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Joined: Sep 15, 2007
Messages: 11

Ok, so i have been told that my deck is original, and i have been told that its just a cut and paste deck.

I want real opinions on it please.



human, +1 hand size, 1atk,3def,10life



2q Forcibly Detained (not a fan of ava)

4q Grand Party

5q Be More Careful

6q Saving Soles



3x Disable

2x Devour Health

3x Fiery Granduer

3x Undead Tide

3x Geotic Rune

2x Sun Vortex

2x Infusion

2x Power of Mind



3x Mind Blast

3x Numbing Cold

3x Plane Shift

3x Fade



2x Band of the Chosen

2x Scryona

2x Leggings of the Unseen Servant

2x Siren Blood Wand



2x Dark Vampire

4x Fallen Chieftain

4x Restless Bones

2x Rotting Thrall

4x Malignant Dead

4x Haunting Corpse


i usually always run a 60card draw deck.




Joined: May 20, 2008
Messages: 70

its hard to say ur deck is orginal or not, because this is just an undead unit rusher, but this is definitely nowhere a copy and paste deck... since i dont reli see it being competitive unless u get a very good draw.

On the other hand, u might want to shirnk ur deck down a little and re-think on the usefulness of some cards in there reli.

if you are looking for improvement on the deck, then i am always more then hapi to post a few extra comments and suggestion, tho i am not familiar with unit rushers myself...



Joined: Mar 14, 2009
Messages: 38

I love Mage over any other arch still. Priest has really got~n a lot of great builds and cards that kept Priest attending events top finishers. Mage rush has been a serious build since day 1. Obviously you care about your skill, and I'd say keep it up. Copy paste decks are all over. You build a deck and they will try it / copy it. From the looks of this deck you posted I personally wont try it bc i have my own Shadow Unit Rush builds that I am very pleased with. Just bc your build fits in a catagory doesn't mean you netdeck at all.

I've tried to figure out how to post my builds without a direct copy comming to face me. I've always wanted to share the builds with the community as well. My solution is to never add the quantity when I post.

Mage and Priest have some real forces to recon with as a Shadow Unit Rush build.  LOL I have 20+ builds  in this frame.  Some are based completely different. Shadowed Collector is my current fun fun. I've built and deleted so many decks trying to find a deck that works for me. Others input can be invaluable , but nobody is gonna distress me by attacking my build with thier comments like copy / paste. Keep your head up and practice practice practice.


Joined: Feb 25, 2007
Messages: 2044
Location: Boise, ID

I've always found people's attitudes odd concerning deckbuilding when it comes to "copying".  I find it particularly amusing when I'm accused of copying a deck I posted in these forums.  I don't have anything against deck copying so it wouldn't bother me if someone accused me of copying and I did.  I don't feel a particular need to justify my gaming habbits to anyone else.  Why should I?  Furthermore, there are limited number of cards to play with.  If you took a calculator and figured out the exact number of unique decks that are possible in this game, the number would be near infinite.  But once you start factoring limitations for common sense and similarity, the number is much smaller.  What makes people automatically assume that it is impossible for 2 different people to come up with similar deckbuilding concepts independantly of each other?  When you play a game you also see a limited amount of any given deck so it is quite possible for 2 similar decks to have significant differences that a couple games won't reveal either.  Why is the first assumption made that it was a copy deck?  Even if someone does copy a deck, what is the big deal?  It feels like poor sportsmanship to whine and make excuses after a loss either way.


Joined: Aug 5, 2008
Messages: 86

Too true. Just because someone wasnt the first to use/post a deck build doesn't mean they arent entitled to playing those cards in the same fashion. Its common sense that my builds are near mirror to other successful builds and I hate it when others QQ over copying.



Joined: May 20, 2008
Messages: 70

i was playing some guy the other day with my priest and my fighter....

i was accused of copying 2 different person on the deck....

but i never played those 2 person....

so i couldnt stop laughing....

P.S he believes i copied A-dawg for a deparvity deck and Leto for a barbarian hunter deck.... o.O i never played them 2, nor any "paid" toruney (i am from europe, i just cant...) and with this meta of the game, both of my copied decks from very very good players i actually dont win alot with...


Joined: Apr 17, 2009
Messages: 4

if you really wanna screw over your opponent, specially if they are priests in events then i got 2 words for you, silverwing cloak SMILEY



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