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Untold Legends » Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom » General Discussion Previous Topic  |  Next Topic
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Joined: Apr 21, 2008
Messages: 3

First off this is not just a flaming thread as I believe there are some genuinely good bits to this game. The art style and the environments look very nice when using the standard view (grass textures disappear when moving to the isometric viewpoint which is a little annoying) The concept and the story are a good start and if developed properly could become a very appealing franchise.

I have a number of problems with the game though and I will try to list them below

1) items - We have no reason to pick up the items that drop on the floor and there is absolutely no incentive to travel to that hard to reach outcrop to open that precariously placed chest, as the items are always the same and are never as good as those that are available to "Purchase" at the altars. Variety and randomised drops are the key to this sort of game and at present ULSMILEYK does not have either. The weapon upgrade system is very good although too limited again. With any game such as this (As can be seen from the PSP brothers of DK the items and weapons are the driving force behind this game other than the skills/ spells)

2) Skills - At the moment there is absolutely no reason not to pump all of your points in to the skills you have straight away, there is no working out how to make the best build for your play style of any other driving goal behind levelling up your character as by the time you reach level 45 you will have ALL skills at maximum, Either make a skill tree such as Champions or the original Untold Legends, or reduce the number of skill points, although I would say make a skill tree so that there are more skills and skill levels available

3) Level cap - The level cap at the moment means that there is no reason to play any other mode...if you start in adventurous why would you ever want to play the highest level....the items and the skills are identical all that is different is that the enemies hit harder and have higher health, there is no incentive at all.

I am not sure whether these LARGE changes are possible on an existing game, but I would definately say that this is REQUIRED if there is another in this series. I am currently Beta testing Mythos which is a similar game on PC (Although it is more and MMO:ARPG) and the suggestions I make above have largely been implemented in that game, and believe me they make all the difference

I think letting down a loyal following (I have both Champions and all Untold Legends games) and delivering a someowhat unfinished game is a let down for both players and I would assume the developers themselves, Lets either sort out this game via downloads or produce a new game that has better implementation.

Like I said I do find some bits of the game to be genuinely good and I think that these points should not be lost but I think a lot needs to be added before this is a game worth of the pedegree of games that pre-date it.

Come on SOE where is the extra content we were promised, surely if you ARE planning a new version it would be good to involve people here as these people are the fan base you already have...don't ignore or forget them.
Untold Legends » Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom » General Discussion
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