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lasting aura and kse firespray/black two
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Joined: Aug 21, 2008
Messages: 19

Match 440057 during evening sprints 6/4/09

Turn 14

I had Lasting Aura in play.

Opponent was able to use KSE firespray and Black two in succession to deal damage to a unit i had in play.



Joined: Dec 16, 2008
Messages: 22

Aye, I had a similar thing happen when i had Lasting Aura in play: My opponent played the Fallann Hyper Rifle and wiped out my army of Womp Rats and Spawn. So, apparently, Lasting Aura isn't working as intended.


* Beginning turn 7.
* You draw Shalera and Womp Rat.
* You skip your quest phase (no ready abilities that have a level).
* Adaptive Biology: You get 1 power for each quest you have completed.
* Gungan Priest: You exert Gungan Priest to gain 2 power.
* You play Womp Rat.
* You play Lasting Aura.
* Beginning turn 8.
* Zion draws 2 cards.
* Zion attempts Adaptive Biology.
* Venomous Ploy: An opponent of Zion must exert one of his combatants.
* Venomous Ploy: Womp Rat Spawn is exerted by SadgarTheBold.
* Zion attacks Gungan Priest, Womp Rat, Womp Rat, Womp Rat Spawn and Womp Rat Spawn with Dee_Fence.
* Zion exerts Dee_Fence to add to his total attack.
* You exert Womp Rat Spawn to add to your total defense.
* Zion passes.
* You exert Womp Rat to add to your total defense.
* Zion passes.
* You pass.
* Attack: 1 Defense: 2, the attack fails!
* You exert Womp Rat to add to your total damage.
* Zion deals 1 damage to Dee_Fence.
* Zion deals 1 damage to Dee_Fence.
* Zion applies Venomous Ploy at Adaptive Biology.
* Zion's Venomous Ploy is destroyed.
* Zion finishes the quest Adaptive Biology.
* Zion plays Rebel Inspectors.
* Zion plays Fallann Hyper-Rifle.
* Zion plays Mirror Armor.
* Mirror Armor: Zion places an additional level token at Rebel Inspectors.
* Fallann Hyper-Rifle: Zion deals 1 damage to Gungan Priest.
* Zion starts a raid at Rebel Inspectors.
* Zion attacks Womp Rat Spawn, Womp Rat Spawn, Womp Rat, Womp Rat and Gungan Priest with Ace Imperial Bombardier.
* Zion exerts Ace Imperial Bombardier to add to his total attack.
* You pass.
* Zion passes.
* Attack: 2 Defense: 0, the attack succeeds!
* You deal 1 damage to Womp Rat Spawn.
* Your Womp Rat Spawn is destroyed.


Joined: Dec 16, 2008
Messages: 22

I just tested Lasting Aura again... it doesn't protect the units at all from damage outside of combat.

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