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Imp Ability Blast Resistance Not Working since 6/2 patch.
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Joined: Aug 26, 2008
Messages: 173

The ability allows you to take any item from your draw deck and put it in your hand.


In the past, it opened a window and let you pick up an item.  If you had no item, the window would still open, and you still needed to close it.


The first match of today's sprint, I played Blast Resistance, but no window appeared - all I could do is click close in the dialogue box below and then continue with my turn.


Please get this fixed quickly.


Joined: Sep 29, 2008
Messages: 5
Location: United States

I can confirm that blast resistance does not bring up the deck to find the item even though I have items in my deck. Only gives the option to click close. Will check to see if the other "card search" cards are having a similar issue and update.


Joined: Apr 27, 2007
Messages: 1545

This problem should now be resolved.


Joined: Apr 11, 2007
Messages: 533

Blast Resistance is now listed as a Rare


When it used to be a common:



Please fix, thank you!


Joined: Apr 27, 2007
Messages: 1545

Thank you for the post. We will fix this in the next patch.


Joined: Aug 21, 2008
Messages: 170

The Coret Bhan and Jeffren Brek avatars got changed too it seems. They used to be 1F6 and 1F11 before, but now they are 1A6 and 1A11 and sort together with the regular cards. Coret Bhan appears between the regular 1U6 and the foil version of it. Same with Jeffren Brek and 1C11.

Rachi Sitra remains 1F1, and Namman Cha is still 1F16. Both those sort the same way they did before, with the fixed cards. There are holes for 1F6 and 1F11 now where the other avatars used to be.

Message edited by Leafbacca on 06/04/2009 03:31:47.


Joined: Apr 27, 2007
Messages: 1545

These were unintended changes that we will fix in the next update.


Joined: Nov 3, 2008
Messages: 51

just a thought here acadia , but i would hotfix the rareity asap cause what happens to all the people opening boosters an getting blast resistance as the rare in the booster an then when the chage goes back not only do they get hosed by the mixup but also short a few rares ......

Message edited by Dwar on 06/04/2009 20:39:27.


Joined: Apr 27, 2007
Messages: 1545

The distribution has not been affected, just the display. So each booster pack still has a true rare in it.


Joined: Aug 23, 2008
Messages: 552

Acadia wrote:

The distribution has not been affected, just the display. So each booster pack still has a true rare in it.

You still might want to change this a.s.a.p.  There are multitudes of trades using Blast Resistance as a Rare trading for other Rares or EPs.

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