Tempted/IAAT- has made. He addressed quite a few pressing concerns shared by both Cosmic Rift and Infantry players with facts and presented legitimate points.
I was in no way concurring with or even condoning SupaPhreak's statement that players should be banned if he has inferred their contributions to this thread to be "stupid."
However, I do believe that if you are actively contributing your thoughts/concerns/opinions to a thread addressing a major change that is clearly a sensitive subject to several groups of players, you should take into careful consideration all of the aspects your posts may be viewed from. I also feel that criticism directed towards the plans for change or any other matters you feel are, in fact, in direct relation to the topic at hand should be constructive. Considering that a vital part of offering constructive criticism is to be sure that it is received in a respectable manner, I wholeheartedly support any action taken by forum moderators on users/posts that they feel have crossed the line of behavior that is to be tolerated in this situation.
if im going to get banned.. im going out with a bang.
that is the first well thought out thing i've ever heard you say. usually its st.fu or some snide comment, usually aimed at inf players. im not sure how you speak to CR players, i dont play, i dont care.
most mods in infantry are hard working dedicated players who take crap and say nothing. i've seen mods take more from infantry players than i'd EVER be willing to take, yet they do it with class.
take lessons little girl. youre not the first mod to dislike me..you wont be the last.
I voted "No."
In the past I'd been a pretty strong advocate of such a change, bringing both communities together if possible. It was my understanding at those times that such actions weren't going to happen because of the lack of support of the games, or some other undermining factor. Since that time, this station patching upgrade for the games had been implemented. I believe a lot of people are overlooking the functionality of this upgrade and it's purpose -- to bring all relevant blob and level files to you; the user, directly. The way this system is supposed to work is some kind of eventual queue of newer level and blob files placed on the servers become gathered automatically and added to this queue for game patching. That patching system is meant to serve as a pre-zonelist download so when you do happen to get to that list and select a zone of your choice, the download itself is minimal and much less time consuming.
Now, I voted "No" because I no longer believe that bringing CR zones to Infantry are within the best interests of either community. Yes, it'll be easier to access with it being one click away. Yes, it's possible both communities can intermingle, bringing a few more players looking to join Infantry-established leagues and vice-versa. However, the very idea of having content forced on you that you don't need via some patching system when and if CR content/zones are brought over to Infantry I feel is unnecessary. Eventually, if not right away, all Infantry players whom don't wish to be involved in anything CR will likely have to download a lengthy patch containing all of those blob and level files which they will never use. Many players on Infantry have avidly slow connections due to geographical location, or lack of finances. I don't think its fair to punish them in respects to adapting a very small community to our own. The only real upside to this is that it will bring all of those blob files over that aren't on Infantry already for players to utilize on a developer scale. This can already be accomplished through PCT where relevant files can be brought over for use with specific player-developed zones.
Another factor in my decision for voting "No" is this whole matter of setting up a vacant zone with information regarding how to access CR zones on Infantry. This in itself defeats the purpose of having seperate clients to begin with. Not only will players wait through the patching process, but they'll do so thinking they'll be able to play shortly after the patch is complete. This won't be the case. They will patch, see they wasted time on patching, as they now have to exit, relog into the station launcher and then patch Infantry. This Infantry patch is easily 7x the size of the CR patch in retrospect including additional CR resource files should these individuals, return after a hiatus, or are discovering the games for the first time after this merger has completed. That alone will discourage individuals from trying out these games, because they have become so dormant over the course of nearly a decade that we are stooping to a level where we can no longer keep the communities seperated. People will see this and it will discourage them from remaining here. Not that 20 maximum at peak isn't discouraging enough already.
This successful merge with one zone sounds interesting. I'd like to know some more details about it. It may help sway votes in either favor. It was my past understanding that the Skills Screen skins feature was inoperable in Infantry, or otherwise disabled. I can't really attest to, or oppose that notion, because I haven't been given the pleasure of discovering it for myself, firsthand. What kind of UI changes, or modifications that circumvent restrictions (if any) were used in the event a clean-cut transfer wasn't possible? I'd also like to inquire about the graphical settings that seem to be absent in Infantry zones regarding Starfield and Parallax toggle functions. The only zone to my knowledge that utilizes the Parallax objects is Fleet, and I suppose it's possible that such a graphical option may only be present in relevant situations such as Parallax objects being utilized in said zone. However, in zones where Starfields are being used in Infantry, the graphical feature still is not present, which could also mean this is a different structuring and functionality in the CR client, further relating to the "uniqueness" of both clients in regards of being a clone, or coded alongside each other. Has this Parallax/Starfield issue been looked into, or even brought up during test runs for CR zone implementation into Infantry?
Parallaxing and Starfields are the same for both Infantry and Cosmic Rift, far as I know, no additional engine support was made for Cosmic Rift to display these features.
In regard to downloads, I believe that there is literally a folder somewhere at SOE head quarters, the contents of which are what is downloaded by the user when using the Station Launcher. So, you could simply leave the Cosmic Rift files out of this folder and they would avoid being downloaded by new players / those players only wishing to play Infantry.
Marine wrote:
Parallaxing and Starfields are the same for both Infantry and Cosmic Rift, far as I know, no additional engine support was made for Cosmic Rift to display these features.In regard to downloads, I believe that there is literally a folder somewhere at SOE head quarters, the contents of which are what is downloaded by the user when using the Station Launcher. So, you could simply leave the Cosmic Rift files out of this folder and they would avoid being downloaded by new players / those players only wishing to play Infantry.
As for downloading additional files and/or disabling such a feature, this has not even been brought up to the point where the public has been informed what course of action will be taken with such a matter. A poll was simply brought up and very little information given. These are the types of things that should be gone over prior to any informed opinions from the playerbase as a whole, or any voting to take place, because as it stands all we know are two things for sure 1) There has been success in a working zone brought over from CR on the Infantry client; the details of which have not been released. 2) If a merge occured CR would be abandoned and anyone attempting to play CR via it's client, will be told go play it on Infantry.