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Joined: May 5, 2007
Messages: 5

PS3 Name : Biggles
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Anyway, from what i've seen up to now as i've been playing, there are several major issues that make this game disastrous and each one of them could have made this game an epic one. To be truthful I know its at PS3's early stages, so the game creators haven't had much time to get these games into release and as you can tell from Dark Kingdom is they've really rushed it to get it out there on the market.

First off there are no vendors during the entire game which was quite upsetting as I loved how they did that with champions of norrath, and theres not much room for customization with weaponry and armors as there was with champs. I sort of liked how the Gems make your weapons have a different look depending on which ones you socket into it. Secondly a big one - only three characters to choose from and with a 4-player coop mode online, they could have at least made 4 characters which would have gave a little bit of mixture or maybe make male/female of each class (as with champs did).

There's a lack of freedom again with the online mode, as communicating goes its quite literally total crap (no offence sony) but I did expect something alot better from the manafacturers of the actual console, instead of some lame go back to menu to see who's typed what. BUT I can't put sony down too much as i've yet to try out a USB headset and I hope to god that works. If they made it like they did with champions it would have been perfect, you have typing and mic speech at the same time, and the text appeared at the bottom of the screen - simply put. Perfect.

Exporting characters! - Now this one was a *smurf* shame, why oh why didn't you add export/import character sony, Why!?
If they added the export/import on Dark Kingdom, this game would be alot better, and I mean alot better, you could have played online with absolutely no frustration whatsoever, upto now every game i've been in i've basically just quit, unless it was a fresh game, and the beginning levels do get very repetitive online so I just usually end up quitting after so long.

All in all, I expected more from a Blu-ray disc, Champions of Norrath and Baldurs Gate Dark Alliance had 3 or 4 times more quality, gameplay, and features than Dark Kingdom has, and yet Dark Kingdom is on a so-called next generation console with the ability to play blu-ray discs which holds like 5 times more content than a DVD does.

I do hope that this is just a teaser of maybe Champions of Norrath 3 or another spin-off with better features and that what i've said here might show to you guys at Sony of what the gamers want out of the games, a little more freedom.

If anyone would like to play Dark Kingdom with me please add my PS3 ID which is above and if anybody would like to add to my little review about the game, please do.


Joined: Dec 30, 2008
Messages: 2

i completely agree with you, i was a huge fan of Champions of Norrath, and Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance.
I even played the Fallout one.

The hack and slash console games are extremely addictive, and i have spent many hours playing them with my friends.

When i bought Untold Legends, i was very happy playing 2 player (local) with my brother. However, when considering if he was going to buy it to (so we could play over internet together) we found that there were many problems with network play.
So i decided to check the forums... i have read through most of the relevant posts now, and must say i am utterly dissappointed.

This next-gen hack'n'slash would have been a game of the year if it didnt have all these multiplayer flaws.
Throw in some extra downloadable campaigns and characters, and this game would have lived a long time.


Sony Online Entertainment, please add import/export of characters, please fix the network problems.
Then last of all, please make DLC!
If new characters and campaigns start appearing on the Store i can almost guarantee that people will be curious of the game, and perhaps even buy it!
Untold Legends » Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom » Co-Op and Internet Play
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