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Guild Vs Guild Speed Cup
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Joined: Sep 1, 2007
Messages: 122

As the title implies, I was wondering if it is at all possible to do a guild vs guild tournament. If you like the idea, post a suggestion on how you would like to see it play out, rules, etc. or show your support for another person's idea. Otherwise, move along

Suggestion  1 - Uway

Tournament Name: Top Guild Speed Cup

Rules: Same as sprint rules except you don't play against guildmates and matches have a 10 minute chess clock.

Entrance: The tournament would be setup so that each guild plays one other guild in each tournament (guilds with similiar win/loss records get matched up). Each guild enters up to 8 players in each tournament and they play in single elimination matches until all members of a opposing guild is defeated.

Winner: Guild with the most wins at the end of each month. Tie Breaker is win percentage.

Entry Fee: 50 event passes per guild.

Prizes: ???

Suggestion  2 - wickedsteel

although the sprint type thing would be cool, what would probly be better is make it a weekend tourny like choose a loots. like u said each guild should get  limited amount of players, preferebly an odd number(you will see why odd), and they get matched with another random guild that entered tourny. Lets say it was 9 people from each guild, all 9 would play some1 from the other guild at the same time, and whichever gets the majority of the wins moves onto next round, elimination format.


P.S. Not to say we should have one of these every month. Would be nice to have a special tournament each month.


Message edited by uway on 06/11/2009 09:05:11.


Joined: May 26, 2009
Messages: 21

i actualy really like the idea, and heres my thoughts of how it could work.

although the sprint type thing would be cool, what would probly be better is make it a weekend tourny like choose a loots. like u said each guild should get  limited amount of players, preferebly an odd number(you will see why odd), and they get matched with another random guild that entered tourny. Lets say it was 9 people from each guild, all 9 would play some1 from the other guild at the same time, and whichever gets the majority of the wins moves onto next round, elimination format.


Joined: Sep 1, 2007
Messages: 122




Joined: Mar 14, 2009
Messages: 38

i do agree as a sprint type running for such guild events. maybe a running with ep to enter as a later date. the promotions soe can provide for a formal release will be the tell all. local shops open with great fun and prizes. soe this doesn't cost what lol um ok so promotions for the formal dates (or any date makes a lotta sense to me seeings how we love promos). anyway say all guild no rare and highlander. my fav is teams seeing how its guilds here. no rare and highlander give smaller collections a chance to be competetive more often. seriously i support the format of guild wars in lon. comrodery and competition here could be the best promo soe could have for LoN.

Message edited by nR2 on 06/11/2009 10:47:33.

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