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Trade Bazaar and Marketplace
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These are'nt the cards your looking for: TCG in client trade filter guide 10
05/28/2009 14:57:58
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03/08/2009 20:39:47
Trading my V-Wing for Jedi Meditation Room and more 0
06/13/2009 07:15:51
. 5
06/13/2009 07:13:24
Looking for Jawa greeter 16

06/13/2009 02:08:30
Unknown rebel card 2
06/12/2009 22:58:45
looking to buy boosters for prime creds 0
06/12/2009 15:31:29
Starsider - WTT/WTS Jedi Meditation Room 1
06/12/2009 13:02:32
Looking to buy some cards for various things [loot cards & Starsider/Farstar items] 6

06/12/2009 12:29:11
PC/IC GPE 3130 Pod Racer 1
06/10/2009 21:29:58
WTB Barc on Starsider 3
06/10/2009 11:07:28
WTB: TCG Promo Card 'LE Repair Droid' 1
06/09/2009 16:36:22
Boba fett loot card for item/s on farstar*Finished* 3
06/09/2009 15:09:29
LTB or LTT4 a V-wing 1
06/09/2009 12:46:23
LTB SoC Boosters 0
06/09/2009 02:38:57
Guise of the Apprentice on Starsider 0
06/08/2009 23:28:48
LTT for a Meditation Room 3
06/08/2009 16:06:21
WTT SITH MED ROOM for Event Passes SOLD 1
06/08/2009 07:01:29
PC on my playing cards 1
06/08/2009 06:59:17
WTB Boosters (Gorath) 0
06/08/2009 02:39:05
Closed 0
06/06/2009 15:27:27
PC Wookie Toothpick 0
06/05/2009 20:40:00
wanting to trade MY Guise of the Apprentice for YOUR Guise of the Sith card. 0
06/05/2009 13:24:45
PC bria/ahazi "Gargan's Hands of Seduction" loot card. 1
06/05/2009 06:12:07
LTT My Sith Room for a V-Wing 6
06/05/2009 05:24:46
WTT sith and jedi med rooms for a 4/5 sith and jedi wp on gorath 0
06/05/2009 00:29:02
06/04/2009 20:37:20
PC on darth vader card 2
06/04/2009 17:41:30
Selling Rares!!!!! 20 per pack!!! 0
06/04/2009 16:51:20
Want to rid myself of these cards 3
06/04/2009 16:36:00
PC on these Cards 5
06/04/2009 16:32:42
pc on these loot cards 1
06/04/2009 16:30:57
Rares for Loot? 1
06/04/2009 16:29:40
PC: Musty ad and Wampa rug 3
06/04/2009 14:30:32
WTT Shalera Promo Card 1
06/04/2009 14:20:33
Card Values? 1
06/04/2009 12:59:44
LTS TCG Loot Hands of seduction 40mill, Warhead 4.9mill. WTB sith quest 2 card 2 0

06/04/2009 12:39:40
LTT Jedi Meditation Temple...COMPLETED 3
06/03/2009 09:26:16
WTB Barn 0
06/03/2009 08:45:52
LST/LTT Target Dummy for Credits or Boosters *SOLD* 1
06/02/2009 19:24:20
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