The forum title says "Discuss four-player co-op and internet play here." but I thought this game is 2-players only? Is it 4-player co-op online or offline or not at all?
The "Features" part of the website also mentions this. I think we can safely assume that the game is indeed 4 players, both offline and online. That should provide for plenty of monster-blowing mayhem and arguing over who gets which armors and weapons
Salut, j'aimerais savoir si l'on peut jouer à online avec un ami sur le même PS3?
Seuls le 3e et le 4e joueurs viendraient de d'autres PS3 sur le web ou bien c'est un seul joueur par PS3 pour Online?
Oh sorry. I dont know why I thought its was a french forum XD.
What I want to know, is if I can play with a friend on my PS3 online with other players online our is it only one player per PS3 for online mode?