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Q&A for the weeks of 5/30-6/12
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Joined: Mar 19, 2007
Messages: 282

This is the thread for design questions during the weeks of 5/30-6/12. Post any questions you have, and a Legends of Norrath designer will try to answer!

Please note that the responses to these Q&As are always going to be written by one of the Legends of Norrath game designers. We can tackle questions about specific cards, the design process, gameplay, design philosophy, and other such topics. We won’t be able to answer any questions about tournaments, loot cards, client interface – these aren’t areas we have any kind of major input on.


Joined: Sep 15, 2007
Messages: 11

How come the 3 gargoyles are classified as animals and not constructs? They were made from stone and infused with magic to come to life. Just curious =), thank you


Joined: Apr 17, 2009
Messages: 4

will there be an NPC trader, one that gives you a new random card in ratio 3-1 or 5-1 or 10-1? in his favor ofcourse SMILEY

and could those random cards also include tournements and event loot cards ?

some people are swamped in common cards they cant get rid off SMILEY




Strategy Games » Legends of Norrath » Developers Corner
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