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The war info and prize pool.
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Joined: Oct 18, 2007
Messages: 119

ok mates, firstly Ive been giving it some thought and there is no reason at all why all the guilds cant be in on this. In fact because of my scoring method, the smaller guilds have a chance because you score less against team mates . Also there will be a separate prize pool for the highest scorer regardless of guild.

So anyone who wants to take part please register your interest on my letters of marque thread. The only thing I ask is that you put a little something in our prize pool. Donations are voluntary so new guys dont stress if you dont have anything to contribute.

For your prize pool donations announce them here and if you are in a sizeable guild leave them with your guild leader. Smaller guilds or solo players can leave them with any of the major guild leaders such as capt.ron, cbw, keelhauled or maheswani. I will also take donations and if red dragon wants to be in on this Im sure he can be trusted also.

How you want to distribute your prizes is up to you. There are two prize pools. I will kick them off in the following reply with an example of how to set it out. 

When scoring starts I will start a separate thread for that.

Ok any questions ?


Message edited by bootyjuice on 05/16/2009 21:42:32.


Joined: Oct 18, 2007
Messages: 119

Please note firstly that our guild will be running spearate internal guild awards (please check our page mates).

Also please keep contributions to things that people actually want. if you offer me your SM Pandora I probably wont take it. I dont want to have to spell it out, just please use your discretion and think about what you might have wanted when you were new to the game or even want you want right now. Also there is nothing wrong with having doubles in the guild prize pool because it will be getting spilt among the winning guild members or will be used in their common pool.

THIS IS NOT A TEST! this is the prize pool thus far :


Guild prize pool :

Five doubloons, SM calico cat, SM El Acorazado, SM El Garante, SM Plague, SM spanish captain (generic). CC Deliverence, CC Maurice Aristide, CC El Duque Rafael Moreno y Rivera, CC Buried Treasure. Rev HMS Swallow, Rev fortaleza dorado, Rev Le Soleil Royal, Rev Jonathon Haraden, Rev Ralph david. SCS Commodore matthew perry. DJC Le Bonaparte. MI Prussian Crown, MI The Gentleman, MI Captain Montana Mays. OE Brachyura, OE El Fantasma, OE Deliverance.

Overall winner pool : Five doubloons, MI (LE) Jongleur, DJC (LE) Burning man.



(sorry had to remove gallows, forgot I was saving it and gave my spare one to a noob, apologies to anyone who is paying any attention at all to my war posts)

Message edited by bootyjuice on 06/10/2009 02:00:46.


Joined: Nov 28, 2007
Messages: 230

Here's my donations for the overall and prizepool.  I'll try to add some donations to guild prizepool and some more to overall when I can find some more.


1SM pack, SM Harbinger, SCS HMS Discovery, Livestock UT, Martyr's Amulate UT, La Deseperanza LE, Dance LE, Judas LE,

Hanno LE, Thane Hartless LE.


Joined: Nov 28, 2007
Messages: 230

Some donations to the overall prizepool from ikthultu;

HMS Lord Algernon, El Acorozado, Shipping Charts, Marksman's Map, Rum, English Helms, Warlord Cavendish, Cursed Zone, Dead Man's Chest, and a bunch of commons and uncommons. 

Ty ikth for the donations!


Joined: Oct 26, 2007
Messages: 171
Location: Australia

hey cb damm nice work, nice to know there are still some people who are trying to keep things positive.

lets try and stay focused on a common goal

yer a worthy opponent and i'm glad ta know ya.

regaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrds keel



Message edited by keelhauled on 05/20/2009 04:19:56.


Joined: Oct 18, 2007
Messages: 119

A hearty ahoy to all mate,

                                      Unfortunately it is going to be hard  for me to support the tournaments in the recent future as it seems i have a "registry virus" which im told is awfully important if you want to play pirates. However if im lucky, me old mate keel will let me use his at some stage . Or even stranger, I will be able to fix it without a complete reinstall.

Anyhoo, here be the scores thus far :


Rogues: 4

Shorthair65 : 2 points

Philneous : 2 point

Clads : 3

Ikthultu : 3 points


Which puts rogues in front by a point and ikthultu in front for overall winner by a point.

Message edited by bootyjuice on 06/10/2009 02:04:04.


Joined: Oct 18, 2007
Messages: 119

So really its anyones game at this point for the guild win and the overall prize. Theres a tasty booty waiting for anyone who can get even a couple of tournaments going.


-Good luck mates.


Joined: Dec 31, 2007
Messages: 68
Location: Я здесь!

Hooray Ikthultu!
Eat souls! 
And say Heya to Stinger for me

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