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ULTRA-RARE dropped items after kills ?
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Joined: Aug 10, 2006
Messages: 22
Location: g-town, Vienna, AT, EU.

Usually you get nothing if you kill a weak opponent, like a zombie in the destroyed citiy or one of the minotaurs in the suburbs ...

Sometimes a YELLOW ball appers and you might get a bit more essence: 0, 5 or 18 depending on the power of the opponent ... lets call this UNCOMMON

Rarely a opponent in the suburbs or the destroyed town drops a item which you could sell for 13 essence ... lets call this RARE

But today a zombie at the first saving spot in the destroyed city dropped "Silberfell - Waffenrock" ( yes, i play the german version of this game, so in english this should be a body armor named "Silverfur" ) which i could sell for 58 essence ... this seems to be a ULTRA-RARE item at this stage of the game !


At this stage of the game i can only create items with a cyan color which i could sell for 31 essence,
while the Silverfur body armor has a purple color and i could sell it for 58 essence !


"Silberfell -Waffenrock"

"Wirst Du attackiert, erhöht diese Rüstung gelegentlich dein Bewegungstempo"

heart+6 mana+6 sword+2 shield+4


Has anyone else found other ULTRA-RARE items ?


PS: This is the 2nd time i found the Silverfur body armor, the first time i got it at the beginning of the suburbs years ago when i had barley gotten my 60 GB EU-PS3



Joined: Aug 10, 2006
Messages: 22
Location: g-town, Vienna, AT, EU.

I got a US version of Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom a few days ago, and had to start new as it doesnt load saved games from my EU version


But at least I found this ultra rare item early in the game near the first checkpoint in The Barbarian Lands:

"Siverhide Tunic"

58 essence when disenchanted

heart+6 mana+6 sword+2 shield+4

When attacked this armor

sometimes responds by

increasing movement speed.





Untold Legends » Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom » General Discussion
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