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looking for 2-3 serious players to beat this game
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Untold Legends » Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom » General Discussion Previous Topic  |  Next Topic
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Joined: Jan 14, 2008
Messages: 3

What up the name is deontae im not a game geek but i do like to beat rpg games, i would beat it on 1player mode but i like it better if at least 1 players is joined with me. 


I'm looking to start ASAP

 i will be mage

The name for me on ps3 is Themack08     (only 1 cap and its the number 0 not the letter, add me and ill send u a message) and ill look back here


Add me and thanks^^


Joined: Feb 10, 2008
Messages: 1

Sweet I am gettinga ps3 and this game today so i will be in contact I am a pc gamer normally and play eq2 like a fiend. I will get ahold of you.
Untold Legends » Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom » General Discussion
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