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Return of the Sunday Tourneys!!!!
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Joined: Oct 24, 2007
Messages: 534
Location: Hollywood, CA

OK guys...I mentioned on the radio show that I would do this, so here it is.  I know we all are having trouble getting player-created tourneys going because there aren't enough of us online at the same time given that no one plays casual anymore.  SOOOOO....I propose that we return the sunday morning tourneys.   This sunday at 10am server time (Pacific time) will be the first.


Sunday June 14, 2009 at 10am PST

60pt STD


See you there!!!


Joined: Oct 29, 2007
Messages: 307

I will be there


Joined: Jan 26, 2008
Messages: 171
Location: D' La War

unfortunately i have all day plans that start at 10 am server time for me , on just about every Sunday. The weekend after this one coming I am available though.


-- Philneous

Strategy Games » Pirates CSG Online » The Pirate's Cove » Tournaments and Events
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