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my thoughts on this game
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Joined: Jan 20, 2007
Messages: 1

For the longest time I always tried and failed to get my girlfriend involved in video games with me.  I bought simple games with easy control schemes and nothing seemed to keep her interested.  She either wasn't interested enough to learn the gameplay, or simply inexperienced as a gamer, struggling with the controller.  It sucked; it seemed like there wasn't any game out there that would work for us.   However, with the release of Marvel Ultimate Alliance came hope, a co-op game with easy to use controls, familiar characters, and an easily explainable RPG element.  I bought the game for 360 and got her hooked;  we played the entire game through twice on arcade mode on normal and on hard. difficulties.  Now I needed a new game.


In comes Untold Legends - Dark Kingdom.  I figured if she would enjoy leveling up a character in the Marvel game, she would be wiilling to play and enjoy most of these Diablo style action RPG games that we could play cooperatively.  Unfortunately, this game wasn't one of those.

Upon starting the game we both commented on the visuals.  I was expecting to be blown away by the PS3's graphics.  This wasn't the case; quite far from it actaully.  The game doesn't look "Next gen" at all.  Theres more visually appealling games on PS2 and old XBox.  My girlfriend had commented that the game was ugly and she thought PS3 was supposed to be good.  It was quite a disappointment actually.  I told her that the content and the actual gameplay are more important than the graphics and that we shouldn't be so quick to judge.

We then played for maybe half an hour before she got frustrated and decided that was it for the night.  Apparently she was having trouble making out what was going on in the fights with multiple enemies, and she blamed it on the poor visuals.  I had to somewhat agree, as this seemed to be the case for me as well. 

We tried again the next day.  I wasn't really enjoying the game at all and kept waiting for it to get good; unfortunately that never happened and I was only playing because it seemed to be a victory in my quest to find a game we could play together. I could tell she wasn't enjoying it either, and we were basically forcing ourselves to play.  At some point, I had died and she was stuck playing by herself.  The camera was impossible and she was constantly complaining.  You couldn't make out half of what was happening on the battlefield because the foliage of the trees was blocking everything.  Rotating the camera didn't seem to help, and she was getting pretty frustrated.  We turned the game off and haven't played it since. 

Now, I understand I didn't really give the game the chance it deserves- I mean I only played for maybe 2-3 hours total, but any game that you have to force yourself to play keeping your fingers crossed hoping it gets good soon isn't worth playing.  I guess perhaps I would have thought of it as a better game if I didn't have Marvel Ultimate Alliance to compare to.  That game is a masterpiece, and Dark Kingdom looks like a poorly made old generation game compared to that. 

Am I the only one to realize that this game really sucks?





Joined: Jan 23, 2007
Messages: 1

"I was expecting to be blown away by the PS3's graphics"

Its not the PS3's graphics its the games. Thank you.


Joined: Aug 10, 2006
Messages: 22
Location: g-town, Vienna, AT, EU.

Holoosinate wrote:
...  I guess perhaps I would have thought of it as a better game if I didn't have Marvel Ultimate Alliance to compare to.  That game is a masterpiece, and Dark Kingdom looks like a poorly made old generation game compared to that. 

Am I the only one to realize that this game really sucks?

As i am only interested in Fantasy RPGs and not in Superhero RPGs like Marvel Ultimate Alliance, i decided to buy this piece of S.H.I.T despite the bad reviews as there are no other Fantasy Online RPG for the PS3 until now ... i should have bought Marvel Ultimate Alliance !

UL: DK looks like a bastard of the old PS2 games Forgotten Realms - Demon Stone and Champions of Norrath, inheriting the bad features of both !

But the worst is the Online part of UL: DK !

1. No headset support !

2. You have to switch to a differnet screen to read and write messages for the other players whihc are playing with you, risking that a foe might attack und kill you while you dont see it !

3. And the worst: you cant import your chars into a game hosed by someone else !
You have to use one of the chars alredy saved by the host or create a new level 1



Joined: Apr 28, 2007
Messages: 9

Sounds like you got a weak girlfriend who wouldn't know a hardcore game if it slapped her in the face.

Seriously, just kick her to the curb play by yourself "the camera angles are better", and discover the true meat to this game. Sorry to say, but you are missing out on one of the best dungeon games since Diablo.

You just don't get it, and the fact you only played it 2-3 hours shows you aren't exactly the person to take a review of the game from.

Look at my sig. See the time logged in on this game? Ok, well this game rocks go complain somehwere else or come back after you have actually played it more than an "a.d.d." gamer.


Joined: Jan 5, 2008
Messages: 1

My gosh, what a thoughtless, rude, and completely offensive reply.

I have over 3 decades of roleplaying experience, beginning with Gary Gygax version 1.0 pen & paper AD&D through PC games like Drakan, Descent to Undermountain, Pool of Radiance, The Elder Scrolls series, Neverwinter Nights, and Playstation games like Gauntlet, Drakan, Balder's Gate 1 & 2, and Champions of Norath.

Likewise, we bought Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom with our Playstation 3 for Christmas for "the boys" in our family.

We are grossly disappointed.  This game is a travesty for its hyper-inflated price tag.

The characters are limited and flat undeveloped cardboard cutouts.  The storyline is sparse, tightly linear, and more thread-bare than a century-old moth-eaten curtain.

The game play is highly repetitive - kill stuff, find a chest, get something.  The skill tree is sparse and one-dimensional.  The greatest challenge comes from frustratingly arbitrary jumping and throwing puzzles that require endless trial-and-error to find the right spots and angles. 

The only redeeming features are the occasional puzzles.

Otherwise, this game was released with far too little development fit only for bargain-bi9n liquidation.

We will certainly pay careful attention to game releases and view Sony Online Entertainment products very skeptically in the future.

-  Cardhu




Joined: Aug 10, 2006
Messages: 22
Location: g-town, Vienna, AT, EU.

Even the PSP game UL: The Warriors Code is MUCH better than the PS3 game UL: Dark Kingdom !

Of course the "eye candy" of ULSMILEYK looks much better  on the PS3 than that of  UL:TWC on the PSP ... but in all other aspects this PSP game is superior to the PS3 game (although i havnt played it much until now as i am still occupied with FFT on my Slim&Black PSP model 2004)



Joined: Jan 26, 2007
Messages: 46

Of the many issues I take up with this game, among them are NOT bad camera angles, overall poor graphics, and difficulty with the jumping/throwing puzzles. Every other complaint before this post I agree with to some extent.
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