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My thought about Star Wars Galaxies...
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Joined: Sep 8, 2007
Messages: 1

I started playing Star Wars Galaxies back in 2004.  I absolutely LOVED it!  It was the best game I had ever played.  Here are some of the key things I liked about SWG that set it apart from from all the others.

  • Item durability was constantly decreasing - This meant that no matter what I did I was always going to need a new weapon/armor.  This meant the crafters in our guild always had a market for their crafts.
  • Pets had special abilities - Since differnet pets had different abilities they could teach me I was always looking to find pets to tame.  I was a Master Creature Handeler and was always collecting level 10 pets, teaching them lots of stuff and then giving them to my guildies.  I also spent alot of time collecting pets to be trained as mounts.
  • Crafting required an engineering degree - What else can I say except HOLY CRAP!  Crafting was incredible.  The complexitiy of the resources, the variables of resources, crafting devices, experimentation and the schematics made it a challenging excersise to create just the right item!  If you spent enough time working your craft you could build the perfect item and corner the market!
  • Special Weapon Abilities damaged your weapons - You could not just sit back and "button mash" during a battle.  You had to plan out your special abilities so you could defeat the mobs and not destroy your weapon in the process.
  • One character per Galaxy - Becoming a Jedi and earning the right to have Jedi meant you deserved the respect from the other players for acomplishing such a task.
  • You were free to be who you wanted - There were no predefined talent trees that you had to follow.  You could mix and match your talent point to suit your own personality and your own style of play.  If you wanted to be a Medic, Scout, Creature Handler that could Dance then so be it.

I was a devoted fan and would have never left SWG but then came, NGE, "New Game Enhancement".  I am sad to say that you took a game of Chess and turned it into Checkers.  You stupified the game so much that the challenges that I enjoyed were no longer there.  The game turning into a button mashing game where you could be "The Best" in 24 hours.  Where is the fun in that?  I enjoyed having hundreds of pages of charts, graphs and notes about all the little things in the game.  Star Wars is a "techie" theme anyway, if the children want to be level 80 by tomorrow so they can be the best without earning it then send them to some other game, like Warcraft.  I felt SWG and moved on to several other MMO's.  I recently came back to see the shape of SWG and I am sad to say it is dead.  There are a few players felt but no where near the masses there used to be.

If Sony would be willing to put up a server with the game prior to NGE I am positive that TONS of vets would come running back.  I do miss SWG and hope to oneday play it again.

The Quiet Type

Joined: Oct 31, 2006
Messages: 44

Only problem is, this would require SOE to actually care and lift a finger to help a game outside of Everquest.  This will never happen.


Joined: Jan 12, 2007
Messages: 3

i agree some what i mean they have everquest one and two so wassup with that

Star Wars Galaxies

Joined: Jan 19, 2006
Messages: 777
Location: New Zealand (and Chilastra)

SWG doesn't need a pre-NGE server, nor would a pre-nge server bring back the mass numbers some like to think it would. 

The Quiet Type

Joined: Oct 23, 2007
Messages: 34

It won't matter anyway, once The Old Republic comes out that game will stomp all over SWG. So there is hope hopefully at the begining or middle of next year, 431779. The best part is al the SWG/SOE fanatics can stay here and the ones that DON'T like the idea of getting ripped off monthly can move on to something better.


Joined: Feb 7, 2007
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Matt_NZ wrote:

SWG doesn't need a pre-NGE server, nor would a pre-nge server bring back the mass numbers some like to think it would. 


Pre-NGE server ran by someone other than SOE, then it'd bring back mass numbers. You cannot deny it, SWG is a shadow of it's former self.

Star Wars Galaxies

Joined: Jan 19, 2006
Messages: 777
Location: New Zealand (and Chilastra)

Crimsonkiller01 wrote:

It won't matter anyway, once The Old Republic comes out that game will stomp all over SWG. So there is hope hopefully at the begining or middle of next year, 431779. The best part is al the SWG/SOE fanatics can stay here and the ones that DON'T like the idea of getting ripped off monthly can move on to something better.

TOR and SWG will be two rather different games.  While TOR will be rather linear with directed content, SWG will continue to be "sandboxy" with it's free roaming planets, no restrictions on professions/race/faction, crafting, player run economy, etc etc.  They're also two different time periods - the GCW vs Old Republic, Imperial vs Rebel & Sith vs Jedi. 

Of course, TOR won't be out for a couple years yet

Message edited by Matt_NZ on 06/09/2009 15:18:53.

The Quiet Type

Joined: Oct 23, 2007
Messages: 34

Matt_NZ wrote:

Crimsonkiller01 wrote:

It won't matter anyway, once The Old Republic comes out that game will stomp all over SWG. So there is hope hopefully at the begining or middle of next year, 431779. The best part is al the SWG/SOE fanatics can stay here and the ones that DON'T like the idea of getting ripped off monthly can move on to something better.

TOR and SWG will be two rather different games.  While TOR will be rather linear with directed content, SWG will continue to be "sandboxy" with it's free roaming planets, no restrictions on professions/race/faction, crafting, player run economy, etc etc.  They're also two different time periods - the GCW vs Old Republic, Imperial vs Rebel & Sith vs Jedi. 

Of course, TOR won't be out for a couple years yet


I wouldn't say a couple of years, in fact probably sooner than most would think. Already they are preparing for closed Beta so it shouldn't take too long for a release date. As far as gameplay there will be missions of a sort so i guess you can say that aspect may be linear, but so far it is supposed to be free roaming, it will have PvP and PvE.

The difference in time periods is probably one of the big selling points. Bioware has more leeway with it's story and environments. The other selling point is that this is a story driven game, plenty of roleplay and alot of action.

I'm sure SWG has alot of cool stuff as well but I have seen plenty of posts like the one the OP has about SWG. TOR is an alternative and most likely is going to attract alot of folks from SWG with same concerns and headaches the OP talked about. SMILEY


Star Wars Galaxies

Joined: Jan 19, 2006
Messages: 777
Location: New Zealand (and Chilastra)

Crimsonkiller01 wrote:

Matt_NZ wrote:

Crimsonkiller01 wrote:

It won't matter anyway, once The Old Republic comes out that game will stomp all over SWG. So there is hope hopefully at the begining or middle of next year, 431779. The best part is al the SWG/SOE fanatics can stay here and the ones that DON'T like the idea of getting ripped off monthly can move on to something better.

TOR and SWG will be two rather different games.  While TOR will be rather linear with directed content, SWG will continue to be "sandboxy" with it's free roaming planets, no restrictions on professions/race/faction, crafting, player run economy, etc etc.  They're also two different time periods - the GCW vs Old Republic, Imperial vs Rebel & Sith vs Jedi. 

Of course, TOR won't be out for a couple years yet


I wouldn't say a couple of years, in fact probably sooner than most would think. Already they are preparing for closed Beta so it shouldn't take too long for a release date. As far as gameplay there will be missions of a sort so i guess you can say that aspect may be linear, but so far it is supposed to be free roaming, it will have PvP and PvE.

The difference in time periods is probably one of the big selling points. Bioware has more leeway with it's story and environments. The other selling point is that this is a story driven game, plenty of roleplay and alot of action.

I'm sure SWG has alot of cool stuff as well but I have seen plenty of posts like the one the OP has about SWG. TOR is an alternative and most likely is going to attract alot of folks from SWG with same concerns and headaches the OP talked about.


Going to Beta isn't a good indication of release dates.  There are some MMO's that were in Betas for years.  SWG was in Beta from May 2002 until the end of June 2003.

No MMO is without it's share of people like the OP, although SWG is unique in that it had a major make over.  Unfortunately, it doesn't sound like the OP put alot of time into re-trying SWG as alot of the stuff they complain is missing in their bullet points still exist in SWG today.  Not all, but most.

The Quiet Type

Joined: Oct 23, 2007
Messages: 34

Matt_NZ wrote:

Crimsonkiller01 wrote:

Matt_NZ wrote:

Crimsonkiller01 wrote:

It won't matter anyway, once The Old Republic comes out that game will stomp all over SWG. So there is hope hopefully at the begining or middle of next year, 431779. The best part is al the SWG/SOE fanatics can stay here and the ones that DON'T like the idea of getting ripped off monthly can move on to something better.

TOR and SWG will be two rather different games.  While TOR will be rather linear with directed content, SWG will continue to be "sandboxy" with it's free roaming planets, no restrictions on professions/race/faction, crafting, player run economy, etc etc.  They're also two different time periods - the GCW vs Old Republic, Imperial vs Rebel & Sith vs Jedi. 

Of course, TOR won't be out for a couple years yet


I wouldn't say a couple of years, in fact probably sooner than most would think. Already they are preparing for closed Beta so it shouldn't take too long for a release date. As far as gameplay there will be missions of a sort so i guess you can say that aspect may be linear, but so far it is supposed to be free roaming, it will have PvP and PvE.

The difference in time periods is probably one of the big selling points. Bioware has more leeway with it's story and environments. The other selling point is that this is a story driven game, plenty of roleplay and alot of action.

I'm sure SWG has alot of cool stuff as well but I have seen plenty of posts like the one the OP has about SWG. TOR is an alternative and most likely is going to attract alot of folks from SWG with same concerns and headaches the OP talked about.


Going to Beta isn't a good indication of release dates.  There are some MMO's that were in Betas for years.  SWG was in Beta from May 2002 until the end of June 2003.

No MMO is without it's share of people like the OP, although SWG is unique in that it had a major make over.  Unfortunately, it doesn't sound like the OP put alot of time into re-trying SWG as alot of the stuff they complain is missing in their bullet points still exist in SWG today.  Not all, but most.

Actually in this case it is a good indication and that is why Bioware stands out. 2010 is just around the corner and of course it is a competitor's market. Bioware has a reputation of releasing quality games from the Star Wars franchise which include KOTOR (Knights of the Old Republic) KOTOR 2 and Jedi Academy so I do believe it will be no different with this game. Another thing is that Bioware doesn't release any sort of information unless it is sure that it's going to game. For them to announce that they will be going to Beta is a very good sign since they have already stated that they don't want a lengthly duration for Beta (I believe they said something along 2 to 3 months. Most of this information is found at their website). 

As far as the OP's statement, well if he was the only one then yes I would say it is just his opinion, but there have been many and not just in this forum that have stated their dissapointment with the game itself. As I understand it the time period itself is from events after Return of the Jedi and I am sure that is a fascinating time to play in the Star Wars universe as well, but where is the roleplay? From what I have read it's either very limited to non-existant, for me that would be a deal breaker.

The OP however has stated on some of the mechanical aspects of the game and in that I would not attempt to claim that I know what was SWG before the enhamcements and if it improved because of it.

The common complaint I have been hearing however was because of the enhancements and lack of roleplay is why many in the SWG universe are looking this way at TOR. Many from that camp have said that they felt ripped off by SOE so in that I can relate to in regards to my experience with MXO.

Now if you believe that SWG is your cup of tea then excellent because you don't need to shop around but for alot of folks they have become dissastisfied and it's nice to know that there is an alternative for them in the "near future" as quoted by the dev's at Bioware.


Joined: Feb 7, 2007
Messages: 110
Location: 1984'd

Crimsonkiller01 wrote:

As I understand it the time period itself is from events after Return of the Jedi and I am sure that is a fascinating time to play in the Star Wars universe as well, but where is the roleplay? From what I have read it's either very limited to non-existant, for me that would be a deal breaker.

Actually, as far as I remember the timeframe was originally based between A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back but since the advancement to the Battle of Hoth, it's around the beginning of Empire.

Explains all the Jedi... lololololol!

Message edited by Croesus on 06/10/2009 17:19:39.

Star Wars Galaxies

Joined: Jan 19, 2006
Messages: 777
Location: New Zealand (and Chilastra)

Crimsonkiller01 wrote:

Matt_NZ wrote:

Crimsonkiller01 wrote:

Matt_NZ wrote:

Crimsonkiller01 wrote:

It won't matter anyway, once The Old Republic comes out that game will stomp all over SWG. So there is hope hopefully at the begining or middle of next year, 431779. The best part is al the SWG/SOE fanatics can stay here and the ones that DON'T like the idea of getting ripped off monthly can move on to something better.

TOR and SWG will be two rather different games.  While TOR will be rather linear with directed content, SWG will continue to be "sandboxy" with it's free roaming planets, no restrictions on professions/race/faction, crafting, player run economy, etc etc.  They're also two different time periods - the GCW vs Old Republic, Imperial vs Rebel & Sith vs Jedi. 

Of course, TOR won't be out for a couple years yet


I wouldn't say a couple of years, in fact probably sooner than most would think. Already they are preparing for closed Beta so it shouldn't take too long for a release date. As far as gameplay there will be missions of a sort so i guess you can say that aspect may be linear, but so far it is supposed to be free roaming, it will have PvP and PvE.

The difference in time periods is probably one of the big selling points. Bioware has more leeway with it's story and environments. The other selling point is that this is a story driven game, plenty of roleplay and alot of action.

I'm sure SWG has alot of cool stuff as well but I have seen plenty of posts like the one the OP has about SWG. TOR is an alternative and most likely is going to attract alot of folks from SWG with same concerns and headaches the OP talked about.


Going to Beta isn't a good indication of release dates.  There are some MMO's that were in Betas for years.  SWG was in Beta from May 2002 until the end of June 2003.

No MMO is without it's share of people like the OP, although SWG is unique in that it had a major make over.  Unfortunately, it doesn't sound like the OP put alot of time into re-trying SWG as alot of the stuff they complain is missing in their bullet points still exist in SWG today.  Not all, but most.

Actually in this case it is a good indication and that is why Bioware stands out. 2010 is just around the corner and of course it is a competitor's market. Bioware has a reputation of releasing quality games from the Star Wars franchise which include KOTOR (Knights of the Old Republic) KOTOR 2 and Jedi Academy so I do believe it will be no different with this game. Another thing is that Bioware doesn't release any sort of information unless it is sure that it's going to game. For them to announce that they will be going to Beta is a very good sign since they have already stated that they don't want a lengthly duration for Beta (I believe they said something along 2 to 3 months. Most of this information is found at their website). 

As far as the OP's statement, well if he was the only one then yes I would say it is just his opinion, but there have been many and not just in this forum that have stated their dissapointment with the game itself. As I understand it the time period itself is from events after Return of the Jedi and I am sure that is a fascinating time to play in the Star Wars universe as well, but where is the roleplay? From what I have read it's either very limited to non-existant, for me that would be a deal breaker.

The OP however has stated on some of the mechanical aspects of the game and in that I would not attempt to claim that I know what was SWG before the enhamcements and if it improved because of it.

The common complaint I have been hearing however was because of the enhancements and lack of roleplay is why many in the SWG universe are looking this way at TOR. Many from that camp have said that they felt ripped off by SOE so in that I can relate to in regards to my experience with MXO.

Now if you believe that SWG is your cup of tea then excellent because you don't need to shop around but for alot of folks they have become dissastisfied and it's nice to know that there is an alternative for them in the "near future" as quoted by the dev's at Bioware.

Dissapointment with the game is fine, but my point was that the specific dissapointments the OP highlighted in his bullet points are actually still in the game.

Roleplay depends on the community.  SWG is still mostly a sandbox style game and how you play the game is up to you.  If you want to RP then that's your decision, but you're not forced to by SOE, nor are you restricted by it.  Infact, SOE has been adding to the roleplay abilities over the last few months with the Storyteller system and the costumes they've been adding.

You shouldn't believe everything you read on the forums, many people on some of the forums out there have an axe to grind simply for the sake of grinding an axe.  I suggest giving SWG a fair try for a month and see how you like it.  I believe you get a free 30 days for being an MxO subscriber?

The Quiet Type

Joined: Oct 23, 2007
Messages: 34

Roleplay does indeed depend upon a community. Sandbox style games I am familiar with and have seen many times have I go to pieces when it is not planned right and by the same token some epic moments have taken plac . That of course is neither here or there where the rp is more dependent upon the tastes of the player. As you said SOE isn't forcing players to roleplay and of course it is the decision of the player to roleplay or not, in that I do agree with you.

No I don't believe everything I read in the forums but not every post is a "SWG reeks" post either. Alot of posts I have read have offered constructive criticism and suggestions on how to improve upon the game, nothing wrong with that and it's not really the work of someone with an "axe to grind".

As I said earlier if it was just a few people with complaints and concerns then yes it would definately reek of sour grapes, but it's not just a few people with those issues so it does lend to the belief that not every comment is for the sake of making SOE look bad.

I think in the end the most important thing is choice.

Star Wars Galaxies

Joined: Jan 19, 2006
Messages: 777
Location: New Zealand (and Chilastra)

Crimsonkiller01 wrote:

Roleplay does indeed depend upon a community. Sandbox style games I am familiar with and have seen many times have I go to pieces when it is not planned right and by the same token some epic moments have taken plac . That of course is neither here or there where the rp is more dependent upon the tastes of the player. As you said SOE isn't forcing players to roleplay and of course it is the decision of the player to roleplay or not, in that I do agree with you.

No I don't believe everything I read in the forums but not every post is a "SWG reeks" post either. Alot of posts I have read have offered constructive criticism and suggestions on how to improve upon the game, nothing wrong with that and it's not really the work of someone with an "axe to grind".

As I said earlier if it was just a few people with complaints and concerns then yes it would definately reek of sour grapes, but it's not just a few people with those issues so it does lend to the belief that not every comment is for the sake of making SOE look bad.

I think in the end the most important thing is choice.

SWG certainly has a roleplay community though, just take a look at the dedicated roleplay forum on the SWG forums, as well as the events and storyteller forum.  They're a pretty dedicated bunch.  I'm not sure if you're criticising the fact SOE doesn't force roleplay but I have to assume you're not - requesting something be forced wouldn't make a lot of sense SMILEY

Again, unless you've played the game recently (or at all). What may seem like constructive criticism might actually be an opinion based on a very short amount of time actually trying the game and simply jumping to conclusions simply because something wasn't immediatly available to them.  Such is the case with the OP and many of the other posts you've likely read.

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