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Fan Faire 2009 SWG TCG Attendees - Making a List!
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Joined: Oct 5, 2008
Messages: 85

Greetings all,

Fan Faire has never really been my gig, but as I posted to my guild earlier, I think it's quite clear that the SWG TCG is a pretty tight knit group.  As I look down the ranking of the top 200 players I recognize probably 90% of the names, as I'm sure most of you who are reading this post do as well.  I'm hoping that this is just the start and others continue to join, and with the personalities already here, I think we offer a pretty open environment for others to join in.

As for me, I started playing SWG back in Fall of 2003, but havn't been on that much over the past year.  I don't know what you all do, or who your friends are within the realm of SoE, but mine are now all right here.

With that being said, I am going to try and organize here for all those going to Fan Faire, and maybe encourage those who were on the fence or not thinking of going at all, to give it another look.

I think it would be pretty freaking cool to see all you clowns in person, party it up in Vegas, then come back home and be able to put a face to the name as I kick your *BOOM* some more

Some stuff to think about:  Having a designated time each day where we all meet, planning a special SWG TCG player night out, sharin rooms with your close friends too save some $$$ (please no jokes here lol - ok just 1 - if u room with Labb plan on having cheetoe dust all over your pillow), having a live tournament, as well as other things you may think of, esp if you went to Fan Faire before.

I'm very familiar with Vegas, been there probably 30 times no joke, so I can set up some cool stuff for us no doubt. 

So lets put some thoughts together. 

Post here if you are planning to attend, and let's start to get something organized.  I will keep the next thread reserved for final event stuff for those attending should we make this a reality.


Message edited by vapor on 04/20/2009 19:48:04.


Joined: Oct 5, 2008
Messages: 85


  • Vapor
  • Labb
  • Taogomom
  • Baccac/Mountain
  • Sampsonpik
  • Meric
  • Flithh
  • Minerva (please bring inhalers)



  • Vaora
  • Treksin
  • Zedd
  • Battleaxe
  • MasterCosmo

Message edited by vapor on 05/19/2009 22:06:32.


Joined: Oct 9, 2008
Messages: 86

I really do want to go, but it would be kinda weird for me since I don't know anyone else personally that plays any SOE games. Heck, I only play the TCG, not Galaxies. I would really like to put some faces to the usernames that I know, but like I said, it would be kinda lonely for me lol. I live in Tucson, AZ so it's not too far a drive for me to Vegas. I really don't think I will end up going though since like I said, the only thing I am really interested in is the TCG, and I seriously doubt there will be much going on there involving it since it is one of the smaller games they do, from what I understand. If there is anyone that reads this that is in AZ and wants to hook up (not in that way), send me a message. Or even if there is someone else like me that is on the fence and is all alone.


Joined: Aug 30, 2008
Messages: 12

It is I;Taogomom,And of course I will be going,getti ng a room though naa I live there but if you want to hook up and party in your room I can kindly oblige hehehe.Plus setting up a tourney would be kool but we might need to talk to minerva to set it up for us ??Bandi'gar I am sure will go to as he lives in Vegas as I do but I cant speak for him...I am sure if I go he will too though hehehe.Let me know if I need to start getting club passes and stuff unless the casino bars are fine with yas I can get passes to all the hottest clubs and might even be able to get some room rate reductions but not guarenteed since its just around the corner???Well there ya go Vapor my 2 cents and if I dont see ya look on the finders board Ill leave my name and number for you as well.





Joined: Aug 21, 2008
Messages: 6

You know me dude.  I would be there for ya but I will have to let you know.


Joined: Jul 23, 2008
Messages: 666

I already have a room , my dad is gonna fly out so I wont be the oldest one there .

If you pre-register pick " tradeing cards " " SWG "  guild " Radiant " and we should all get the 50% off discount when pre registering ends .

Ill be staying till monday since its way cheeper then flying home sunday .








Joined: Sep 5, 2008
Messages: 253

No idea if I will be able to attend or not, if I do it will be a last minute thing...


Joined: Oct 7, 2008
Messages: 9

Just call me Mariah Carey, because I'll be there.


Joined: Aug 21, 2008
Messages: 166

<--plans to attend.


(TCG handles: Baccac/Mountain)


Joined: Oct 5, 2008
Messages: 85

allannero wrote:

Just call me Mariah Carey, because I'll be there.

sweet! now, who r joo SMILEY


Joined: Aug 29, 2008
Messages: 462

cwhooks wrote:

No idea if I will be able to attend or not, if I do it will be a last minute thing...



Joined: Mar 21, 2007
Messages: 1284
Location: A Place far far away

"Makin a list and checkin it twice. Gotta find out whose been naughty and nice..."

I will not be attending, I don't see the point... an SOE convention... wow.

Sure I like SOE Denver, but I've never played any other soe game in my life. And I'm not going to go to the other side of the country for something like this


Joined: Jul 23, 2008
Messages: 666

less people = more beer at the open bar for me  SMILEY


Joined: Apr 28, 2009
Messages: 1

I live in vegas so I'll be attending


Joined: Feb 25, 2007
Messages: 2044
Location: Boise, ID

sudsy wrote:

"Makin a list and checkin it twice. Gotta find out whose been naughty and nice..."

I will not be attending, I don't see the point... an SOE convention... wow.

Sure I like SOE Denver, but I've never played any other soe game in my life. And I'm not going to go to the other side of the country for something like this

I went to one of these before in Seattle when I was playing EQ.  Sure it is nerdy, but not as much as I expected it to be.  The players were throwing some pretty good parties in their rooms and stuff.  The "Live Quest" they held was the nerdiest part, but honestly it was fun.  The dev question panels and their 'how they do it' classes were quite interesting.  I wouldn't have attended if I didn't play EQ though so I understand where your coming from.

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